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Everything posted by UbonEagle

  1. Other than the nasty hot weather, this is a good reason to give most parts of Thailand a wide berth from March until at least early June Thats my policy now while still working offshore and will definitely be when retired ????
  2. Newbies who hadn’t paid the BIB Irrespective 20% of patrons testing positive for some form of drugs is hardly a “drug party” - I’d say it’s statistically quite normal for a late night bar ????????????
  3. Not defending this kook, but I watched vid and I couldn’t see any zebra stripes plus the girl clearly couldn’t have looked that well to not see his lights approaching but clearly riding way too fast at night in built up and not stopping if spineless and indefensible ????
  4. Sure it will have a lot of issues initially, but once the top brass realise the sort of revenue these things can generate I guarantee they will be enforced and eventually accepted…have seen the full cycle already in Oz and while there are differences it will have much the same effect and in 20yrs expats here will be grumbling about the nanny state it’s become instead of whinging about the diabolical road standards here ????
  5. Ah the abject stupidity ???? it’s just a pity this won’t be run with hard enough by the media, highlighting how stupid this makes their country look
  6. Just a futile <deleted>-take to make it look like they’re not singling out their Chinese pals ????
  7. Financial fraud ???? he looks like one of those Nordic guys from worlds strongest man comp lifting cars etc
  8. I think it really comes down to her ability (grades etc) and ambition. Is she a uni grade student ? Not the end of world in Oz I didn’t go and I make more than most my mates, just the industry I lucked into. Jobs like aged care nurses are in huge demand in Oz, but for something like that prob easier and def cheaper to train in TH then move out when say 21yo, much more practical. Going at her age now would be difficult even with good English skills and def costly unless she has friend or relatives to stay with at least until she has a decent job. a lot of detail about cost of living can be found on AU university websites prob more reliable than asking on here ????
  9. I’m afraid the internet has created a whole new sub class of $&@wits and from the original posts comments about young tough looking tattooed guys I work with plenty of them and believe me most of them have probably never even had a proper fistfight
  10. God I wish these medical leeches would just go back to whatever they were doing before covid the country’s buckled economy is still recovering and I doubt many , if any, have an appetite to go back to the BS of 20-21
  11. Lip service only sadly as many have posted they’ve let the road carnage run unabated so why would this be any different
  12. Haha I’m sure the frog would have got a glowing reception there…not….????
  13. Preparing...just preying it comes earlier and lasts longer that usual. Cloudless skies with daily temp range of mid teens at night to high 20s maybe nudge 30 daytime is what i live for...house projects and garden, heaps of golf ????
  14. No suprises here, this section of Ubon floods nearly every year, in fact could have been worse as the mrs reports the rain from TS Noru was no more than numerous other periods this wet season. Certainly has been a long and plentiful rain season there.
  15. Nothing special, nearly a yearly occurance of flooding adjacent to Mun river on the Warin side of Ubon, its basically a natural wetland down there. Most just pack it up, collect cash and food handouts and live it temp shelters on the higher ground near the main road
  16. She’s a stunner ???? if Vietnam won’t help I’ll grant her a visa to our spare pool room immediately lol
  17. In suberban Ubon the local temple had a decent pack but during Covid numbers seem to have diminished noticeably…tough times and hungry mouths ? ???? anyway now as I walk my pack of 5 mongrels morning and arvo, they enjoy their little running battles with about 20 odd mutts spread across a few streets…but no street dogs all belong to a house even if most free range out on the street if they want
  18. Some leb wannabe socialite / Insta influencer flying cattle class Jetstar ???? keeping trying knobhead and the previous posts comment about Bankstown being “interesting” well if that includes drive by shootings and leb bikie turf wars I think you’ve pretty well nailed it ????
  19. No issue with it, compared to Indonesia 50USD it is very affordable, and given the hospital bills run up by uninsured travelers I kinda get it. only tightarses like the Indians will be moaning about it ????
  20. Been back in Ubon for 2wks and have been frequent torrential storms Getting up towards 300mm in total during that time Strongest wet season for some time here and an early kickoff too going since May as opposed to normally well into July
  21. Yes, Covid was/is real, the early incarnations particularly, but almost every person I know young old underlying etc all likened omicron to at worst a very bad dose of flu. and were all the restrictions and controls, (particularly freedom of movement for people to return to their own country) imposed legitimate ?? I would say no but hindsight is a wonderful thing. I doubt anything was done maliciously but modern day risk control (ass covering) and media hysteria were my 2 biggest gripes.
  22. Lol absolute hell raisers getting to 90km/hr on those little pea shooters grow up kids and get a real bike
  23. Another Leb bikie who thought he was smarter than the law lol enjoy the next 20yrs. Was reported on Oz news tonight he knocked some other oz biker gangster over there and was convicted of murder, but 2yr later miraculously downgraded to assault lol some cops in receipt of a serious brown paper bag there. story rings a bell now
  24. Like tropposurfer I’ve spent a lot of time in the saltwater and yes it takes a lot of experience to be completely comfortable in the ocean still surf but these days when I beach swim I always wear some swim fins it’s good insurance
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