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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 14 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Sorry? She drove into them at speed? Does that mean she was chasing them or did she actually try to mow them down? Would that not be attempted murder? Are we supposed to excuse these actions 'cos they were bumping uglies behind her back?


    Confusing story. And married people ask me why I'm not married. What does getting married prove? If you're happy, you're happy. 

    Doesn't sound like you're happy, in fact you sound frustrated... :stoner:

  2. 15 hours ago, chrisinth said:

    Sorry, no sympathy from here. He certainly wasn't the first to fail in business in this country and won't be the last.

    I don't understand what being an ex-serviceman has to do with this story either; he was a thief that got caught is all.

    I'm not condoning his actions, theft is theft, but obviously he's down on his luck & needed some quick cash

    not the way to go to get it & will now pay back heavily...

    Thailand obviously didn't work-out for him business wise, now he'll be on a plane back home & maybe get some support to start over again!


    If your world unfortunately turns to shit one day we'll give you the same sympathy !!


  3. Why all the fuss??

    If she had turned up at court, got convicted & sentenced to jail term, can you imagine the fall-out around the country.

    Followed by the obvious appeal, then protests possible fighting again etc etc etc

    She did us all a favour when she fled, and who cares if she was helped or did it all by herself with her family & aides

    She's gone from Thailand never to return just like her brother, life goes on, the reds will have to find something else to protest about & the poor farmers will have to go home and grow more rice.. only this time sell it at market price...

    Time to drop it & report on something worth while !!

  4. 4 hours ago, ChiangMaiLightning2143 said:

    "The pilot had to comply with safety standards and abort the flight"


    More grammatically perfect nonsense. Are these stories robotic translations of Thai summaries or do the journos just make it up? Of course a plane can't liftoff with a hole in the engine. In such an incident the plane would be suddenly swarmed with managers and aircraft engineers. Meanwhile the Pilot (Captain) will be communicating with airport operations, Dispatchers, and maintenence supervisors. Then they make delay announcements in the cabin. No replacement plane available of course the flight will be cancelled, by Thai Airways Flight control. The jetway driver will be fired, brake failure is not an excuse under "international aviation standard".


    Pilots can delay flights for weather conditions or "abort" a takeoff for warning lights but they don't have the authority to cancel a flight in a big airline like Thai Airways.




    Actually the Pilot is the master of the flight... he can & will abort a flight as he sees fit for what ever reason...

    No-one can over-ride the captains orders !!!

    And who said anything about a "hole in the engine"

    the post said there was a crease made in the engine cowling.. meaning something brushed along the surface leaving a mark/crease.. the damage would have been investigated by engineers on site, either Thai airways staff if on site or by another engineering service which is designated to take care of Thai airways at Perth.

    After the damage was assessed a discussion between Thai airways & the captain would have taken place as to the best way to deal with the situation, but the captain has the final word... ALWAYS !!!

  5. Would the UK government grant her asylum status, she is a fugitive running away from a court hearing which could sentence her to jail time.
    She's not running away from imminent personnel danger of any kind, not running away from a war situation, or being personally threatened with violence from anyone or institution.

    She's just a common criminal on the run !!

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