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  1. Would not be a bad idea that new threads start for each country to keep down the confusion over each country's DTAs, which are not the same.
  2. Striped Kukri snake?
  3. Anyone know?
  4. Thailand is Tier 1 FATCA reporting. Thailand can report your account to the US but can not request your data from a US source.
  5. Their teachers can fly to Samui and teach from there 😉
  6. Nipply this morning in Chiang Mai. Was 11C at my house. Had windows open and an extra blanket on the bed. Slept like a (non-colic) baby!
  7. And for FATCA, Thailand is Tier 1 which means they provide information out but do not get information from the other country the person has an account at in.
  8. Route 66. The Pitstop is great as well and the Belly Buster is two meals for me.
  9. Great! More petite brown ones for me!
  10. At one time CA and Fed tax laws were very different.
  11. Not unless States rights are going to be trampled on. Which States rights are the hinge pin of the republican position given they want less Federal gov.
  12. Hope they already have a reduction plan. Tax reform is normally a multi-year plan involving gov and tax experts. Current individual tax laws are so intertwined, you change something in one area and transfers over to some worksheet that affects another part of the return. Even if Fed law is changed, you have to get state law to follow or you get two completely different sets of tax law. CA over the last 4-5 yrs has been moving away from following Fed law so closely.
  13. Didn't he pass due to skin cancer?

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