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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 40 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

    ^ Read the rest of it:



    That's the thing when you offer up visa-free travel. If the Thais had that here, there's be far fewer deadbeat farangs in the country. It's not genuine Thai tourists causing this issue, it's the bottom of the barrel type (as above). by the way, I do hope the Japanese are charging the Thais 10x the entry fee to their national parks. :whistling: 


      People showing sme ambition and travelling to other Countries to seek work are , IMO , not the "bottom of the barrel" types .

       The Japanese economy needs workers , and the Thais need jobs .

    Ive have been to Japan and worked myself illegally .

    There were huge demand for workers at the time and the authorities turned a blind eye to the foreign workers, even welcomed us .

       I arrived there with $100 in my pocket, spent three years working there , illegally and on an overstay , left with a much more healthy bank balance and used the money to set myself up  back in my own Country , as did many of of other foreign workers there .

       "Bottom of the barrel"? , maybe arrived that way, but certainty didnt leave that way.

    It was good for everyone all round, no harm done to anyone

  2. 1 hour ago, Saastrajaa said:

    Whenever paying with a 1,000, I make eye contact with the server as I give her the bill, and say, in Thai, "1,000 baht note".  I won't let go of the bill and let it pass to her hand until she 1) makes eye contact with me and 2) repeats the words "1,000 baht note."  In 15 years coming to Thailand, six of them living here, I have NEVER had a problem with the wrong change being given.  I suggest you practice my method (and it goes without saying, if you haven't learned to speak Thai yet, do it).


       14 years and its only ever happened to him ONCE .

    Rather then going through your routine above, everytime I spend a 1000 Baht, I would rather lose 500 Baht every 14 years

  3. 22 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:

    When I saw that you gave an obviously suicidal poster your very helpful advice that we all have to die, I thought you might consider a little change of your username by adding an i and an n right before your username. 


      You completely missed my point .

    Seems that you want to or need to get angry or annoyed about something today

    My point was that we all die in the end, so theres no need to bring it about prematurely . 


  4. 16 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:


          My holy Christmas day kept me busy behind my screen for the whole day creating my work for tomorrow and reading your post again gave me some thoughts and a great idea, I don't want to keep for myself. 


      When I saw that you gave an obviously suicidal poster your very helpful advice that we all have to die, I thought you might consider a little change of your username by adding an i and an n right before your username. 


       Typing in a state where all humanity seems to be gone, it will help you to find yourself. G'night. 



    Try understanding humour , irony and sarcasm (about typical posts TV)

  5. 1 hour ago, Bonobojt said:

    yeah I was thinking about being homeless in Thailand, only because I'm going through some depression and suicide thoughts because of an health issue I'm going through

    ok if anyone here was depressed and/or was having suicide thoughts, what would they do ? 


      Dont worry about it . Everyone dies in the end

    You may as well stick it out as long as possible .

    Dont worry about what other people think, just think about yourself

  6. 2 hours ago, tropo said:

    Regarding taxes: Millions of Thai people run small businesses without paying tax. We have no idea of the OP's turnover, but it's unlikely he was over the tax paying threshold.


      Didnt he buy a house/land and pay for numerous family members to go to school and university with the proceeds from his school?

       He must have had quite a large income, supplemented by non payment of taxes

    • Like 1
  7. 3 minutes ago, 55Jay said:

    The people who use the visa exempt entry as intended will still come.  


    Those who come and go on tourist visas will still come. 


    Those who live here long-term on Non-Os will still be here. 


      And people who stay in Thailand long term on tourist visas will still come , if they really want to .

       Three tourist visas and two VES with extensions will last one year .

    Thats not too difficult for people to do, if they really want to stay in Thailand

    • Like 1
  8. 10 minutes ago, Anon999 said:

    What is your definition of quality?


      Honest, Not lying , financially independent, got her own job , never worked in a bar , doesnt have a child in the village to support , her whole life doesnt revolve around eating, drinking and watching TV , has some ambition in life , thinks about the future, rather than just thinking about the next thing they have to do .

        That sort of thing .

    Then you can build a relationship which can progress

  9. 13 minutes ago, calbear09 said:

    All falangs including those in their 20's and 30's? Not sure what the future holds for me but I do think my prospects with finding a solid relationship in Thailand is better today at 29 than if I were to migrate at say 40+...And yes a girl would not be my SOLE reason. If I loved my job here, I wouldn't want to leave..


       You would be better off going to somewhere else in Asia, where the females are of higher quality  like Japan or Korea

  10. 4 minutes ago, TunnelRat69 said:

    BTW  I voted NO...............think it should be limited to 3...........very few true tourists enter/exit/re-enter/exit more than a couple times on one vacation...........its the others then want to limit, I stand by my comment 'long termers, get the visa'  The subject is visa at the border, not choice of transportation.   Merry Christmas


       Some of us long termers are unable to get long term visas .

    I ve been here six years on short term visas .

    I am also not desperate to stay in Thailand .

    With all the constant clampdowns and restrictions Thailands no longer a pleasant place to be .

      Im just looking at other Countries to go and live , hopefully I should have decided by the end of the year and be gone somewhere else quite soon

  11. 37 minutes ago, lostinisaan said:


     Yep, I was just thinking, well, a great happy end. I've just received the three months occurrences of an institution that helps a certain nationality in emergency situations where I'm volunteering when something comes up in my area.


      Really bad news from a guy who came to LOS to commit suicide but survived and finally landed in a psychiatric hospital to an HIV positive guy who also wanted to die here and stopped taking his Antiviral medication.


      It must be nice to jerk on the keyboard when reading such a story of a homeless guy who finally made it. Those guys who ask such questions wouldn't have a problem to inform the authorities and that's very sad.


      I have to say it again that foreigners in Thailand seem to be the biggest enemies of foreigners.


       Merry Christmas to all the snitches on this so festive forum. 






      I did that post and it was meant to be tongue in cheek , a bit of subtle humor directed at people who usually post such things seriously .

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