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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. Thai tourism has lost it's appeal, years ago you could boast paradise beaches, clean streets, good food, good entertainment  and pleasant service.

    Now the beaches are appalling, side streets/back allies are dumping grounds for trash, food is somewhat a lottery outside of the 5-star hotels

    service is questionable, sea quality is at an all time low, entertainment is low quality, loud in your face trash.

    It doesn't matter how much you dress it up or try to re-brand it... modern media/blogs have spilled the truth on Thailand and laid it bare for the whole world to see the real truth.

    It's an old tired brand that's worn out... Thailand just keeps flogging away with the same old thing and a coat of white wash

    People will vote with their feet and go elsewhere!

  2. All kids experiment with booze & get drunk at times.. however the culture of drinking here is not to be sociable but to get shit-faced!

    Go to any bar/club stand at a table, a full bottle of whiskey is placed in front of you, a bucket of ice and a dozen bottles of soda!

    Drink till you drop !!!!

  3. 11 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

    this is not good news for me. I live in Hua Hin and traffic is bad during rush hour, and it is really bad on weekends.


    I wonder if the super rich Bangkok Thais will be happy with all these Farangs tourists getting in their way in Hua Hin?




    I agree with you, infrastructure is a nightmare at the moment.

    Every parcel of land being built on but with no improvement to the road system, as you say peak times are rally bad.

    Ten years ago I loved Hua Hin almost relocating myself... now with the place expanding as it is it's just going to become another huge concrete jungle with very little in the way of beach front to support the growth of a new west coast resort.

    Sea connections from the east, proposed high speed rail link, & now the airport, give it 10 years & you'll have the west coast Pattaya.

  4. 13 hours ago, TallGuyJohninBKK said:

    Who's going to enforce this edict against the police??? The police???  :cheesy:  :burp:  :cheesy:


    BTW, so does that mean that brothels, soapy massage parlors, gambling establishments etc. are OK for them to be involved in???

    You forgot to mention drugs & people trafficking

  5. 18 hours ago, swissie said:

    Instead of launching useless "complaints" to Authorities, them not willing or able to do something about it, why not form some "neighborhood-anti-garbage-defense-leagues".

    1 hour of Community-work per week per person would achieve more than launching complaints.

    - Soon such efforts by citizens would hit Facebook, serving as a big wake-up call to "Authorities".

    A case in point: Due to the lack of customers, the vendors of Jomtien-Beach have "packed it in". Never giving it any thought of cleaning up their own "place of business" to (re)-attract the Tourists.

    Of course not, rather waiting for "government-action", or Farang-Tourists, forming voluntary Clean-up-Brigades (as has happened before).
    Well, at the end of the day, it's a Mentality-Thing, unfortunately.

    Keep up the social media photo barrage, in the end the authorities will be embarrassed enough to do something more permanent than a quick fix or a volunteer cleanup once a week

  6. Would have had more effect if he recorded the cr@p and posted it on social media for others to see

    even posting it to some of the booking agents.

    When numbers start to drop & the word on the net is give Thailand a miss then local municipalities might get the message.

  7. Prayut said he did not want the suffering of flood victims to be politicised in an effort to discredit the government, according to spokesman Lt-General Sansern Kaewkamnerd. He said state agencies had frequently issued weather warnings but that the severe flooding stemmed from a natural disaster, not government mismanagement.


    The Path of this storm had been widely shared on several overseas stations and it's predicted path, not only on Thai TV but other countries which had been previously affected.

    State agencies did indeed broadcast warnings.. many times

    But if nothing is done by way of preventative measures at local levels then the outcome is as we see every year, it is Gov mismanagement when local management do not full-fill their obligations to the public but remain in office to offend time and time again!

  8. 5 hours ago, darksidedog said:

    Another clear reminder that those with plenty of money and social position are afforded an entirely different version of law and justice. It seems only when these peoples utterly appalling behaviour hits social media and an outcry is raised that the police do anything in such cases. I do hope that with this vile beating of a pregnant woman that the cops and justice finally catch up with him. He is definitely in need of some time behind bars to teach him what is and isn't socially acceptable.

    And there lays the problem... this type of behaviour is socially acceptable by some "hi-so's" here in Thailand... 

    as played out in drama's every night of the week on TV..

    they actually think this is normal life in reality!

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