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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. Just back from Vientiane to get a SETV , they didnt ask for any other documents, other then the application form . The Embassy people didnt eeven look through my PP upom applicartion and at the border crossingm IO just seemed to be stamping everyone in without question, none of the 100 people ahead of my got questionned 

      Regarding new passports, your old PP details are writen in the new PP

  2. On 12/17/2016 at 0:51 PM, jonw8uk said:

    Regarding renewing UK passport:


    Has anybody recently renewed their UK passport? what was accepted as proof of address?


    I emailed VFS to arrange an appointment, and there auto email response contained the following;


    Her Majesty’s Passport Office have advised that some customers applying for their passport from outside of the UK have been provided with incorrect guidance relating to the supporting documents required in support of their passport application.




    This only affects customers born in the UK.




    Prior to your passport application appointment, please visit https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/overseas-passport-supporting-documents-group-2 for the correct information. HM Passport Office apologies for any inconvenience this may have caused.


    Following the link, only these documents are accepted;


    Please provide one of the following:
    • visa or resident permit (or colour photocopy)
    • tax record eg a letter from a tax authority
    • educational record eg school report
    employment record eg o cial letter from your employer
    • letter sent to you from a central, regional or local government department • medical/health card
    • voter’s card
    • immigration documents. 


    None of which I can provide...



      A bank statement .

    My bank statement was in both Thai and English, so, no need to a translation 

  3. 20 minutes ago, Dipterocarp said:

    Just don't cause any Thai male, "Ladyboy", or BG to lose face.

    For example the Tuk-Tuk drivers waiting outside Yellow late at night demand outrageous fares. If you refuse you may be set upon, so don't ask. 


       Has this actually ever happened ?

    Tuk-tuk drivers attacking people for not accepting a fare ?

    I have never heard of a situation like this happening 

  4. Just now, LomSak27 said:

    Whether her story is true or a complete  fabrication, the Thai police do this to preserve the countries image, irregardless of what actually happend.


       LOL . She may and very probably did make up a story and the reason why the Thai Police didnt verify that her probably made up story was a factual encounter was to preserve the image of Thailand ?

      That really makes no sense to me 

  5. 3 hours ago, DM07 said:

    Hmmmm...let's see: in her story, a policeman plays a major role...
    Why on earth would she not go to the police?
    Well...it remains a mystery, I guess!

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect


       She didnt say a Policeman, she did at first then back tracked to someone in a tan uniform .     I do believe that that was part of the scam, as an excuse why she didn't make a police report .

  6. 22 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    It's a very odd story, so odd why would anyone make it up?


       I could think of 10 000 reasons why ...........all in donations

    If I had a daughter was in in danger on the otherside of the World , the first thing that I would do would be to immediately go on line and book her the next ticket out of there , I wouldnt wait and set  up an appeal and ask for an amount of money far exceeding the cost of a flight ticket

  7. 3 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    He also said


    ''Now the police want to get to the bottom of who might have aided the woman and whether a crime has been committed''


    This suggests the BIB are starting off with their conclusion before they investigate.


    As per usual...


    I'm not saying I believe this story...it certainly stretches the limits of credulity, but trust the BIB?


    Yeah right...


       No, listen, I will say it again .

    The Bib have come to the conclusion that  the allegations didnt happen .

    That part of the investigation has been finalised and come to a conclusion .

    Now they will investigate whether this was a deliberate fraud and if so, did she have any accomplices .

       They are now two different investigations 

  8. 6 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Thought I'd re-quote this as it somehow escaped your quoting of my post


    It suggests they have not investigated the case.




       No, they investigated the allegations and found the allegations to be false ..

    Now they want to investigate the person who made the false allegations and find out if she had accomplices and whether they commuted any crimes 

  9. 4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    The final paragraph suggests no investigation has taken place, yet the BIB say she is lying.


    Trust the BIB? Yeah, right...


       You have absolutely no idea about the depth of the BiBs investigation .

    The fact the the girls Mother posted on here that they are in daily contact with the BiB and that the bar had been located and suspects identified suggests that the Bib investigaed the allegations and found no evidence at all

  10. 6 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Or are the BIB saying she lied because that is the scenario they wish to viewed as the truth?


    The story is very odd and I have no idea if it is true or not.


    However trust the version the BIB present without clear proof the story is a fabrication?


    Yeah, right...




         So you think that the story is odd , which suggests that you have some doubt about its authenticity and you dont know whether its true ior not, but you still do not believe the Police , after they have investigated the case and found no evidence of any of what she claimed had taken place ?

        Its nearly impossible to have clear proof that something didnt happen .


  11. 1 hour ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Well all I can say is No matter what a woman does I would never ever hit a woman. been in some scrapes over the years been spat on by women been sworn at been hit by women had all sorts thrown at me by women not once ever have I retaliated and I'm proud of that.


       I just dont think that many Woman share that attitude , how does this sound :


    Well all I can say is No matter what a man does I would never ever hit a man. been in some scrapes over the years been spat on by men been sworn at been hit by men had all sorts thrown at me by men not once ever have I retaliated and I'm proud of that.



  12. 20 minutes ago, scorecard said:



    And there are plenty of violent farang and Thai men in any country.




       I do not think that theres any need to differentiate between Males and Females and Thais and felangs .

       Its just an act of violence and aggression from one person to the other .

    Their gender and nationality is irrelevant 

  13. 22 minutes ago, dotpoom said:

    Am I getting this right?....The way to show somebody how horrible violence is.......is to whack them in the face with a mighty blow...interesting theory.

       Some people might just walk away or seek help for the person they supposedly "love" through councilling.


    She has a child like mentality and she needed to be taught about boundaries , things which she can and cannot do

        Its a bit like a school bully . You can ask them to stop picking on you , but they wont stop .

       The only way that they will stop will be if they know that they will be getting something coming back their way if they persist 

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