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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. The only hard thing he had on him
  2. Some good, some not so good...
  3. I expect the low fine will teach him a lesson for about 5 minutes
  4. Should have had a sign... No fighting.
  5. Slowly slowly catchy monkey....
  6. Can't wait for the high speed service to start...
  7. Brake failure due to over-use and faded away? Or actual failure to stop the truck traveling too fast on a sharp curve?
  8. How can you charge the innocent driver [according to the witness reports] the pedestrian was at fault?
  9. Can witness the noggin imprint on the windshield.. that didn't end well for the pedestrian.
  10. Seems the younger generation were equipped to deal with the situation...
  11. I hope many opt for the western route... follow the silk road

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