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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    " It has been transformed into a place of calm and order where families would be at home."


    I guess there has to be one street that is calm and orderly in all of Thailand.





    Alas if this comes to fruition then Pattaya will just re-locate to another location...
    unfortunately for you I believe this is your neck-of-the-woods...
    look-out west coast the trash is coming

  2. 4 hours ago, Regyai said:

    Doesnt look like any victim of an armed biker gang attack Ive ever seen


    On 'overthehill' retiree vs Biker gang with impact weapons









    Why do we even read this nonsense?

    If they came into your business or place of residence, beat the shit out of you & trashed everything would you still think of it as "nonsense" ???

    The only way to get something done by the BiB these days is to go on social media to embarrass them into some kind of action!!!

  3. Police were unsure whether the incident in the village of Nong Daeng Yai in Khon Sawan district occurred just before or just after midnight Sunday.


    With the owner plus 10 customers I'm sure someone had a watch on or looked at their mobile phone.. 

    maybe even CCTV footage salvaged from the blaze....
    Maybe a call time to the fire
    service or police could give a clue!!

  4. Because Alex, 21, says she always keeps to the edge of the road.


    That's not a lot of help when Thais have no respect for the edge, centre or any other part of the road.
    I use a bike daily & it's a lottery to get where I'm going & still be alive..

    When you get to junctions, traffic lights or even passing the opening to a junction... good luck

    you're way down the pecking order of who goes first or who has right of way.. you come last !!!

    Hope she's got adequate insurance !!

  5. 6 hours ago, manarak said:

    the original story is confusing.


    in the title he "forced" the students to pose nude. how did he force them?

    and then it says "demanded",  "requested"

    then it goes on and says "talked into"


    so which one is it?


    second - the "young girls" are in university, so we are not talking about anything underage here.


    third - classical art has a history of nudes. A famous painting of Titian dates back to 1538 (Venus of Urbino).


    so, while nude art may be illegal in Thailand, asking art students to pose nude is not something that I consider to be overly shocking if it is asked without any coercion and with other people present during the sessions.

    In principle I agree with your view, however.... I have a slightly different take on what he was doing.

    if he asked the girls to pose for the purpose of an art class, painting or drawing class then I would go along with it as long as the girl was willing...

    but it was always for himself, alone & photographs... that raises my suspicions!

    Also art being art... which means all things being equal why were male students never asked to be photographed?

    I'm sorry I think this guy was using his position & charm to get nude pics of student girls... nothing to do with art or tuition?

  6. 16 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Given that he doesn't know where she is, or how she got away, how can he say with certainty that no high ranking officials helped?

    As the man say's she's gone... of course she's gone.

    She was never going to stick around and get sentenced to jail time.

    All the time leading up to the court hearing was a "Red party" charade, damage limitation strategy, rally the troops from up north & keep something together for when she was gone.


    Was she helped... of course she was helped!

    And the nod must have come from the man at the top !

    She didn't drive herself to the airport, when she arrived even with her status she couldn't just breeze through check-in, waltz straight through security, go straight to departures open the door & walk across the apron to her twin engine chariot... that would break all the rules in the airport security log & put it in deep water with the civil aviation operator!

    The aircraft that swept her away must have had a flight plan logged with the airport, which must have approval before take-off including passenger numbers & names cleared by customs!

    Who helped her out of the country... who gives a sh*t.... no-one in power wanted her banged up in Thailand

    The Reds would have been out on thee streets every day, protests abound you name it they would have done it

    Thailand in turmoil again.. better she was out of the way like her brother... and the masses go back home to plant rice!

    Yes she was taken to the airport, walked straight through as a special guest out of sight of the public, put on a plane & waved good-bye & good riddance !

    Another chapter in Thai history over with, turn the page & get on with something else !!!


  7. 13 hours ago, robblok said:

    It seems this is a known trouble spot... how hard would it be to build something permanent there. Is it that hard to spend some money and heighten and strengthen the banks over there.

    You're talking about spending hard cash ????

    God damn man this is Thailand, hard cash goes in the pocket and stays there, flood defenses at best are as you see in the pic. sandbags & at a stretch pumps !!!!!

  8. 6 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    So not only were there 6 people on the bike, but it sounds as though none of the children were wearing a helmet. While I appreciate that the mother will be grieving, she really should face criminal charges, as the tragic and avoidable death of Penchipa stems from her reckless actions. Leniency will result in similar tragedies unfolding until the safety message starts to sink in.

    Unfortunately this will happen again and again, it's not that the message doesn't get across, it's the fact that the only way they could all afford to travel was the way they did... as many do on a daily basis, especially on school runs.

    They are willing to gamble their lives every day just to save a few baht... even the price of a helmet is too much for most.

    The youngster may have survived if she had a helmet on.. now her mother must relive her actions for the rest of her life!

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