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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 4 minutes ago, amykat said:

    You are misquoting me, twisting my words around,  pretending to be confused, can't remember who you are talking to,


       Please give me instances where I have misquoted you ?

    Pleas state where I have twisted your words around .

    I said that it gets confusing when people are talking about two different topics .

    Fair enough, I do reply to posts and I do not recall who posted the post (at a later time) 

  2. 10 minutes ago, jaiyen said:

    As a pilot and a skydiver for many years I dont know how you can check wind speed on the ground when I am at 12000 ft in a plane.  If the wind reaches a dangerous speed ground crew will radio a message.  This very rarely happens.  Wind shear is impossible to detect till you feel it. I have seen lots of canopies collapse because of it. Its not a lot of fun in a plane either when you get a severe wind shear.  Was the above quote about wind shear from a witness ?


       No, Im not a polot or a skydiver, I just thought that there would be some instrument or something to measure the wind speed from the aircraft to the ground .

       Maybe that kind of instrument doesnt exist ,

  3. 25 minutes ago, amykat said:


     And look at the title of this thread.  There is no restriction about Thailand nor about Farangs specifically.  This topic can be discussed in general ...women who marry older men ...women and sexual attraction ...do you think Thai women and Western women have different laws of physical attraction on a scientific level?


    Why are you trying to control everybody?


      Although this is a Thai centric forum and the topic of this thread specifically deals with older felang guys  and younger Thai females .

       I do believe that generally Females are attracted to wealth, more so than good looks, the world over .

    Although in richer Countries it is less apparent because most First World Western Females are either self supportive or they receive social gov benefits .

       But this thread is about Thai Females, who generally cannot support themselves and receive no gov benefits and their attraction to richer Western guys .

       I have no idea why you are saying that I am trying to control everybody .

  4. 13 minutes ago, amykat said:


    No, Bullshit ... I never said Western females at all, YOU did. 


      I didnt say that YOU said "Western Females", I stated that a "poster" did , I didnt state WHICH poster, because I cannot remember who posted it,  BUT , I didnt say that you did !!!!!

       A poster mentioned Donald Trump and Kissinger and whether females would be attracted to them and thats when I replied with Western female examples , because Trump and Kissinger live in USA and not Thailand

  5. 4 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Seriously. If never born how would you know?


       The choice is available to the born child .

    Would he, or anyone ele, prefer to have an older Father or to have never been born in the first place .

  6. 15 minutes ago, amykat said:


    Well I think you have conveniently forgotten the point you started arguing with me, which was about women being SEXUALLY different than men, not caring about looks and age, and you seeming to think women are sexually attracted to money/men's cars, etc.


    You keep switching the examples back and forth from Western situations to here when it suits you and then try to eliminate me from the conversation when I make a good point. 




       There is some confusion .

    This thread was about Thai females marrying older Felangs Males in Thailand , a poster then used an example about Western females in the West looking for a one night stand .

       Two very different situations and it has led to some crossed wires

  7. 5 minutes ago, amykat said:




    You keep switching the examples back and forth from Western situations to here when it suits you and then try to eliminate me from the conversation when I make a good point. 




       Maybe you are getting me mixed up with someone else .

    Other posters keep referring to Western situations and although I have replied to those posts , I have stated that this thread isnt about Western situations and could we stick to the thread topic .

       So, I am just replying to other peoples posts and its not me who is switching examples , but anyway, my examples still hold true for Thai woman, just as it does for Western woman

  8. 4 hours ago, connda said:


    If I lost my dad at a young age, I would have been crushed.  No - it's immensely selfish


       Would you prefer not to have been born at all ?

    Those are the options .

    An older Father or to never exist in the first place .

    Only two choices available

  9. 11 minutes ago, amykat said:


    You are going to extreme examples to make your point.  I would say their are plenty of nice, men aged 25-30, who are not rolling in money, but who are not losers, living with their mother, who would be available to date a woman 25 years old.  When I was that age, I was in graduate school and went out with my classmates.  Do you consider a man in law school or medical school who hasn't yet made his fortune a loser and my better choice should have been some 50 year old Don Juan with a Ferrari?



       My point was that females find wealth attractive, more so than good looks .

    Also, this thread is about felang guys in Thailand , nothing to do with when you were at school and your situation or the situation in your home country 

  10. 35 minutes ago, Autonuaq said:


    And you have the woman how are forced to get income for the family.

    Most western men get a woman here that kind of woman they could never have if they try to get a home.

    There are different reasons why most women give the best part of life to an old man to take care of.

    In the end,  it is the woman who has to lose all. She has to go a long time when the man passed away or leaves her and is too old to get a good new man. So she has to make sure she get what is needed to survive the rest of her time.

    Most men forget that because when little head things there is no blood left for the big head.




       Many, many Thai woman are obliged to provide for their families .

    Many Thai mothers encourage their daughters to work in bars , thats where they can earn big money.

    Not nice, but thats the reality .

       Many Thai woman who get felang males here who She could never get the equivalent Thai make in Thailand .

       The Woman doesnt have it all to lose, thy have everything to gain, even a passport and ticket out of thailand, where they can go and work abroad and can be quite successful .

       Many Thai ladies who marry felangs also get set up for life , keep the house, trust funds etc 

  11. 19 minutes ago, amykat said:



    Anyway, I guess you disagree with me?  You seem to think that only RICH, Western Women would ever refuse a sexual tryst with an ugly guy in a Ferrari vs a gorgeous poor man.  Can you tell me, if she goes home with the guy in the Ferrari, does he give her the Ferrari, or does she go home just the same, with nothing but sex, as she would have rec'd from the poor man?



       If theres a handsome young guy in a bar , who arrives on a bus and offers the woman half a shandy and a packet of pork scratchings and then asks her to walk back to his mums house to sleep and get a saveloy and chips on the way home  , then an uglier guy turns up in a Ferrari, buys a bottle of champagne , suggests that they move on to a top nightclub, stopping off at an expensive restaurant along the way and then  back to his luxurious penthouse .

       Which one of the guys would the female consider to be most "handsome" then ?

  12. 8 minutes ago, amykat said:

    Sanemax, Does one need to be a "Rich Western Socialite" in order  to engage in casual dating?  Or even a one-night stand?  Although I am not sure how many ladies seek to ONLY have a one night stand but I was trying to make a point.





       I was replying to a post where the poster stated  "If a beautiful 25 year old modern woman goes out seeking sex and nothing more, she is not going home with Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch "

           And only rich Western socialites would mix in those circles , so that was what I was referring to . 

  13. 7 minutes ago, amykat said:




    If a beautiful 25 year old modern woman goes out seeking sex and nothing more, she is not going home with Donald Trump or Rupert Murdoch or Joe Blow who is 20- 40 years older, and ugly because "women are different",  and they don't care what their potential partner looks like. I would argue woman are operating under the same laws of physical attraction as men, whatever those are.  She doesn't care how much money is in your wallet, she isn't getting turned on by possible child support payments, etc.


        You keep moving the goal posts 

    This thread is about poor third World Thais marrying older felangs and now you are giving an example about rich female socialite westerns looking for a one night stand .

       Two very different situations

       If a  female goes out to a bar looking for sex and theres an ugly guy who arrives in a Ferrari and another handsome guy arrives on a bus , no guesses who's attention she will be attempting to seek

  14. 15 hours ago, khunpa said:

    But the guys who believe a 20-30 year old girl, really loves being with a 50-70 year old man are simply lost mentally.




       Could you clarify what the subject matter is .

    30 year old and a 50 year old is a 20 year age difference .

    20 year old and a 70 year old is a 50 year age difference .

    What age difference are we discussing, as the age difference range seems to change with each post .

  15. 6 minutes ago, amykat said:


    Would this be because younger women are blind and dumb?  Or because they are smart and sensitive to the "old ugly" man and make him FEEL this way?


      Its a female species natural instinct , it is also a male natural instinct .

    Females look for a male who can best provide for them and their off spring .

    So Females do not look for young handsome poor guys to provide for them, they look for wealthy males .

       Males seek younger ladies, who are still able to reproduce and the younger females will still be around to take care of any off spring, long after they have gone .

       It is natural selection .

    It is the basis of love and attraction

  16. 8 minutes ago, KittenKong said:


    Maybe you could reply because you are a mod? I certainly could not and it seems to be a sub-forum or user setting.


    Not sure if my replies are ever value-added, but you are to be commended for your optimism.


       That happens sometimes, it usually sorts itself out and you can sometimes post next time you visit

  17. 9 hours ago, eldragon said:


    Do you think this is definitely the case for every young woman who married an older man? Can you imagine a scenario where a girl was only with a man for opportunity and was left emotionally damaged b/c she wasted her youthful years on him?


      The "girl being emotionally damaged " !!!!

    What about the guys ?

    Typically and older guy will come to Thailand, meet a younger lady , sets up a house , gives her all she wants , spends alot of his hard earned money setting up a new life for himself with the Thai wife with the view to living happily ever after .   

    Something happens, like the Thai Baht appreciating by 25% , he decided to cut back on his spending and stop giving money to her family .

       She them leaves, taking the house and kids with her and shes off looking fo someone richer to support her, leaving the felang to live in a cheap condo on the 10 th floor, too old and poor to start again , just drinks all day and thinking about whether he should join the flying club .


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  18. "I know two Thai girls that recently divorced much older men, both foreigners "


        Although it is quite common for people to get divorced, whether they are foreigners, Thai, old or young or a combination .

       Its very rare for a person to go through life and stay with the same partner forever , breaking up and divorce is sadly part of most peoples lives . 

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