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Posts posted by sanemax

  1. 3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:


    Maybe so. But this forum is about Thailand. Surely even the least observant amongst us will have noticed that Thai people don't use chopsticks to eat rice?


      I really do not notice that kind of thing .

    When I go out to eat, I dont look whether other people are either using a knife and fork or chopsticks or what nationality they are .

        Theres a whole world out there that Im oblivious too .

    In future when I go out to eat, I will observe which utensils people are using

  2. 1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:


    Yes. The irony of that statement was the basis of the joke I was making. 


    Do try and keep up. 


       It wasnt a funny joke, nor was it an obvious joke .

    Maybe it would have been funny if we were in a real life situation and you said it in a jokey voice, but it just didnt transmit too well as  written words on a forum

  3. I was living together with a local female who has no Thai I.D or Thai citizenship and no Nationality at all from anywhere , although she does have a legal right to stay and live in Thailand .

       We lived together, quite happily for five years ,We had a Son who is now nearly three years old .

    Six months ago now , I had to go abroad and She went back to her village , a poor village .

    Whilst she was in the village she burrowed a large amount of money from a money lender and took her whole family on holiday for a month .

       She informed me that she had left me and that she wasnt coming back................although she may come back in the future.under certain conditions .

       I knew what those conditions would be .

    A month later she contacted me (she had spent all the money and she was broke) and the message was "Pay back all the money that I burrowed and I will come back, if you dont, you will never see your Son again"

       I refused to pay .

    She was in quite a lot of debt, no job, no money  .

    She left my Son in the village with her mother and went to work in a bar .

    She leaves him in the village for weeks at a time .

    As we are not married , I have no parental rights .

    She has no Thai I.D.

    What would be the consequences if I went to the village and just took him from them .

    It would be hostile .

    It seems possible to get him a UK passport , although I wouldnt be able to take him out of Thailand .

    I can with just walk away and abandon him and leave him to his own devices and to live a poor life in the village.

    Or go and get him from the village, against the familys wishes and then could end up on child abduction charges .

    Abandon him or take the law into my own hands .

    What a choice



  4. Just now, SoiBiker said:

    I could, but I'm not going to. 


    If you don't realise there are wealthy Thai people, you must have a pretty limited understanding of the country. 



      That is the second time that you have mentioned that and I havent even stated or even suggested that there are not wealthy Thais in Thailand .

       Anyway, we are talking about "typical" prices , you seem to be just trying to portray yourself as someone who is quite rich and goes to expensive places to eat.......................rice dishes :)

  5. 6 hours ago, SoiBiker said:
    3 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

    Round here the Thais spend more on dinner than the farangs.


    Not all Thai people are poor, you know. 



       Where is "Round here"

    Could you be more specific with the location?

    "Round here" (Where you are) Thais may spend more on lunch than foreigners , but round here(my round here) , where I am, I dont really know, I will have a look tomorrow lunch time . What people have to lunch , I dont usually take much notice of what they are eating, how much it costs and who is eating what

  6. 1 minute ago, SoiBiker said:


    I know what a plate of fried rice costs in the cheapest places. But there are plenty of places that charge more - and not necessarily 'felang' places either. 


    Incidentally - 'Special fried rice'? Isn't that the dish you get in 'chinese' takeaways in the UK where they throw in everything they can scrape out of the back of the fridge?


      Yes, restaurants charge more, typical general eating places charge less than restaurants .

    Places that sell Thai food generally sell fried rice dishes for 40-60 Baht , where Thais go and eat dinner.

    Places that sell Foreign food for foreigners tend to price it a bit more expensive .

    Thai restaurants sell it for 80 Baht plus

  7. 6 minutes ago, kenk24 said:



    "Have a, had a" And you once critiqued my use of one word! Get a grip Max... but never mind. 



       I was stating that we previously had a drink together, but we no longer do .

    I changed the present tense, into a past tense .

  8. 8 minutes ago, JJGreen said:


    The title said cheap ass originally ...but was edited by admin..
    The phrases refer to the same type of frugal people but it's different terminology used by different people...as u point out.

    My point is....cheap ass and cheapskate is widely used terminology...not limit3d to bars.



      But it is a slightly derogatory term used by people who want you to spend money with them being the beneficiary .

       If you were out shopping with a Thai lady and you were looking to buy yourself a gold chain, for example , and you said "Silver ones are cheaper , so I may get a silver one instead of a gold one"

       Would She say "Dont be such a Cheapskate, buy yourself a gold one"?

    No She wouldnt .

    On the other hand, :If you were buying her a gold chain and you suggested that it would be cheaper to get a silver one.....................out come the derogatory terms

  9. 2 minutes ago, JJGreen said:






    The word cheap charlie might be bar girl language...but u are the only two using that terminology here. It isn't me tinned in my OP.

    Calling someone a 'cheap ass or 'cheapskate' or 'tight' or 'kee neow' is common everyday phrase usage







       There is currently another thread with "Cheap Charlie" in the title , which has a similar content to this thread , this thread also has "Cheap ferang" in the title, which has the same meaning as "Cheap Charlie" , so, we are all talking about the same thing, just using slightly different terminology 

  10. A friend, well, someone whom I have a, had a drink with when I see him in the bar is a bit down in the doldrums .

    His money has ran out : No money for food , rent or drink .

    Ever since I ve known him, hes been drinking his money away, now its all gone .

    Im going to avoid him in the future

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