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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. People also need to bear in mind that since the Military took over , corruption has been clamped down upon . 

       The Army are now policing the Police .

    The blatant corruption from pre coup times are no longer so blatant 

    The Police are no longer a law unto themselves, they have the boys in green watching them

  2. "Elderly female farangs living in LOS "


      Why is the thread title plural, when it is about ONE person in particular ?

    Also, from her home in Wales to the home in Pattaya would be about a 24 hour door to door journey , that is quite a tough journey for a 74 year old .

       Considering that and the jet lag and the heat, I would also be against the old woman flying back after four days .

      She had a ticket home in one month ,  she could have just sat at the house in Pattaya and spent some time with the grandchildren , rather than having to probably buy a new ticket home and having another arduous 24 hour journey

  3. 5 minutes ago, PJO said:

    Hmmm ......... I don't think it takes a genius to work out the guy's motivation for wanting his mum to sell her house & move in to his house!!??


      It doesnt take a genius, although it does take a suspicious mind to think like that . 

    Or at least a suspicious mind to think that the Sons sole intention was to get the money from the house for himself .

       There is nothing to suggest that the Son had any ill intentions . The Mother was elderly, living on her own , it may have been a good idea for her to sell her house and move to Thailand, where he son could take care of her and her grandchildren could be with her .

       Selling her house in the UK and then buying a property in Thailand may also have avoided the 40% inheritance tax (possibly, although, IDK, TBH)

  4. 6 hours ago, Straight8 said:

    Yeah and it's quite possible UFO's actually exist.


    Put 2 and 2 together and you will see the possibly of the sons motives here.


    Good on the OP for helping out.


    For most elderly women, Thailand would be one of the last places on earth they'd want to retire in.


       Now come on, are you suggesting that the probabilities of UFOs existing are the same probabilities as  a person getting to like a Country after initially not liking it ?

       A Person getting to like Thailand after initially not liking it : Probability . 50% chance , 2-1 odds

       UFO's existing : Probability 1 Million chance  :Probability 1 000 000 -1 odds

    Hardly comparable 

  5. A guy brings his elderly Mother over to Thailand for a holiday to stay with his Wife and three kids, the O.P. then decided that his only reason for asking her to come to Thailand was so that he could sell the family house and keep the money .

    The OP then decides to trespass, take the old ladies phone and delve through it contacting her family and making unsubstantiated allegations!!!! 

      Maybe the guy just wanted to take care of his mother or he wanted her to spend some time with his own Children.

       But no, the OP decided that his only reason for doing it was to sell her house, even though he would not have been the recipient of any money from the house sell .

       The OP really needs to mind her own business, she may have caused a huge rift in that Family all based on a false allegation . The OP doesnt know the facts , its none of her business and she should not have got involved, 

  6. 14 minutes ago, likeke said:

    Oh please!!  I am so glad you helped out this lady! Good on you my friend. You did the right thing regardless of the idiot son. And anybody who disagrees with this should look deep into your heart and think what if this was your mother. It was obvious she was abjectly sad and wanted to go home where her friends were, etc. You definitely took the high road! 


       It is quite possible that she may have changed her mind and began to like Thailand after she had got settled in and became familiar with it .

  7. 1 hour ago, williamgeorgeallen said:

    OP better watch his back. the son may have been counting on the proceeds of his mums house to keep living the dream in thailand.


      The OP implies that selling the house was the Sons reason for him wanting her to stay in Thailand , now you are implying that he needed to money to stay in Thailand !!!!!

       That is quite a lot of guessing and implying that you are both doing there

  8. 28 minutes ago, Kasset Tak said:

    So many people does stupid things when they are in Thailand!

    Two foreigners have been harassing one of my friends family. Now when they have it all on paper and with the help of the extended family they have take some counter measures... lets just say that the shit has REALLY hit the fan for those two and no bribes will be large enough to let them pass immigration before this thing is solved!    


       Are you sure that you have posted that in the right thread ?

    Just seems a bit random .

  9. 29 minutes ago, Americano555 said:

    Still goes on ALL BIG BUSES,  If you don't lock your bag, they put a guy down with the luggages, and goes through any bag he can access.

    When he completes this, he gets off with the stolen goods, only to see the bus assistants on his way back.


    But, yes it's stupid to leave valuables in luggage.


      Theft really doesnt happen on all big buses, its only the illegitimate buses from Koh San road where thefts occur, buses from bus stations are quite safe

  10. 7 minutes ago, TerrylSky said:

    Good grief; 500 baht? Of course it's good to report thieves if not hang them too, but I would write it off as a lesson in poor judgement , naivety, carelessness, and a lack of common judgment while travelling in a foreign country. Needless to say, it's a bad thing that lazy idiots have to steal baht from good hearted, fun filled farang, but gee.  Me, I would have swiftly wrote it off as a lesson and have learned from it. Lot's of police hours, sacrificed vacation time drinking beer at Thapae Gate, added stress, loss of face... ... ... ...


     500 Euros, NOT Baht

  11. 9 minutes ago, zeth77 said:

    on the same topic , is it possible to change my visa to a different visa that allows me to stay for a longer period of time in Thailand.

    Sent from my SM-G920F using Tapatalk


       Visas do not allow you to stay in Thailand , the permission to stay stamp allows you to stay in Thailand 

  12. 1 hour ago, easybullet3 said:


    what did you do for the countersign?  and also what did you use for proof of address ?

           these are the choices:

    • visa or resident permit (or colour photocopy)

    • tax record eg a letter from a tax authority

    • educational record eg school report

    • employment record eg official letter from your employer

    • letter sent to you from a central, regional or local government department

    • medical/health card

    • voter’s card

    • immigration documents.



    I have already stated in this thread that you can use a bank statement with your address on it as proof of address , I even suggested in this thread that you go and get a bank statement from your bank with a current address on it .

         I got a local solicitor to counter sign it for me , I never actually had any previous dealings with him, he had just seen me walking past his office numerous times and he counter signed my application and we wouldnt accept any payment

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  13. 2 hours ago, ubonjoe said:

    You should do that since it is wrong. I think immigration does that because so many people incorrectly call everything a visa.


       Although the terminology maybe incorrect, when people state " Visa extension" it is generally  understood what is meant by that term .

       IMO the term  "Visa extension" should be accepted in lieu of the term " permission to stay" 

    Everyone is fully aware what a person means when they say "Visa extension" . so much so, that it has become the accepted phrase for referring to getting an extension of stay

  14. 5 minutes ago, muzmurray said:


    Nor are visas extended, only your permission to stay is.(That is why it is called an "extension of stay" not a "visa extension").


      Thanks, its extremely important to point that out , The Visa itself isnt extended, just the date on the Visa is extended .

       Thanks for stopping any confusion on this matter

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