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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 22 hours ago, MiKT said:



     The problem is the treatment of women by men that needs to be overcome.




        You seem to be blaming the male species for this one action

    The huge majority of males would never do such a thing 

    Males find his actions to be abhorrent and most of us would never do such a thing

    Yes, there are some rapists and sex asaulters amongst us

    What this guy done was horrendous and most guys think that

    Normal guy do not do what this guy has done

    Do not suggest that all the male species are the same as this guy

    It simply isnt true .

    You seem to be blaming the whole male population on one guys actions 

    Most of us abhor what this guy did

    We are not the same as him 

  2. Why does the OP post this ?

    Maybe he wants Pattaya to be upset and distraught that HE left

    Is he expecting Pattayaians to beg him to come back ?

    After hes realised that no one cares where he lives and he wasnt missed ?

    He left Pattaya and misses the place 

    Sat in CM and he wants to go back 

    Seems to me that this is a seeking  "Pattaya misses you, please come back" post

    Maybe the OP needs to realise that no one cares about where he lives


  3. I wonder how many Thais actually like Songkran ?

    If I were to walk around tomorrow, throwing buckets of ice cold or dirty water over people , I wonder what the reaction would be . Would everyone start laughing ?

       I would quite probably end up arguing, fighting with people and then get arrested , thrown into jail and probably a mental hospital .

       Why is it acceptable on some days and not others ?

  4. 8 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

    Sounds like you are blaming the victim then? 


       I really cannot see how you have come to that conclusion

    Do you disagree with my point ?

    Do you think that its a wise idea for females to go into dark secluded places with strangers ?

    Especially young western females with young Asian men  .

    Do you disgree ?

    Do you actually think that is a wise thing to do ?

  5. 24 minutes ago, MiKT said:


    So, according to you, saying "She should have not gone alone with an unknown Thai man anywhere, for safety" is not blaming the victim?


    It is in my book; and its so common when assault/rape of women is covered on TV and its disgusting. Especially in this case where she specifically asked for a guide to ensure that she was safe.


    No excuse for rape, no excuse for blaming the victim. Both despicable.



       My point was that its not a wise idea to go with strangers into dark secluded places .

    IMO it could be quite dangerous .

    Maybe you think that it isnt dangerous and quite a safe thing to do .

    I wouldnt go with strangers into dark secluded places and even if they claimed to be a tour guide, that wouldnt give me enough confidence to trust them .

      I am not blaming for the the guys actions, he acted despicably .

    My point was that people , especially females shouldnt go with strangers into dark secluded places , especially with young men

    I dont think that its a safe thing to do .

    Do you think that its a safe and wise thing to do ?

    This story shows that it clearly isnt 


  6. 9 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:

    Unless of course the poo he finds himself in means he has no money. things are never black and white. long term based on marriage still means 400000 in bank for three months. multi o from savannakhet means traveling there means money for visa money for visa on arrival means hotel money food money. Things can and do change in a heart beat. easy to sit back and say he's fault well just maybe it isn't. 


        Although that is a persons personal financial situation and its nothing to do with immigration changes  .

        As far as I know , there hasnt been any changes in the Mulit 0 visa application process over the years

  7. 55 minutes ago, Deepinthailand said:


    The other side is a guy is a "good guy" for years doing everything by the book then the doggy poo hits the fan. He finds himself between a rock and a hard place. two options leave thailand and leave his family behind or disappear  from the radar stay with family. Sort out the dog poo. get himself sorted. so from good guy yesterday to bad guy today????. 


       If he has a family, he will be able to get a long term visa based on that , if not, Thailand still allows numerous Tourist Visas .

       With tourists visas from different Embassys , mixed up with a few VES and the occasional new passport, its still very much possible to stay in Thailand long term .

       No one needs to leave his family or overstay . 


    • Like 1
  8. Considering that the Overstay had been blatantly  flouting laws over   a few years without any authorities involved , it may be possible that the local authorities turned a blind eye .

       This raid involved soldiers, so, maybe someone made a complain the someone higher up than the local authorityities 

       It wouldnt be surprising if the Overstay didnt have all the correct licences and the owner will very probably be going to jail soon, so its quite likely that the Overstay will close down soon IMO

  9. 1 hour ago, MalandLee said:

    Incredibly sorry to hear this has happened to you, whilst it may be difficult, sometimes - for the benefit of your fellow human - adding some detail to your post as to what specifically happened to you and with your benefit of hindsight - how we can avoid these traps.


    Without identifying yourself it could really help (some) others


       Deserves its own thread  

    • Like 1
  10. 46 minutes ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    because it is a ton of fun. i think my 5 year old son has just as much fun as i do. just because you dont like it dont begrudge our fun. you chooses to live here so accept it. is a boost for the economy as well.


       But those of us who have grown out of water fights, have to either participate or stay at home .

    Maybe one afternoon of water fights would be a laugh, but the joke soon wears thin after four days .


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  12. 7 hours ago, Berkshire said:


    Allow me to be a bit shallow (i.e., non-PC).  Firstly, are you referring to society of today, or 500 years from now?  Because today, we are all still judged by first appearances, women by looks, men by means.  So yes, a man with an attractive female will be judged more positively than one with an unattractive one.  This is just first impression, which is how we judge people we don't know.  The guy can turn out to be a total loser and the woman a $10 hooker, but that's beside the point.




       Maybe that is the first instant impression,. 

    When I see a Western guy walking down the street with a Western wife and a few kids in tow , I think "Happy married Family"

       When I see a Western guy walking down the street with a younger Thai woman , I think, "Paid for company"

       First impressions 


  13. 7 hours ago, Berkshire said:


    Allow me to be a bit shallow (i.e., non-PC).  Firstly, are you referring to society of today, or 500 years from now?  Because today, we are all still judged by first appearances, women by looks, men by means.  So yes, a man with an attractive female will be judged more positively than one with an unattractive one.  This is just first impression, which is how we judge people we don't know.  The guy can turn out to be a total loser and the woman a $10 hooker, but that's beside the point.




       Maybe that is the first instant impression,. 

    When I see a Western guy walking down the street with a Western wife and a few kids in tow , I think "Happy married Family"

       When I see a Western guy walking down the street with a younger Thai woman , I think, "Paid for company"

       First impressions 


  14. 7 hours ago, Berkshire said:




    Even in your example--which is a stretch--I'd venture to say the supermodel with no brain would have all the guys lusting after her, while your ugly smart/successful/interesting woman would be ignored.  Most guys, and I mean guys with their own money, would envy the dude with the supermodel and feel sorry for you. 


    Just another sobering perspective. 


    My example was a stretch, but so was the person whom I was replying to .

    "Supermodel and "100 kilos" were his stretching .

       In which environment are you talking about ?

    Are you talking about a Pattaya bar environment ?

    A free for all where there are no rules on engagement

    I was referring to a normal environment, where its very much against protocol to "lust after people" if they are with a partner .

       Apart from prostitute bars, if you lust after anyones partner , there would more likely be some aggravation 

  15. 3 minutes ago, balo said:


    Why is it only white people in the pictures, even the staff working there are not Thais ?  


    So we have a place in Thailand called Overstay, farangs are working in the bar , lots of drugs around , what could possibly go wrong ? 







      I suppose that only felangs stay there and the barstaff are probably just hanging out there and not really employed 

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