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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 8 hours ago, tominbkk said:

    Well the BTS and the MRT have done alright.  They have to start somewhere.

    I agree both services have worked well.

    Having said that I do hope a new independant rail-line is laid down that will take the high speed train.
    And yes the all important inspection & maintenance programme which prevents any accidents as apposed to a heavy lift crane to clear up the mess afterwards!.

    And yes... crossing points will have to be 100% Thai proof !

  2. The real problem is as we all know that "influential people, government officials & police are usually involved in the practices.
    Either directly owning/running the establishments which use the girls or they are taking bribes to let them continue.

    Until these people are irradiated then nothing will change.. fining the "managers" does nothing while the real culprits always get away scott-free!

  3. 15 hours ago, Father Fintan Stack said:

    Most dangerous roads in the World IMO.


    Road rage seems to be rampant now as well, with daily attacks with weapons, rammings and vehicular manslaughter all a regular occurrence. 


    I have said it before and will countless times again, this is what happens when you jump a single generation from buffalo to a motor vehicle. There simply isn't the time to adapt, whether that be proper driver education, law enforcement, build proper infrastructure or to learn basic skills in charge of a motor vehicle. All these have taken place over decades in other countries.


    You have to learn to crawl before you can walk. 

    proper driver education, law enforcement, build proper infrastructure or to learn basic skills in charge of a motor vehicle. All these have taken place over decades in other countries.

    But will never stop an a-hole being an a-hole !!

  4. After the last debacle with the two deaths on the beach & the farce of an investigation leading to the two arrests and conviction of the Myanmarese boys someone has decided this time no body will be found, no investigation is needed, so no adverse local or international publicity.

    Obviously the killers are still on the island doing whatever they wish and being protected by a corrupted bought-off police.

    people should just stay away from the place and let it slowly die a natural death.



  5. 19 hours ago, ezzra said:

    But what's the point if presumably they all got nicked while being washed

    and hanged out to dry rendering useless any of the lingering whiffs and

    other by products of the wearer private parts... anyway, what do I know?....

    Obviously too much !

  6. 21 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

    What is the need for this?  The answer is easy... any children driving a motorbike to school should have their bike confiscated... school report the child parents to police... police fine parents and give warning more serious punishment if happens again. 


    Why won't they do this?!!!


    In my village I have seem really young kids about 10 years old.. driving motorbikes.. and of course NEVER any helmets! 



    Because this is Thailand and you can't do anything to hinder the families going about their daily lives....
    3 or 4 on a bike is perfectly acceptable to most Thais, it's called bike sharing as is 10 people in the back tray of a pick-up

    jumping red lights because you just can't sit & wait

    crossing rail tracks when the barriers are down because the train isn't in sight yet

    going the wrong way up the wrong side of the road to save waiting time at a junction

    it all comes down to mentality... and you ain't never going to change that with all the laws in the land !!!


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