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Everything posted by hotchilli

  1. Never mind the tourism numbers are surging.. sustainability and resource management mean anything to local officials.
  2. I always believed it was of the equine variety?
  3. Looking at the government and now Thaksin in control one could say they've already started.
  4. I agree with you on the fate of the locals, but when they're too lethargic to do anything about it [other than vote] which proves useless they get what they deserve.
  5. So the government and sitting PM are taking direct orders from a person on parole... A new low for Thailand, I hope the world is watching this.
  6. Quality tourists don't want Walking street, Nana, Bangla road, Soi Cowboy Pat Pong and the rest. They want beach resorts with niche cafes, and restaurants, not being attacked by gold grabbing Shemales, they don't want, "hello handsome man" at every bar bellowed out in front of their wives.. They're not interested in scantily clad hookers 20 deep outside every watering hole... they don't want Tuk-Tuks scamming them for every ride. You want quality, provide quality venues and services, and get the scum off the streets.
  7. Spot on... TAT went for sheer numbers to make recovery look good... quality won't come to a sex city
  8. Ever since the re-opening of Thailand after Covid there has only been one thing on the tourism of Thailands agenda NUMBERS. Phipat started it in Phuket with the sandbox scam, inviting in anyone from anywhere to bolster tourist numbers to make the world believe Thailand had the ultimate answer to the pandemic and economic revival. This followed by various schemes to enhance Thailands reputation led to increasing numbers beyond local infrastructure needs.. Then came the High end tourist debacle, the millionaire quality tourist? Lets see, Pattaya Walking street, Bangla road, Soi Cowboy, Pat Pong, Nana... Full Moon Party all on offer.. sure that will pull them in... but it didn't... I wonder why? Then back to numbers again, all boasting that once the 40 million pre-pandemic numbers were reached Thailand could boast that it was all a success story. Then the real saviour, open arms for the Russian invasion, not Ukraine but the draft dodgers that was the final blessing for Thailand, helping those numbers rise like a phoenix out of the ashes after China stopped coming in huge numbers. Like Maya beach, Thailand doesn't understand sustainability.. almost destroyed by incompetence and greed. Thailands MO fly them in, fleece them for all their worth and ship them out, make way for the next inbound greenhorns. Never a lesson learnt because they are blinded by sheer greed.
  9. The usual case of gifting land to poor people to make a living, but they will sell it to pay off debts, plenty of officials willing to buy the land for a song and provided dodgy paperwork.
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