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Posts posted by hotchilli

  1. 14 hours ago, Sydebolle said:

    THE joke of the year, just crafted - well done! See the rampant misuse of absolutely everything.

    Traffic lights along the railway track as well as all of them around Nongprue municipality = none ever worked. 
    Siam Country Road; no African state managed such a misuse of public funds leaving the job unfinished for years.
    Roundabout on North Pattaya Road leading into Beach road - same same.

    The underpass, the waste water plant, the ripped-open pavements, smelly sewers and ever-clogged drainage.
    Girliebars and Soi 6 are ransacked for money, all seaside establishments on Walking Street have been illegal for decades without anyone even blinking an eye. 

    Never ending; Pattaya is on the first page of "your comprehensive guide of how corruption looks like"!

    Agreed, and it all starts from the very top & works it's way down the ladder... employees only get the scraps left over from the top table after feeding time is over!!

    Corruption is endemic in Thailand, it's nationwide in every tambon, where there's a hint of money to be made you'll find a source of corruption, from those trying to make a buck to live to those at the top of the food chain who want to control it!

    Thailand will never be free from corruption because the will of the "influential people" is not to cut off the source of their own income !!

  2. 11 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

    Good for her!


    All through history people have fled when confronted with unfair persecution.


    The interesting question is whether she will be activating her FB account...

    Unfair persecution... what world are you living in?

    She cost Thailand billions of baht just to buy votes to keep the family in power....

    she bought rice at above market price to buy votes to keep her party in power

    hoping that that would work they could then cover up the huge losses, but it all fell apart

    she got caught out, the huge losses revealed to those who wish to acknowledge the deceipt

    she got taken to court for the criminal acts she preformed & did a runner just like her criminal brother

    she said she cared for the poor rice farmers, <deleted> she cared only for herself & her own wealth

    when near sentencing she knew she was guilty & ran abroad leaving her so called northern farmer brethren on their own just like her brother did to fend for themselves while they live in luxury !!

    When will the blind red followers see the truth !!!!!

    She will be supping wine tonight & the best foods available while her so called rice farmer brothers & sisters will be eating scraps.... open your eyes to the truth!!!!!



  3. Best thing that could have happened is she has fled the country.

    If she stayed the guilty verdict would have been challenged, dragging out more time...

    the red party would have been in the news every day crying foul of the courts verdict

    the blind rice growing Shin followers would have been protesting every day for ever more!!

    Best thing is to do what her brother did... 

    bugger off out of the country, away from influence, and let Thailand get on with life without them around to kick up a stink every day!!

    I hope she's gone & stays far away... don't even go trying to find her !!!


  4. 17 hours ago, sweatalot said:

    a glance into my crystal ball:

    this will be the end of criminal shin family. They will try to let loose their red bloodhounds but to no avail. At last people will find out that they were never interested in democracy nor the people. And never friends of the people for sure

    The Red brigade of loyal followers will never see the truth behind her & her families pillaging of the country...

    the so called poor farmers up north who are still poor cannot understand the truth, just the lies from the party fed to them along with the scraps from the Shinawatra's table to keep them voting!!

  5. Probably the best outcome, she's as guilty as hell but the courts knew she would do a runner.

    No real jail time for her, she's done a runner like the rest of the family.

    She'll be convicted in abstentia & will reside with her brother in comfort.

    The country will continue to be divided but will not break down into civil war on the streets.

    Case closed !


  6. “I affirm that, up to now, there is no record of Yingluck leaving the country via any Immigration checkpoint, including those at the airports and on the borders,” Nathathorn said.


    However, had she left discreetly via a land border, the bureau would have no record of it, he acknowledged


    Is this a contradiction or am I missing something ?



    He said if Yingluck had left on a private jet, a record of the flight would have appeared in the Immigration Bureau’s online database.

    So if a flight plan had been made for the benefit of Ms.Yingluk then surely customs/Immigration should have turned down the request & informed the courts of her intention of trying to leave the country ?

    The flight plan must include the name of any passengers ?

  7. 14 hours ago, Lunchbob said:

    Agreed. No farce. Corruption and crime meets justice.

    Karma at last,

    They all thought they were fire-proof while in power... screwing the country out of millions of baht in one of the most corrupt self help schemes ever launched by a government.

    Out of power & beyond Shinawtras help they're being prosecuted by the courts for the crimes they committed..

    Unfortunately the loyal Red brain dead followers who cannot see the truth let alone except it can cry all the way back to the north...

    Even pretty girl has fled the country before being sentenced, she played the game all the way then did the proverbial family runner, knowing full well she is as guilty as hell for corruption.

  8. 11 hours ago, Somtamnication said:

    Now this is strange. I hope she is ok and found quickly.

    Wow that's a nice thought but I think rather optimistic, given the evidence of a debt to an army captain who has proved to be a bit hot tempered when approached before for payment... he also seems to have had a hand in the re-selling of her car !!

    I think the police should bring him back in for some serious questioning rather than "did you do it"? "answer no"

     ok you can go home !!

  9. 3 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    There is a CVTV video of the accident which shows it from two perspectives.

    Although the video is quite blurry it seems like the victims drove quite fast on a minor road with a STOP sign and without slowing down straight through the intersection over the major road where they were hit by the pickup.

    Accident happened in the night.

    How one can behave like that an intersection?

    Distracted, drugs, alcohol?

    mentality or lack thereof 


  10. 6 hours ago, gk10002000 said:

    haha. crazy but typical Thai rationalization. The sign was small so it couldn't have been dangerous.  Too funny

    If the sign is big enough to read then it should be big enough to obey !!!
    The size of the sign is not in relation to the size of the danger!!


    Maybe they should change the signs to the ones we use around our forest area to keep trespassers out...
    one sign (small) containing one word.... SNAKES  !!!!

    works a treat !

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