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Everything posted by UbonEagle

  1. Of course it’ll still be going on unofficially with said spokesperson getting their little cut of the cream
  2. A week or 2 visit only back to TH between March-May while I’m still working, not planning any different when I’m retired 😊
  3. I’m sure one of the main issues is many Thai kids don’t want to do dirty jobs they think below them. This is propagated by the modern habit (in most countries) of parents not pushing their kids to get out and get a job, anything to start, and you go from there… instead they often prop up their lazy entitled lifestyles, they are imo doing their kids a disservice in the long run
  4. Imagine this in PC western countries, she would be publicly shamed and shouted down by the do-gooders
  5. I would say, incompetent as they generally are, most Thai cops are very chilled and good at de escalating situations who knows this plod may have got carried away but the numscull kiwi lads are going to learn the hard/expensive way from this misadventure
  6. I just hope she sticks solid and doesn’t accept a payoff so this grub faces the full consequences of his actions bet there’s some nervous local officials who are no doubt complicit in the “elephant sanctuary” scam ….
  7. Finally catching up with the tech many other Asian countries have been using for years 🤔
  8. Clearly the map shows ridiculous levels of burning in nth Cambodia get serious, if nothing auctioned expel the ambassador, stop all funding to the country, stop border trade im sure they’d come around then
  9. A good dose of nitrogen for this scum would be suitable
  10. Agree with so many comments on here about service, bad attitude, outdated IT… unfortunately I’ve persevered with them over the years for the direct flight convenience from Australia but only a last resort these days
  11. Hallelujah this parasite has probably been at this game the whole time
  12. As many have said anywhere coastal away from major infrastructure is fairly good. saying that, coastal living is not for everyone, with long wet seasons and persistent humidity. As for the mainland, the far eastern provinces like Ubon Ratchathani often has lowest AQI numbers this time of year, for a number of reasons I won’t go into here…not great but better than most other regions
  13. Always been aware of the retailers but never even thought about restaurants… sure the wife’s RR has always sold beer if someone wanted during that time
  14. Every second thing that happens in TH there are calls for “PM to investigate” says a bit about the shambolic state of politics in the country ffs as if this should even raise a mention at govt level
  15. Hallelujah 😊😊😊 been waiting 2yrs for this jetstar are not starting until September
  16. Nice stay in Bangkok Hilton then life ban hopefully for another wannabee gangster
  17. What a joke more propping up of the corrupt duopoly in this market break the duopoly encourage craft brewing will help tourism without a doubt and lower the ridiculous 🤬ing duty on imported wine
  18. Nothing short of a rigid enforcement of the road rules with accompanying punishment is going to change anything
  19. Like you I’m always in pursuit of improving my game cant offer any advice on coaches Have built and indoor sim at my place in Oz, allows me to hit some balls every day irrespective of weather, and great for analysis I follow a few YouTube types, don’t get too caught up in them but sift some useful pointers here and there will set up same here in TH as most the kit (well the expensive part) is portable ideal for here with long bouts of hot and rainy weather saying that there’s still no substitute for on course play good luck ⛳️
  20. Todays news - make online visa so therefore easier (particularly those with something to hide) get their visa Yesterdays news - get bad foreigners out of phuket TIT 😊
  21. Honestly if the grog monopoly was broken the craft brewing market would flourish, I paid overs for a few tins of a Thai brewed IPA recently and believe me it was top class. I try plenty of different ipA in the booming Oz craft market so I know what I’m talking about
  22. 16c at 07:00 this morning here in Ubon, god bless it 😊 just need wind to lay down a bit for golf next week
  23. Love ❤️ golf ⛳️
  24. Landed 5pm last thurs yes it’s getting busy far more than last entry in October fortunately flew in biz ticket so thru in about 10min, makes a difference at end of long few days travel after finishing njghtshifts
  25. Yes Motdaeng I didn’t say Ubon was great air year round, it’s hot and hazy Mar-June like pretty well the whole region…. thus why I’m far away enjoying autumn in coastal Oz that time of year😊
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