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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 6 minutes ago, Slip said:

    I don't mean to be rude sanemax, but I  think you have been here long enough to know better than that.  The chances of the cctv being 'broken' are staggering.



       But there are many occurrences  that are caught on CCTV , especially in the bars and surrounding streets . It would be highly unlikely if there was no available CCTV footage at all, also, I dont think that tuk tuk drivers and barstaff would receive any privileged protection from Police investigators

  2. 5 minutes ago, Cindy Fairfield said:

    Fortunately, he has sent her a photo of the bar and she has identified it as the place where the man abducted her. She also has described some of the group that was with her abductor so again, hopefully, they will be able to find witnesses (she remembers the bartender talking at length early in the evening to the sister of the man who abducted her and with whom she had been friendly with)


        With that information , the Police will be able to easily identify the men and quickly arrest them . There is CCTV footage in nearly every bar and many CCTV cameras all over Bangkok .

  3. 10 hours ago, Cindy Fairfield said:

    . The excess money, which we expect to be close to $5,000 once Joe's phone bill for international calls has been received, will be donated to the International Justice Mission, a non-profit that combats sex trafficking, in hopes that no other young lady has to endure what she went through. Unbelievable story? Yes, because 95 percent of abductees never get out to tell their story. Our daughter did and we are so unbelievably thankful. 


       I have a better idea what you can do with the excess money to stop sex trafficking

    Why doesnt your Daughter use the money to fly back to Thailand and make a detailed report to the Police , so that they can capture the people who abducted your Child .

       She will be completely safe , as its now such high profile and Thailands top Police will probably get on the case and catch the perpetrators .

       Why doesnt She come back to Thailand to help catch the people ?

    Make a complaint at a Police station and they will take her to the place where it happened and get CCTV evidence and witness statements .

       After her terrible experience, she may not want to come back, but she really needs to help the authorities catch these men .

       Is there any reason why she may now want to come back to Thailand to catch these people ?


  4. 6 minutes ago, TerryLH said:


    "Although the child is not Thai, he would still be considered as being Thai under Thai laws ."


    Which law(s) would that be?



        Its quite complex, so forgive me for being vague : Laws about taking Children out the Country , laws about them having to attend school , Laws about which parent has custody if any disputes arise , that kind of thing .

        Under Thai law, unmarried Fathers have no parental rights , simply saying that "The child isnt Thai, so that law doesnt apply" dosent work in gaining custody

  5. 10 minutes ago, harrry said:

    No.  It is the record of birth.  The law is framed that way to ensure that people do not have children in a host country and then claim rights for the child and to live with the child which would subvert normal immigration policies.  Personally I do not agree with it but it is not just Thailand this applies in.


        Sorry, but having a Thai Birth Certificate doesnt give the child any rights as a Thai citizen or for them to get Thai ID. Having a non Thai Child born in Thailand doesnt give the parents any rights either .

       Children are required by law to get issued with a B/C if they were born in Thailand , if neither parent is Thai, the B/C will have "Non Thai" clearly written at the top

  6. 7 minutes ago, ldiablo72 said:

    I suppose you people also think that the rape of the Australian woman is also a scam. What is a scam is that you people are actually questioning the legitimacy of this allegation when it is widely known that one rape occurs every 15 minutes in Thailand. You people should be ashamed of yourselves.


        They are two entirely different cases . This Woman isnt even claiming that she got raped  .

       You seem to be saying that because rapes happen then we should believe all allegations of attempted rape ?

       Even though there are suspicions about this story, we should believe them because rapes do happen ? 

       We should not look at any facts, just believe the allegations without weighting up the probability of it being a false allegation ?  

  7. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:


    Lol... ok.... let's look at that


    homesick when only on a two week dream vacation?


    very thin... hanging in for a few extra days and watching tv in a hotel ain't that hard.... certainly easier than an elaborate plot to defraud donators, lie to loved ones and cause a scandal.... but hey... maybe


       The very thing happened to a friend of mine once . A group of lads went to Spain for a two week holiday , from the UK . One of the lads got so homesick that he booked himself a flight and flew home after two days .

        I also recall when I first went to Asia , with the culture shock . I just wanted to go back home, it took me a while to adapt .

       Its not inconceivable for a young American woman who goes abroad for the first time to Asia, gets culture shock and doesnt give it time to adapt and just wants to go back home .

       Maybe it was the first time away fro her home and parents and got extremely homesick ?

  8. 4 minutes ago, harrry said:

    The child has the record of his or her birth from the hospital.  this is what is needed to get an identity from the embassy of the country of citizenship of the parents.  The same rules apply in many western countries now.


        Are you talking about a Birth Certificate or just a record of Birth ?

    A Birth certificate would be required to get the child a PP from any of his parents countries

  9. 3 hours ago, lassebasse said:

    Can this Swedish child, living in Thailand, be given a visa as being depending of him?



    Although the child is not Thai, he would still be considered as being Thai under Thai laws .

       It seems that the child is currently stateless , but he will have the right to remain in Thailand , without a Visa .

       Visas will only become an issue when he is taken out of Thailand and returns on his Swedish PP

  10. 6 minutes ago, lassebasse said:

    The Amphoe refuses to issue a birthcertificate on the grounds that none of the parents are Thai.


       That should not be the case . ALL Children born in Thailand should be given a birth certificate , whether the parents are Thai or not .

       You have to go to the office within 15 days of the birth to get a B/C issued , its a legal requirement that the parents have to do , 

  11. 16 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    Perhaps more simply.... what I am saying, is that I see no reason for her to make up such a story.... either it's true or not, right?



       How about this : She comes to Asia for the first time , doesnt like it here , hates it and is homesick and wants to go home .

       She cannot change her flight because it would be expensive .

    She makes up a story in order to make some money .

    $ 3000 for a flight home, when they cost $700 ?

    Setting up a gofund me page and saying that shes homesick and just wanted to go home wouldnt have received many donations .


  12. 7 hours ago, Cindy Fairfield said:

    I am this woman's mother and a former newspaper editor. Our only goal was to get our daughter out of the country as soon as possible after the trauma she suffered on the very first night of her 10-day groupon vacation. No one is indicting the country of Thailand, but something very terrifying happened to her and she was fortunate to be a strong, athletic girl and keep her wits about her and escape an abduction and probable rape. I pray no one from any country has to live through the kind of terror she did over that several hour period. Before we utilized social media seeking help, she and her friend booked a flight back to the U.S. but their tickets were canceled without explanation because United Airlines didn't provide them with a ticket number, though there were empty seats on the flight. At this point, none of us knew what was going on (the man who kidnapped her was in a military-type uniform) and a gofundme page was set up with the intention of raising $3,000 to help get her home by whatever means necessary. Our American community was amazing and raised more than $8,000 in a couple hours to help get her home. A Congressman from Washington D.C. intervened and helped get them on a flight to Abu Dhabi and eventually back home and we were very thankful. The excess money, which we expect to be close to $5,000 once Joe's phone bill for international calls has been received, will be donated to the International Justice Mission, a non-profit that combats sex trafficking, in hopes that no other young lady has to endure what she went through. Unbelievable story? Yes, because 95 percent of abductees never get out to tell their story. Our daughter did and we are so unbelievably thankful. 


       What evidence you you have that your Daughter is telling the truth and the whole story isnt a complete fabrication ?

  13. 4 minutes ago, slapout said:

    Given the girl thought one of her attackers wore what could have been a bib uniform, then add the response of the bib to the girls media report of her ordeal and its easy to see how ''going to the bib for help'' may not be in the best intrest of locals much less farangs. There are numerous reports of fake policemen as well as real police running scams and demanding tea money.


    Besides I normally believe what I am told, unless it is too outragous.


       It could also be an excuse as to why she didnt report it to the Police .

  14. 20 minutes ago, zoza said:

    i was in a bar in Udon Thani last year lady (boss) asked if i would taste a cocktail the bargirl was making for a party later, and about thirty mins later i started to feel wrong, i paid my bin and got out of there i made it a 100 yards before i collapsed but managed to crawl into a building that was being renovated

    i came to 6 hours later and made my way to my hotel. no police no going back to that bar as i had managed to get through unscathed, and why go to the police as often enough they own the bars,

    these things happen in Thailand, although it might sound a bit strange there were people who did not believe me and i had had four drinks. 


       Thats another inconstancy with this story , people who get their drinks spiked are usually out for quite a long time , 6-10 hours , unconscious .

       The lady in question came to her senses quite quickly and was able to fend of a potential rape attack, free herself from the ropes and escape . 

  15. 2 minutes ago, farcanell said:


    " Especially given due to a perceived shame, most rapes go unreported", is what I said, in support of the assertion that a women would be unlikely to make up a story about an attempt to rape her, as some here seem to believe.




       That just doesnt make sense . 

    She clammed that she DIDNT get raped, so, why would she feel any perceived shame about NOT getting raped and so making up a story about it ?

       You seem to be saying that she wouldnt make up a story claiming that she didnt get raped because of the perceived shame, whereas there is no perceived shame in not getting raped .


  16. On 12/9/2016 at 8:34 AM, dave2 said:



    Where is this located exactly?


    its next to the entrance of the royal lana hotel and the red lion

    in the night bazzar 


    re ...  in upper Loy Kroh rd  .... utter rubbish ! 


    if you were at upper loi kroh road you would be outside

    jammers and ba ba bo bo bars bar by the moat

    not in the night bazzar !


    ps ... night pic taken on staff training night a few days ago 



    hard rock cafe 5 dec 16 20161205_134634.jpg

    hard rock cafe staff training night 3 dec 16 20161203_202618.jpg


       Is there an official "Upper Loi Kro" and a "Lower Loi Kroh" .

    Hard Rock is actually located in the middle of Loi Kroh road , at the intersection where the night bazaar road is

  17. 1 minute ago, farcanell said:


    You have reading and comprehension problems.


    i said attempted rape in paragraph one


    i also said... most rapes go unreported due to the perceived shame.


    slow down and take the time to digest what people are saying.




        What does the "unreported rapes going unreported" have to do with this story ? 

    A rape didnt occur in this story, so I dont know why you are bringing that into the equation

  18. 11 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    One assumes he'd be going with the lady in question (she does after all want him to pay off the debt), but even if alone TiT.




      Although I dont think that going into a bank and stating that you are merely "going with a lady" would be enough for them to give you any details about her . You would probably need a marriage certificate or something to show that you were in a relationship or something .

       Edit : Sorry misunderstood what you meant .

  19. 19 minutes ago, farcanell said:

    I can't think of a single reason that a women would tell the world that she had been abducted, and suffered an attempted rape, knowing that from America, there would be no prosecution of the crime.


    10,000 dollars?... nope... that doesn't cut it, in my mind... 100,000 maybe, if fox paid her to make a story up... but expose yourself to this, for ten k... not likely, especially given that due to a perceived shame, most rapes go unreported.


    its a hell of a stretch to consider that she fabricated this type of crime, just to have an adventure travel story to tell the folks back home


       She hadnt been in Thailand for very long , maybe she told everyone back in the USA that she was going to travel and work herself around the World .

       Maybe she got homesick and wanted to go home . Instead of sheepishly asking her parents and friends for the air flight home, she concocted a fanciful story about being kidnapped . I am not stating that that is the case, just stating that there are possible reasons .

       She must have been low on funds to have to start a gofund me page . How much is a one way flight from BKK to USA ? $500 ?

        You also claim that she would want to tell the world that she got raped because of the perceived shame , where as in fact she didnt tell the World that she got raped . 


  20. On 12/9/2016 at 4:16 PM, thaibeachlovers said:


    That is more than I pay back home for excellent fish and chips.


       Although you are not comparing like for like .

    You could probably get F&C cheaper for that in a Grimsby take away fish and chip shop , but the Hard rock is a branded restaurant .

        F&C would be more expensive in the UK if you went to a Hard Rock restaurant in Manchester .

       Cod is also expensive in Thailand because Cod do not live locally , it has to be imported

  21. It just sounds so convenient for her: "Attempted rape, but not rape, so not as serious and no evidence . A person in a Police uniform, so She didnt want to go to the Police . Being able to escape from the ropes without getting any rope burns .

    Being able to fend of her attacker whilst being tied up .

       Not going to the Police even after being advised to by her Embassy .

    Hiding in bushes for six hours waiting for a taxi , most people would run into the nearest 7/11 .

       She conveniently leaves Thailand and thus not having to face scrutiny about her claims .

       This story just doesnt seem to ring true .


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