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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 1 hour ago, Emster23 said:

    I wish this were a troll post.... if early on she starts in on violence, why oh why does a person stay?


    It was quite exciting at the time , it either seemed to be fully loved up or drink fueled mini riots which by the time we'd sobered up, we'd forgotten what the argument was all about in the first place .

        We were best of friends for most of the time, I couldnt understand it, we'd go out for a drink and one of us would lose the plot and we'd spend the evening arguing and fighting, I just put it down to excessive alcohol .

        So , I stopped drinking all together .

    We went out to our usual bar, my friends bar  whom he owned with his psychopathic Thai gf , she quite often gave me a free bottle of beer .

       She offered me a beer, which I refused .

    It was already opened , so I thought that I'd just have the one beer .

    That evening it was myself who started the arguments and fighting .

    Then it all fell into place .

    The bar owner had been popping pills into our drinks .

    She had a vested interest in my gf and myself not being together 

    We stopped going to that bar and all the arguing and fighting stopped

    Just an example of how callous the that bar owner was .

    Her by fell backwards of a barstool and cracked his head on the pavement which knocked him out and left him with a big hole in his head , someone called an ambulance . She gave them 500 Baht and told them to go away .

        She asked me to carry him upstairs to bed , I refused as he needed to go to hospital to get checked out , I told her that he could well get a blot clot and die .

       She looked at me and snarled "Its best if he does, then I can keep the bar"


  2. 1 minute ago, greenchair said:


    If you wouldn't mind 2 males holding you down and putting their noodles in your bowl then fine. 

    It doesn't matter if you mind or not. It's illegal. Now this young lady did mind and she is using her right to bring this to the attention of the authorities. 


         Errmm where did I state that I wouldnt mind getting raped ?

    You are making things up again .

    I merely said that I would be responsible for getting drunk .

    Yes, rape is illegal and abhorrent and rapists need to be taken from the streets and locked up

  3. 20 minutes ago, greenchair said:

    Bull---- .  People said the same about hannah too. She went behind the rocks to have consensual sex with multiple men. 



        You are calling me a "sicko" for something that I havent said and something that I do not think .

      You are labeling me as being a "sicko" because of what some other people may think, although I do not recalling anyone saying what you posed above, so, I think that you made that up .

       If I go out drinking , if I were to get drunk, then I accept that I was responsible for getting drunk and I have to face /deal with the consequences

  4. 18 hours ago, mcfish said:

    No different to anywhere else in the world except anywhere else you would be in jail.

    Sent from my SC-01D using Tapatalk


       If the law would have been applied in the circumstance , I would not be in jail, because she would have been in jail already BEFORE I did what I had to do

  5. 4 hours ago, greenchair said:

    The previous poster said that she had made a grave error by being drunk. As have several male posters on here.


       I have been out drinking before and I have woken up in some strange places with strange people , usually with empty pockets and participated in things that I was unable to give consent too .

       I do not try to blame the other person and neither do I blame myself and neither do I call the Police .

        It was just a good night out

  6. During the initial part of a relationship with the Thai gf , she was quite physically aggressive , slaps around the face,  throwing things at me, coming at me with knives , things got worse and worse , hitting me over the head with home appliances , had to go to hospital a few times to get stitched up .

      In the end I just walked up to her and gave her a hefty right hander , straight into her face and I told her that if she ever hits me again that she would have a few more of those coming her way .

      She never hit me again or threw things at me again after that.

    Some people have a child like mentality and boundaries need to be set .

    I dislike violence and aggression against anyone .

    A few weeks later she said to me "Thanks , I now realise that its not nice someone hitting you and I'll never hit anyone again " "No ones ever done that to me before, now I realise how horrible it is" .

      I know, not a pleasant topic, but it seems to be common in Thailand for females to be aggressive

  7. 2 hours ago, LazySlipper said:



    From where I stand, " charges of false reporting against the Australian tourist have not been ruled out. "  is a clear notice of intent. Consequently a warning and very possibly a threat.


      Then you need to sit down in front of an English teacher and learn the meaning of words and sentences .

        Refusing to say that you will not do something is quite clearly NOT and indication that you will be doing something that you refuse to say that you will not be doing

  8. 1 minute ago, Wilsonandson said:

    Let's be sure first before we jump to conclusions. I want to know if this Cindy Fairfield is the real deal or not. Not being nasty to anyone, I just want to know. Then when she gives out the name of the bar. Then we can begin the real armchair detective work. As with other investigation the more people searching the better. Hope she is the real Cindy and can give us the name of the bar.


       I believe that She is .

  9. I really do not think that the Police will press any charges against her, if they decide that it was a false claim .

       A journalist probably asked the Policemen whether they would press charges against her if they decide that it was a false claim .

      He couldnt really say "No" , because ny law, he should do .

    He didnt want to say "Yes" because he would then have to do it .

    So he just said that "It hasnt been ruled out"

    So as not to either state that either he will ignore the law or enforce it, he gave a non committal reply .

  10. 20 minutes ago, Rob13 said:



    Which begs the question. 'why did she suspect this' That's alot of info for a terrified person in a drug induced stupor to suss out. But if it's true  she no doubt has the family name of the guy. 


       The "victim" doesnt seem to have courted any media attention at all .

    It seems like she just sent her sister some photos of her injuries with an elaborate story about how they happened , maybe she exaggerated a bit and added bits to the story in what she thought was a private message to her sister .

       Her sister then published the photos on FB stating how the injuries occurred .

    The local media in the USA then picked up on the story , then the Thai media picked up the story and reported it , next thing she knows she could be facing 15 years in a Thai jail .

       She then decides to get out of Thailand as quick as she can .

    Her family then set up a gofundme page  , the Thai Police set up an investigation and its headline news.

      And theres nothing that she can do about it .

    She didnt go to the media or to the Police , it seems to have been just one private message to her sister that quickly escalated to headline news with possible serious consequences 

  11. 9 minutes ago, FritsSikkink said:

    There is not grey area, according the labour law you need a permit.

    But if nobody knows you get away with it.

    People who do work online illegally tend to see a grey area or mention someone from immigration in Chiang Mai who hasn't anything to do with the labour law.


       The grey area is what is considered to be work and what isnt .

    Teaching full time online via video is considered to be working, if you own a Company back home and you occasionally  converse with your staff, that isnt considered to be working .

       If you sell or buy shares one time, it isnt considered to be working , if you spend all day working the stock market, it mat considered to be working .

       There is no clear dividing line about what is considered to be working and what isnt

    That is the grey area


  12. "Fairfield said she was dancing at a club not far from her hotel where she met a group consisting of two Thai women, a Thai man and white foreigner.They bought her some shots, and that’s when things went hazy. She said they took her in a car to another club where a live band was playing and she was led to a room where the alleged assault happened."

    “When he picked me up to a standing position, I began punching him, aiming for his nose with the heel of my hand, as this does the most damage.”



    So, She got off a long flight and probably jet lagged, went out all day sight seeing , then went out drinking with her boy friend , drinking shots, when he goes to the toilet, she willing leaves him and goes out to another club , she wiling went to a room where she passed out , a guy came into a room and picked her up, she attacked him and fled and hid in the bushes all night long .

       What was the "attempted sexual assault" ?

    A guy picked her up from the floor , if the guy had any ill intentions, surely he would have laid down with her, rather than pick her up ?

      She claims that she was tied up, but there rope marks on her body and why would someone tie her up and just leave her there tied up ?

       It could be that she got drunk, passed out , someone picked her up, she got scared, attacked him , fled and finished off her sleep in a bush .



  13. It is also worth pointing out that the alleged victim suggested on social media  that she thought the "attacker" may have been attached to a prominent Family in Thailand , She may not have realised at the time the Les Majeste laws in Thailand and that would explain why She didnt want to go to the Police and why she checked into a hotel under an alias and why she wanted to get out of Thailand as quick as she could and why she thought everyone was out to get her.

  14. On 12/6/2016 at 3:45 PM, Moonmoon said:

    Why does the family need a gofundme and 8000 bucks to get her out?


       Her Family knew that she was at the airport and they knew that she wasnt able to board her flight . She then back into Bangkok .

       If you knew that a Family member was in danger and at an airport , well, I would have told her to wait at the airport , gone straight onto a flight booking website and booked her on the next flight out of there, paying with a bank card .

       She seems to have quite a large extended Family, surely they could all chip to raise enough money for a one way flight from BKK to USA .

       She also claimed that she had all her money stolen , her friend Joe didnt have his money stolen , as they were only on their first night of a two week holiday, why couldnt Joe have used his holiday spending money to buy flights ?


  15. What we are sure of is ,  Alex went out for the night with a boy friend called Joe , they went to a bar drinking , Alex suddenly disappeared for the night and came back the next morning looking quite disheveled .

       Alex explains to Joe that she got kidnapped and held against her will and that is why she didnt come home last night and she then decided not to make a Police report .


  16. 4 hours ago, harrry said:

    This could prove a very complex situation.

    The child is allowed to remain in thailand with limited rights as a Stateless person born in Thailand.  The child is being issued with Swedish citizenship.  Hence no longer a stateless person.  Will the child have to leave Thailand or be considered on overstay. (I realise there is no penalty for overstay for children).


       The child will become Swedish when he leaves Thailand and then comes back on a Visa , the child could them lost his right to stay in Thailand . Which wouldnt be too much of an issue now, but he could well find himself getting sent back to Sweden when he reaches 20 years old , or he would have to get himself some kind of Thai visa to stay in Thailand .

       The best thing to do would be to get him a Swedish PP and not use it and tuck it away somewhere 

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