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Everything posted by DrPhibes

  1. Sorry to mislead you, you read before I had to radically revise the post due to the fact that the wife misread the message which then totally changed what the post was about. It's a lost purse, not a found purse. Thanks for responding.
  2. The CCTV footage is going to be looked over. Thanks for the suggestion.
  3. Hi Guys, Friend of ours is helping find the purse at a PTT station in Chiang Dao that had been left behind by the owner. If anyone finds the purse of Rebecca Bullock, American, drivers license from Kentucky, please PM me and we can get them back together. Thanks!
  4. Got tired of the surprises on the 11 such as rounding a blind turn to find an 18 wheeler doing 2 kph right in front of me going up a windy hill. Take Hwy 1 now through Tak to Nakhon Sawan and then down to BKK from there. Just did it 4 days ago (Moderna shot finally showed up in BKK) and was 120 -130 kph almost all the way to Nakhon Sawan where I arrived almost 2 hrs ahead of Google estimated time. Did almost the same speed back to CM. The 11 would make for an "exciting" time on a small bike!
  5. May not have much in the way of shopping but the weather has been perfect here in CM for the last week and looks to be the same 86F high 61F low, clear skies, for the next 10 days. Good time to be outside!
  6. If your mechanical drive is 20 years old you might submit it to Guinness World Records.
  7. I'm pretty sure it is the ability to differentiate between the variants. Some of these tests can't tell exactly which variant which takes a higher level analysis. Given from what I'm seeing, Omicron has been around for a bit but no one could differentiate it. After a few more weeks it will probably be determined that Omicron is a lesser form of COVID and not worth all the new security. You have to remember that there is going to be variants, some better (potentially this with it's multitude of mutations to spread easier but less symptoms), and others that might be potentially worse. The flu has been with us for a very long time and only once in a great while has it mutated to a form at the time that the medicine community was not able to keep up. Remember, flu shots are a guess on the world health's part as to what variation(s) is/are going to come through that season in that part of the world. Sometimes they don't get it right on the shot mix and some flu seasons are worse than others. It will take some time for this "Flu" to settle down to an almost yearly thing. Here is something to think over, why is there a flu season ????
  8. If you don't like what is considered here and other parts of the world as a normal way to make money, then go get the government to create jobs and jobs that actually pay something more than barely being able to eat day to day.
  9. By the looks of it, will most likely be implemented early next week US time. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/12/02/omicron-covid-variant-us-tightens-travel-testing-requirements-mask-mandates.html Can you get a COVID test at the airport before flight?
  10. Yup, We were in Fort Collins. Still have the house and may be back living in it in about 3 - 4 years. Have about another 1.5 yrs here in Chiang Mai, then about 2yrs in CA and then...?
  11. We lived in CO for 9 years before coming to Thailand, walking out in 0C in my bathrobe to pick up the newspaper. Bring it on!!!!!
  12. Was going to book a Jan 11th flight to the US a couple of days ago, maybe I'll wait about another 1.5 weeks and see what comes out. Double vaxxed Pfizer with paid Moderna waiting in the wings.
  13. Ohhh, now I get it. Isn't that where the term Swiss Miss comes from? Maybe he's just very competitive at a water sport he's not good at ????
  14. I feel a bit sick...was this really necessary? Sorry, should have waited until after you had your Civet cat processed coffee this morning ????
  15. You do know that urine is one of the cleanest fluids that comes out of your body unless you have a UTI and has been used as an anti-fungal remedy for feet for a long time (even today). About 90+% water with salts and urea. It's OK with the wife to clean (something about the aroma), she just adds to the other interesting things she likes such as boom boom booger skin treatment and brushing dried out sex crumbs from the bed in the morning with a sly smile on her face looking straight into my eyes.
  16. Because when she sits and no seat, it brings back childhood terrors of being flushed away!
  17. Ya beat me to it. No matter if Thai or Falang, story just adds to the pile of reasons the wealthy really aren't beating down the doors to get here.
  18. What happened to all the local Astrazenica that was to be produced? All I keep seeing is donation after donation from other countries for a country that was deemed too wealthy for vaccine discounts.
  19. Sounds like they took their game plan from Auric Goldfinger.
  20. "Ah, I'd like to have and argument, please." "I'd like to return this parrot". "Not much of a cheese shop, is it!" "Nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition!" "Spam Spam Spam Spam wonderful Spam wonderful Spam...." Need I go on?
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