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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 1 minute ago, joeyg said:

       Like I said please share a little "slice" of your exemplary life with us.



    As I said, now, for me, at this time,  nothing can be less important than your opinion.


      OK, just make your mind up, you first asked for info about my life and when I gave it to you, you said that you didnt want to know about it !!!!!!!!!!!!

      Make your mind up, you either do or you dont

  2. 3 minutes ago, joeyg said:

    Immoral?  Indeed.  Can I say 3 Our Fathers and three Hail Marys and bee good to go.  Lol you guys are pretty funny judging me.  I'm sure you dine daily on the dead, burnt carcasses of innocent animals.  I haven't eaten meat in 44 years.  Mainly because I believe it is immoral.  Fact is I don't care if you do.  Truth be told I think you should eat more lots more.


    Christ was described as a friend to the working girl.  Several places in the Bible.  


    In Ancient China working girls were referred to as "Angels of Mercy"


    Fact is in Thailand the majority of working girls 98% are patronized by Thais.


    Now really, please stop judging me.  Quite frankly it makes you look, well, foolish small minded.  Or just pure trolling.  Anyway it's not going to work.  So have at it.  If that's what gets your rocks off.



       I do not know why you have mentioned all those other subjects .

    You are having a relationship with another mans GF ., or at least that he thinks that she is his gf .

       IMO having a relationship with someone elses woman is immoral and you are also helping her to deceive him 

       You sound quite proud of your behavior, does it make you fell like a winner ?

  3. 16 minutes ago, joeyg said:

    I've got a very hot Lao girlfriend that is sponsored by a German gentleman/50,000 per month + school and an Italian gentleman/20,000 per month.  She she has her own place 10 minutes from me.  She comes over to cook great Lao veggi food almost every day.  We hang out go out and watch movies go out and hear live music sometimes.  My favorite is going to the produce markets shopping with her.  I spend 8 to ten thousand bhat on/with her a month.  The ROI is fantastic.  I just have to make sure I'm quiet when the German or Italian guy call in to check on her.  The saying here I always hear is that a "Sponsored girl" is the expats best friend.  I've helped her write some emails to these "rocket scientists" but not to much though as not to cause suspicion. 



        So, she has three guys on the go at once .

    I sure wouldnt get involved with that kind of woman . and it seems quite immoral to play around with another (two) guys women .

  4. 28 minutes ago, joeyg said:

    I must strenuously disagree with one point at least.  "A loser in the USA will be a loser in Thailand"  Been traveling here since 1971 US Military retired here in Naklua.  I now Thailand very well.  I have seen and it seems a lot more so lately some horrible looking, morbidly obese guys or just or average bald headed golfer type with the "brandy nose" and 7 month pregnant gut walking around handholding with some very hot girls.


       These are prostitutes, right ?

    A guy who has to go to the third world and pay people to be with him , for the sole reason that its cheaper than paying someone to be with him back home, is hardly one of lifes "winners"

  5. 9 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    Because I stated in my original post that I suspect that Israeli prisons for the elite are probably similar and I stand by that, Why do you care if you didn't bother to read my first post. Is it ok if I give an opinion on that or should I ask you first?


      You stated something that you claimed to be factual, now you are saying that it is just something that you "suspect" may be true .

      Whereas you actually have no idea what his conditions were like in the Israeli jail .

  6. 2 minutes ago, gemguy said:

    They can make everything legal...

    Arrange the work permit, Arrange the business license, Arrange the correct visa.

    They can facilitate the man or arrest them......up to the officials.

    Just saying that it can be either way.

    Not condoning the fact that the man operated illegally but here in Thailand...usually things are negotiable and everyone can be appeased.



       The officials must follow the law, they cannot make laws up as they go along .

  7. 2 minutes ago, gemguy said:

    Well..think of it this way.

    The smart thing for the officials to do would be to ask for a share in the profits of the company while the officials grant the man immunity and become best of business buddies.

    All friendly like and smooth things over while allowing a long established  profit making venture continue to generate profits that can be shared with the newly acquired "silent partners"

    That is how it usually works anyhow....or certainly often enough.



       Paying bribes to evade the law is quite a risky thing to do under the present Government 

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  8. From the Laos border, there is a public bus to the morning market , 20 Bhat, or a taxi for about 100 Baht . Its about a 15 minute walk from the market to the Thai Embassy .

       I was there last Monday and it wasnt too busy , I got there about 7.30 AM and there were about 150 people ahead of me in the queue . I have previously been there at 11 AM and was still able to make a visa application

    • Like 1
  9. On 12/16/2016 at 6:27 PM, jobin said:

    So these FLs are married women, but pretending otherwise, hanging at the bar getting free drinks, just for being female.  Then that ought to be: FL = Female Lurkers (or Losers).

    Regardless, i won't be looking for them, ever.


       FLs are all different . 

    Some have their own day job and just go out in the evening for a drink and dance and and maybe get paid for it at the end of the night .

       Some are married or have bfs whose partner doesnt care what they get up to 

  10. 2 minutes ago, Dipterocarp said:

    . Also drunkenly approaching random women as  prostitutes.

    Before checking if it is actually somebody's wife or a Japanese University professor. Then persisting after

    the Thai guys with them already asked you to leave nicely.


       I have seen that happen quite a lot .

    Some drunk felangs assume that all girls in Zoe are prostitutes and treat them as such .

        It happened to me a few times when I was with Thai girls, just out for a drink and a dance , drunken felangs would just grab them and put their hands all over them . One middle easten guy was even going up to girls and asking how much for sex , he said that to my friends, so I responded in quite an unpleasant way and a bar room brawl broke out


  11. Its quite apparent that immigration laws have changed significantly over the past few years and theres been clampdowns in many areas of Thai society .

       The Police are now being policed by the army, now they are forced to do their jobs.

    The days of giving people in authority "presents" for favours has also somewhat diminished .

      The O.P needs to decide whether he thinks the authorities are really on his case or whether it will all blow over with no action being taken .

       The stakes are high , he has it all to lose .

    Thai immigration and the Thai authorities will not be concerned about his "services to the community" , they will just see an illegally operating business .

       He seems to have the funds , what I would do would to close the school down, give any refunds back to pupils , then go for a long holiday somewhere and then return in a few months , if he desires and doesnt want to relocate permanently .

       The stakes are high .

    The authorities may take no further action, but, if they do, the consequences could be severe 

    • Like 1
  12. There was some confrontations at Zoe a few years ago .

    The problem was people buying beer from 7/11 or the shop in the complex and then taking them into Zoe and drinking the beer in Zoe .

       The bouncers then stopped people entering the complex with drinks from outside , but some people had bought their drinks from Zoe , left and came back again .

       There were some confrontations , but, as its so quiet there now , bouncers can keep track of people and who bought what from where .


  13. 8 hours ago, Dipterocarp said:

    Yes. And Say you get a warm beer, Don't make a rude  face and complain. (drunk angry whatever).

    The barman and his 'roid mates in bouncer t-shirts may take offense.


    Just order some ice for your warm beer. 



       I do not recall ever getting a warm beer in CM .

    I do believe that its the places that sell beer at 7/11 prices that serve warm beer , then again, you cannot expect to pay cost price and then have it refrigerated .

       If you do get served a warm beer , just politely ask for a cold one .

    If you get angry, make rude faces and get confrontational, they will probably reply in kind . 

       Treat them respectfully and they will treat you the same back

  14. Chiang Kong used to be one of the easiest border crossing, before they built the bridge , I got 8 visa exempt stamps from there, even though the official limit was four at the time .

       The last time that that I went there , a few months ago, they wouldnt initially let me back in, I got flagged by the computer .

       Luckily enough the Laos side of the border had closed, (at 8 PM) and they begrudgingly gave me another VES .

      They insisted that I show them a ticket out the Country , I asked whether a bus ticket would be sufficient and they said that it would be , I told them that Im staying in Chiang kong, so , how can I get a bus ticket to a place to where I already am ?

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