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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 2 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Yes sanemax I was here last year and the 8 years before that.What is cold to some is not at all cold to others.

    Suggest thermal undewear if its a health problem


       I was in Chiang saen and out at 3 am in the morning and it was snowing across in Laos , temperature was below zero and with the wind coming off the Mekong river, it made it feel even colder . I honestly thought that I was going to freeze to death and went into the Police station for a few hours

  2. 4 minutes ago, timendres said:


    That is debatable, given the experiences I have had with women who are experts at poisoning the minds of their children.


    As others have said, get back home. Take any legal action there that strengthens your position as the father. It is reasonable to allow contact with the mother, but definitely censored for his sake.


       Yes, that is a possibility, seeing his mother may also upset the child, it may be best to break all contact and have no video calls or anything if it makes the situation worse .

       I was thinking of staying Friends and all living happily ever after , buy yeah, it could well not end up like that

  3. 6 minutes ago, DipStick said:

    Seems the OP has gone very quiet, hopefully because he is on his way back to the uk with his son. However, whilst accepting your comments, if he ignores what a lot of said, we either have a problem or a troll.


       I cannot see here he has ignored or disagreed with peoples advice , he just seems to be seeking clarification .

    The thread was only started less than 24 hours ago, so he is probably thinking about the best thing to do, 

  4. 1 hour ago, Ace of Pop said:


    Just Read the Immo Rules for Brits n Wife/Dependants, its in the Visa Section. No wonder they see red at these YOUNG ADULTS go freeloading on their soil. I was treated very well as a Student in the U.K, admittedly before Emigrants swamped it. 1960ish,16 to 20 when i got jobs is Germany,USA,  but never been back much to Portugal or England. I owe Brits a lot,i used it as they intended alians to do, not for freebies like the EU Kids are trying on these days. Im here and happy here thanks to Brits of T.As age, now he cant take his Mrs back, Im .... Kin speechless at whats happen there.


       Tougher new laws were put in place a while back , which were because there were some Brits, typically long tern unemployed , who were getting themselves mail order bride and thus receiving more benefits  , there were also UK Asians going back to their homeland for arranged marriages to local girls and bringing them back to the UK .

       Tougher new laws were bought in to stop these practices, which basically were that if you cannot financially support your Wife, She cannot come to the UK to live .

       That has stopped some people in genuine relationships from bringing their partner to the UK, but there has to be rules that everyone must follow

  5. Just now, DevZerO said:


    are you seriously that illiterate about computers? arrival cards are only for the sake of paper trails and visual cues. All the data is stored in computers. 


      Yes, that is what I meant .

    Do The immigration put the information from arrival cards into a computer and match the dates up .Whether the immigration take the information from the arrivals or departure cards or put the information straight into a computer is bedsides the point .

       My question was whether immigration were looking at peoples arrival date and their leaving dates and noticing when people do not leave and then going to visit them .

      My question was whether peoples arrivals/departures and now all on computer and it would be earier to detect .

      Yes, I did assume that they got that info from peoples arrival/departure cards and then logged that info into a computer , but they may well get that info  when people arrive and depart, but that is beside my point

  6. 20 minutes ago, Sparkles said:

    Apart from Doi Ithnanon, which is the highest point in the country, it wont get cold ,cooler might be a better description although for some anything under 25 is cold.

    In 9 years I think I have worn a jumper once. 


       Was you here last year ?

    I seem to recall that it got down to 13 degrees in central CM for a few days .

    Could have even been 8 Degrees, close to freezing in the surrounding areas.very cold .


  7. 4 minutes ago, transam said:

    NOW I can see why YOU want folk to walk into the UK, 


       I havent said that I want folk to "walk into the UK"

    I also wouldnt want all the Calais people going to the UK .

    I was just pointing out some misconceptions people have .

    These were children of parents and they were joining their parents .

    I havent given an opinion about what I want

  8. 4 minutes ago, transam said:

    You do your homework, you know all about foreign folk walking into the UK to be with foreing folk YET you know nothing about REAL UK folk and THEIR family trials...


      Having taken my foreign Wife to live in the UK , I do know quite a lot about the subject .

    Although I was asking you particularly why you couldnt do it .


  9. 1 minute ago, Laughing Gravy said:

    Going for a holiday and allowed to stay, are two different things.  I have quoted just a few things. Please read the rest


    • Your sponsoring partner must earn more than £18,600 per year or have enough savings to be able to sponsor you. The minimum financial requirement is higher if they are also sponsoring dependant children.
    • You must have suitable accommodation for you, your spouse and any dependants.
    • You must satisfy the English language requirements.







       Maybe the families of the people who entered into the UK satisfied all these demands ?

    I do not know .

  10. 1 minute ago, transam said:

    You see you know feeerk all about us farangs having non UK status wives...


    Do your homework and come back when your eyes have been opened...



      LOL, my GF has no status at all in Thailand , no citizenship from anywhere .

    My Son also has no citizenship from any Country , not even the UK, although I am trying to get him a UK passport without all the needed documents to do so

  11. 2 minutes ago, transam said:

    She would be an immigrant married to an Englishman but cannot go to England with me...What do you think about that...?


    Just answer it, I am not a UK immigrant, I paid my taxes all my life but SHE CANNOT live in England with me after many years of marriage..


       Yes, I think that your Wife should be able to go with you to live in the UK .

  12. 7 minutes ago, JerryinTH said:

    The video circulated on facebook. Was rather disgusting to watch. 

    Everyone said 'Don't do it man' - but also no one tried to grab him and the crowd stood like 10 feet away.. 




       I really do not think that there was any opportunity to grab him , it seemed to happened very quickly and the people there were not expecting the situation .

       There didnt seem the time to run and grab him .

    If they would have tried to grab him, if they could, they would have probably gone over with him.

    Running towards people who are about to jump would also probably make them jump quicker , its better to try to talk them out of it, but, if they are determined to jump, theres nothing anyone can do to stop them

  13. 27 minutes ago, i claudius said:

    When will you get it through your thick skulls THESE ARE NOT CHILDREN  you can waffle on all day , and  and ,oh whats the use as i just said "THERE ARE NONE SO BLIND AS THOSE WHO DO NOT WANT TO SEE " they were not even children if they have been waiting in the camps for 10 years . children play with toys  and run around playing games , not <deleted>---ing shave ,and where are the female "children ,  no i am not a bigot or any of those things ,i am also not a fool .


      They are Children in the sense they have parents , parents living in the UK .

    Age doesnt matter, they are someones child .

    That are not children, in being under 18, they are children to UK living parents .

    These are not parent less children coming to live in the UK, they are people coming to live with their parents .

  14. 18 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

    and my experience of discussions with men and much that I have read indicates very strongly that many of them DO brag about their numerous conquests.



      I would say that some men brag about having sex with females , some, most do not .

    Maybe its different with a group of lads all having a beer together .

    If you ask some men, some will exaggerate and boast , but generally men will not brag and about having sex with females .

        Some may do , but its usually bravado and sometimes its gay men trying to portray themselves as being straight 

  15. 4 minutes ago, ChrisKC said:

    There is every reason for Thai girls to feel shame.


       Many of the girls do not feel any shame at all .

    Many are even quite proud to be independent working girls earning good money .

    They regard customers as boyfreinds, and they are quite pleased with themselves for going out and finding a nice boyfreind (Even if is just untill the next day")

  16. 10 minutes ago, BritTim said:


    I think it may happen occasionally at a few land borders. However, it is not systematic, and I am pretty sure the rules are not designed to facilitate it.


      When I got flagged for having too many VES, the immigration officer at the booth said that he cannot deal with it and he would have to inform his superior .

        His superior was called and dealt with it .

    That measure will stop the immigration booth officer from asking for a bribe

  17. 7 minutes ago, transam said:

    .YOU want anyone to walk into the UK for the freebies, it's your thing..


       This story is about Children being reunited with their Families .

    Would you have a different opinion if you had children stuck in a Burmese refugee camp who were unable to come and live with you in Thailand ?

       How would you feel if lots of Thais were saying about you Children stuck in a Burmese refugee camp "Dont let them in, dont let them in" ?

  18. 3 hours ago, YeahSiam said:


    If a bargirl does meet and marry what she considers to be a good man, they're happy to not have to sell themselves but it's always in the back of their mind that if things go pear-shaped, they can always go back to it.





       The guy will also know that as well, and the fact can be used for her to dominate the relationship and always get her own way . 

      And the fact that they can go and find another instant boyfreind will make them more inclined to leave , more so than a woman who wouldnt work in a bar and will not find another instant boyfreind .

        That situation can be the ruin of relationships 

    I suppose that it also applies to the guys, they know that they can just go and put her back in the bar and get someone else .

       Which doesnt lead to a stable relationship with both people knowing that they can walk out anytime and find someone new immeaditaly

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