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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. I'm not talking about them, I'm highlighting the cartels that will take root, pushing drugs to increase the suffering, the rapists who now roam free, Isis, Al Qaeda and Taliban who have cells in USA ready to cause mayhem soon... And no... I didn't get that from Fox
  2. I hope they remain as devoted over time.
  3. Transfer her land deeds to the children?
  4. So his time is over and no need for promotion.
  5. Abused by family members and then betrayed by her father... disgusting.
  6. Goes for most countries. UK and Europe are now suffering due to crazy migration policies. The USA will soon be paying the real price for allowing millions of unwanted criminals through the southern border.. Not just the Mexicans came in..... terrorists used the same routes to cause havoc soon
  7. Surely there must be records in Thailand that relate back to this case?
  8. The real face of Thai tourism...
  9. All a charade which they hoped the Thai people would swallow... more like it was rammed down their throats as it was all planned out before his return.
  10. The sub-committee will probe all it likes, all the officials that have involvement have been paid-off for silence. If receipts/invoices are required as evidence they will be manufactured, dated and signed. Thaksin is above their pay grade.
  11. Kozlov got taught a Thai lesson...
  12. The girl seated in front of the driver took the full force of the crash.
  13. "a" checkpoint.... singular ?
  14. They did, and now you're nicked..
  15. If they were found operating illegally confiscate the jet-skies. The message will get soon around it doesn't pay.
  16. Teflon Tony is playing the game, at the moment he seems to be the master.

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