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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 3 minutes ago, edwardflory said:

    I have heard of a person who spends 11 months a year here, only 1 month a year IN his country, this is a total abuse of the system - why immigration has not caught him is a mystery


       The reason why immigration hasnt caught him, is because he has done nothing wrong .

       Many people have stayed in Thailand on VES ,tourist visa  for years and never leaving the Country, apart from going to get new visas in neighboring countries

  2. 1 hour ago, finy said:

    I used to get the bus to Mai Sai every 2 weeks (4 when G7 thing changed) and it would take 6/7 times before they told me to get TV.


    Even before military took over I was under impression border runs were banned.


    Turns out I was wrong.


        Border runs to get VES were indeed banned at Mae Sai . It began in about 2012 when they set a limit of four VES , they then banned them completely in about 2014 at Mae Sai , although you could still get VES at other border crossings

  3. The same thing happened to a friend of mine .

    The Lawyer made a mistake and accidentally put himself as the sole beneficiary .

    On the way to the Lawyers office , my friend got got caught up an armed robbery, got caught in the cross fire and got shot in the head, died instantly

  4. I was out for a drink with a thai lady and we had about six large beers between us , she asked for the bill and it was about 600 Baht . I gave my friend six hundred Baht to pay  , she walked across the road to 7/11, bought six large beers for 300 Baht , walked back into the bar and gave them "back" to the bar owner and kept the other 300 Baht .

      She told the bar owner that she had only "borrowed" the beers and she was now giving them back

  5. 3 minutes ago, Grubster said:

    And I stand by what I said 100% and you cannot prove me wrong unless you think the government of any country would publicly show the conditions that elite prisoners have, go visit one if you can even get that info out of them.


       Ha ha, you have just proved yourself wrong by stating that no Government would publicly show the jail conditions of so called elite prisoners .

      If the public do not know what the conditions are like, then that proves that you are just guessing /making your claims up .

        You sentence is quite contradictory, you stated that the jail conditions are unknown and you also claimed that you know what the jail conditions are like .

       They are either known or unknown, they cannot be both known and unknown

  6. 36 minutes ago, deathmule said:


    The one story I personally know is of a Danish guy who came here, became broke and was sleeping in the Beach Road of Jomtien.


    He would sleep in the beach and every morning and evening an old Thai lady would bring him food. Nobody ratted him and therefore he didn't go to jail


    Now he has a job as a teacher and he's loving life.


    Notably this old lady lent him 3000THB so he could buy some new clothes for his job and could afford to buy a bus ticket


       Did that guy have a working Visa and a degree ?

  7. 4 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

    and that his only option was to shut up shop and deprive his family of an income. Just like a lot of other nasty and vitriolic 'capo' mentality types who blight the expat community here - sneering at and denigrating their fellows here and pretending that they are perfect when very often they are the opposite.

    My suggestion was only that perhaps a solution could be negotiated,


        Peoples advice was the close the school down, people didnt give that advice to be nasty , they really thought that that was the best option .

       Do get a grip , people generally were not "sneering at him " or "denigrating him "

    If the authorities do investigate him, they will uncover 16 years of illegal activity and tax evasion and he could end up in serious trouble, probably jail , deported, blacklisted and could even have his house taken from him, so, it would be best to close the school and hope that the authorities do not pursue the case any further .

       Trying to get a "solution" from the authorities carries a huge risk , he would have to admit to all of his previous crimes and to try to convince then to allow him to carry on breaking the law, which is very unlikely to happen .

       Yes, it would be better if he could have an off the reord discussion with the authorities , but you can hardly say to them "Look, Ive been breaking the law for 16 years .............and do you mind telling me whether you are going to arrest me anytime soon " 

        Closing the school down and pretending nothing happened is the safest option for him


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  8. 6 minutes ago, darrendsd said:


    If you get a new PP whilst you are in Thailand and got to a Immigration Office they then transfer your recent stamps over to your new PP


    As for the letter this is not a new requirement they have asked for this for years


       Well, you dont go to any immigration office , you go to a border immigration office when leaving a Country, it cannot be done at an internal IO

       Letters of transfer were not required in 2012, when I did a PP renewal, although a letter was needed when I last did a PP renewal a few months ago

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