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  1. And re-open the bowling alley!!
  2. Saw this and thought of Nemo's Sword of the Seas from the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen!
  3. Pit Stop is my normal go to but the Belly Buster carries me all the way to dinner.
  4. Yes! Bring back the 9pm disco ball/music and Changs in the dining car on the overnight BKK to CNX train!!
  5. Ya, guess he's never played musical chairs.
  6. Social security going into it's own account in the US and tranferred over to Thailand for me.
  7. Or better yet, when SARS came through. Traveled to Phuket to go diving and boy were the hotels cheap and the girls hungry!!
  8. The day they ask for my US tax return is the day we head back to the US. The US social security earned by myself, my wife, and our 7yr old is more than we bring in to Thailand. If they want to see the non-assessable SS 1099's and compare those to what I bring in, I'm OK with that, but they are nor getting the return.
  9. And the government wonders why they can't attract the wealthy. When your changing the rules every other day, who would want to settle here and bring money in that is sometimes hard to get out.
  10. Make'm Som Tam flavored and they will definitely get used, hopefully not for bubble gum though!
  11. If you open a bank account using your Thai ID in the US, that US institution will report your info to the Thai gov. If you opened an account in your US passport in Thailand, that Thai institution will report your account to the US. They don't make any kind designation as to residency for you.
  12. Yes, there is a 2 way exchange of information. For the US, they report the information of Thai residents that hold US accounts to the Thai gov. For the Thai side, they report the account information for US residents to the US gov. The US does not report information of accounts held in the US by US citizens to the Thai authorities. That is tier 1 FATCA reporting.
  13. But since the US does not participate in CRS, the Thai government is not receiving any info of my accounts in the US. Just reports my single Thai account to the US under FATCA rules. That account is now receiving only US social security money since the 1st of this year from my wife, underage child, and I. Way more than enough for our Thai needs and wants. Not special, just different.
  14. Does not submit me to CRS reporting, and since the US does not participate in CRS, accomplishes what exactly?
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