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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 18 minutes ago, Docno said:

    Whether or not he is smiling--and I think he is--I don't see any reason to take such a picture and provide it to the media. There is no reason to 'despise' Thais, but we can be critical of what we see here...


      Listen , HE . the Policeman  didnt take the photo and provide it to the media, the media took the photo themselves , like, reporters .  

        That is the nature of reporters, to report  news stories and take photographs and its natural to try to smile when you photograph is being taken .

       What kind of face do you suggest that the Policeman tries to pull ?


  2. 6 minutes ago, IMA_FARANG said:

    The  Asia Cooperation Dialogue (ACD) Summit is a leitimate terrorist target for those who feel they should  target  it.

    A backpack bomb to such people would be a message to the Thai government that they could not protrct their own Capital city.

    I don't agree, but for a terrorist it is just the kind of mesage they would want to see demonstrated in Thailand.

    If a few farang wetern (tourists) died in such a bombing, the headlines woudf echo around the world.

    Like it or not you have to realise the reality of today's international terrorism threat.




       Do they have urine tests these days that can detect whether or not you are carrying a bomb?


  3. 1 hour ago, Grouse said:




    In my opinion, Brexiteers do indeed tend toward racism in various degrees from mildly xenophobic to foaming at the mouth NAZIs.


       Would you describe the Black and Asian  British people who voted to leave Europe and being racist and Nazis?

       The Black and Asian unskilled British people who had to compete with White Eastern Europeans for unskilled work who voted out .

       Are they also racist foaming at the mouth Nazis?

  4. 11 minutes ago, khunpa said:


    Sorry, but if you can not see that the guy is smiling, then you seriously need help... Either with your eyes or your head.


      That is rather extreme .

    Because IMO ,  a person isnt smiling, then I should go and see an optician or psychiatrist .

       And ScottBKK thinks that I should take medication !!!!!!!

    You guys need to accept other peoples opnions


  5. 6 minutes ago, ScotBkk said:

    Laughing Policeman

    This picture is gross besides that idiot showing not a bit of sympathy for the poor boy. At times this is the kind of thing that makes one despise Thais. :coffee1:


       IMO , The Policeman isnt laughing or smiling at all .

    Its a serious sad commiserations, grimacing  kind of look .

    And you despise ALL Thais because you think one Policeman is smiling !!!!!

  6. 2 minutes ago, pegman said:

     Just ponder what will happen to the English economy should the EU isolate it then Scotland followed by Northern Ireland and maybe even the Welch decide to jump ship. It could take a generation to right itself.


      Then again, the E.U. may very well disintegrate very soon , the UK could then form a new Union, consisting of UK , Germany, France , Holland and Belgium . 


  7. 6 minutes ago, Johnyo said:


    I will say it Yes. The majority I've met are racist towards muslims (Ok a religion) in my eye that's racist as the majority of muslims are dark skinned.

    Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect



       The majority of Brexit voters you have met have been racist towards Muslims ?

    So that makes all Brexit voters racist ?

    I really do not think that its possible to label ALL Brexit voters to be racist, based on the ones that you have met .

       How many of the Brexit voters have you actually met , out of the 14 000 000 that voted out ?

      What about the Brexit voters that you met who were not racist towards Muslims, are they racist as well ? 


  8. 2 hours ago, tails said:

    That 'warranty' means absolutely nothing and that so many things you buy locally will be a frustrating waste of money... In 4 years I've had such bad luck with so many things... just off the top of my head I can think of 5 kettles, 2 fridges, a blender, 3 bicycles, countless powerboards, a digital camera, 3 external hard drives, a laptop harddrive, a rice cooker, an air-conditioner, a car battery charger, a drill and that's only the half of it. Never before have I experienced such unbelievable rates of product failure... even worse, not a single thing was fixed or replaced despite most being under warranty.


        Are your home electric systems OK ?

    What voltage is installed in your house ?

    240 v ?

  9. 6 minutes ago, RuamRudy said:


    They demonise the poor; they force ill people to endure degrading work assessments; 


       There were so many people pretending to be sick in order to claim sickness benefit , which is theft, that certain measures had to be put in place  to weed out those criminals who fake sickness for their own benefit .

       Visiting a doctor can hardly be labelled as being "degrading" 

  10. 10 minutes ago, NanLaew said:


    Having said that, the UK government has advised LSE that any employee working on government Brexit advisory teams can only be British citizens. 


      There could be a conflict of interests, people working on a project that could personally effect their future .


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