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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 3 hours ago, Johnyo said:



    Did you watch Amber Ruud's speech during the Tory conference? It was a Brexiters dream and as racist as it gets asking companies to choose British before foreign when employing!! 




       Britain is a muilti racial Country .

    A British person can be of any and every race .

    So suggesting that Companys should emply British people, cannot be clasified as a racist statement .

       For it to be a racist statement, it would have to specify a person based on their race, which they didnt do .

  2. I have just  seen recent  photos (Taken yesterday )of a 9 year old Thai boy in orange Monks robes .

    There are also other photos of him and a group of other kids his age just before in regular clothes at the Temple .

      He had his head shaved and was then wearing orange robes .

    What does this signify ?

    (Has he joined the Temple as a Monk or is this just a temporary ceremonial thing ?

    The Boy is my Sons cousin and I just wondered what is going on) 

  3. 13 hours ago, SantiSuk said:

    I'm just wondering - could turning the UK economy into manure be part of a strategy to convince people to change their minds and remain? 


       I believe that the UK economy is doing fine , its just the Pound that has fallen and the falling Pound will not effect the man in the street in the UK .

       UK people living abroad have been effected by the falling Pound, but, they didnt and arent able to vote on whether to stay or exit, also, the vote has already been held and there will not be another one, so, it matters not what people think now

  4. 1 hour ago, gamini said:

    I can't blame that Thais are disliking foreigners.. When I came here years ago I never heard the word "farang". Over the years the quality of foreigners coming to live here gets worse and worse. Some years back we had the German mafia in North Pattaya, then we had the Brit brigades of boiler room scammers. Now we have thousands of foreigners hiding in Thailand from the law. Many really ugly and unattractive ones too, here because they couldn't find a decent looking girl in their own country. We have the paedofiles .  But what I really think gets the Thais is the thousands of young people coming here to avoid working in their own country. They save a bit of money and try to stay here living very cheaply. They pay no taxes and contribute little to the country, they make no effort to make Thai friends.  It seems that most of the foreigners are now badly dressed, impolite and their conversation consists of bar girls, beer and bikes.  Not to mention all the fights and crime that foreigners commit here too
    There are also of course a lot of decent foreigners whom the Thais respect.  They live here because they like the country and the people and they behave decently.




        I do not agree with disliking a whole group of people based on a minority of that groups actions .


  5. 5 minutes ago, geisha said:

    What cries out to me is the fact  that 30 years ago most Thais were a happy lot.

    Maybe the " innocence " is gone, and disillusion has stepped in. I see a lot of miserable, sullen shop workers and owners, people in all walks of life who can often be quite rude, something I never experienced before. I've seen some Thai people behaving abominably to tourists, and it shocks me and upsets me and my vision of the once lovely folk. 


        That was due to a lack of education and low life achievement expectations .

    Happy with nothing .

    30 years ago Thais were poverty stricken and lived in slums and they were very happy to meet rich young Westerners who had money .

       30 years later, this Thai generation has an education and higher expectations .

    Do not forget that you are 30 years older and no longer the young rich handsome Westerner .

       There are still plenty of young happy Thais out there, but you probably do not mix in those circles anymore

    • Like 1
  6. 13 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

    I've always found it weird that there are so few Malaysian/Singaporean restaurants in Thailand, for example. There are many Thai restaurants in those nations. There are more Malaysian/Singaporean restaurants in the typical large U.S. city than in Bangkok. It's a really wonderful, interesting, distinctive cuisine in a bordering nation. It's bizarre to me really. Imagine the USA without Mexican restaurants. OK, very few Canadian ones, but that's because the national cuisines are so similar. Thai food and Malaysian/Singaporean are very different. I find that an interesting clue about Thai attitudes towards their close neighbors. 


       I do not recall seeing Singaporean or Malaysian restaurants outside their respective Countries, although I am sure that there are some .

       Maybe there are numerous Malaysian and Singaporean restaurants in the USA because there are numerous immigrants from Malaysia and Singapore in the USA.

       Malaysian, Thai and Singaporean food are all rice and noodles based, so they are quite similar and maybe Malaysians and Singaporeans have no desire to open any restaurants in Thailand.

       Maybe they cannot get work or business visa or they are unable to buy restaurants outright.

      There could be numerous reasons.

       Maybe Thais just dont like their food ?

  7. 2 hours ago, teacherpaul said:

    Facebook is great for sharing news or funny stories, but unfortunately it gives a mouthpiece to those with far too much to say for themselves.


       I disagree and I am of the opposite opinion .

    I can find news and funny stories from any other news and funny stories websites .

    FB is more for personal info from friends .

      FB is social media for social people, it isnt really for people who have nothing to say for themselves and would rather keep themselves to themselves and who are a bit shy and self conscious about having an opinion.

       Anonymous forums are more suited to those people . 

  8. 1 hour ago, teacherpaul said:

    He's not talking rubbish. He's hit the nail on the head. Sounds like you are one of these people he is referring to. Crushing to the ego, isn't it.


      OK. I do not have friends on my FB page who state that have just had a dump and wiped their arse and picked their nose. I do understand that you may have those kinds of friends on your page as does he

  9. 6 minutes ago, Suradit69 said:


    ' applying Western "logic"  '


    Two World Wars and the existence of Donald Trump, among many other things, make any claim to intellectual superiority or uniformity laughable.




       Yes, no other Countries have ever been in wars, apart from Western Countries and no other Country has ever had Trump esque Politicians .

       Those lovely nice peaceful Eastern Japanese would never get involved in Wars or anything like that

  10. 2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

    One word.  Insecurity.  Looking for likes, which in turn boosts their confidence.  Don't they know people with ill intentions also follow these postings.   


       Wow, that is why people post things on FB ?

    Because they are "insecure" and they need a "confidence " boost?

    Is that just your opinion, or has there been some study done into this matter?

    Who are these people with "ill intentions" that follow these postings ?

    If you are concerned about the FBI or Pravda or Mossad watching you, you can put your privacy settings to private .

       IF the FBI want to see what I post, then they just have to send me a friend request

  11. 3 minutes ago, MikeyIdea said:


    They made it difficult for foreigners staying in Thailand on visa runs forever.



       Although it is still quite possible to stay in Thailand on tourist visas.

    They did clamp down on people staying in Thailand long term on Visa Exempt Stamps , But that did make a mockery of the whole Thai Visa system .

       Why bother getting a tourist visa, retirement visa or anything else, when you could just step across a border and come straight back with no need to get any kind of visa.

        I used to live in Thailand for three years on VES , and its caused me hardship to get proper visas, but all the same I thoroughly understand and agree with why they did it

  12. 39 minutes ago, Time Traveller said:

    Positive Changes? Do you mean things like mass surveillance, public lecturing of people the leader doesn't like at that particular point in time, 40 year jail sentences for crimes of nothing more than posting some comments on Facebook, proposed decriminalization of methamphemine, inconsistent sentencing of offenders based on society connections, the inability to find the people behind the ongoing bomb blasts, or the arrest of foreigners not guilty of any crime except that China requested Thailand because they don't like the message of criticism against China.

    Oh yeah there's a lot of positive changes!


       Mass public surveillance is just a sign of the times, it is happening the World over and it isnt happening because of the Junta in power .

       The Les Majeste laws have been in place since before the Junta came into power.

    The proposal of legalising MDMA is just a proposal, which is just a proposal , its very unlikely to be passed as a law .

       Connected people being able to evade the law has also been going on prior to the Junta taking charge , although since the Junta took over , connected people evading the law is being clamped down upon, although there is a long way to go to completely eradicate it .

       There are instances of people who set off bombs not being caught in many places in the World, it isnt unique to Thailand

    • Like 2
  13. 1 hour ago, kenk24 said:

    I really don't know, but if you are talking about laws/rule enforcement,


       The Army now Police the Police .

    Previously the Police were a law unto themselves .

    Laws , rules and regulations were routinely flouted, as long as the right people were paid off .

       That has all changed, yeah, it probably still goes on, but it is being clamped down upon .

      The illegal buildings are being torn down, the buildings which were allowed to be built at the time , possible with brown envelopes changing hands in gov offices .

       Bars are now having to conform with laws and regulations .

    Top Policeman and Government officials have been moved to inactive posts for alleged malpractices.

      Illegal loggers , who logged with impunity have been clamped down upon .

    The list is endless, and there is still a long way to go 

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