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Everything posted by DrPhibes

  1. M-SATA not M2 Sata. https://www.partitionwizard.com/clone-disk/msata-vs-m2.html It was only like $9 USD lost, get the right one, there are many form factors.
  2. Not just about all you can eat data signal but how much you can hot spot out. In the US some plans have extra fees for hot spot out past a certain point.
  3. But true equilibrium does not exist, even at the quantum level. There is always a pendulum like oscillation about a phantom middle that we average as an equilibrium amount. It is the actual width of the variation from that phantom middle that affects us. Good times are when we swing through that phantom middle and call that stability.
  4. "They've gone to plaid" Ha! I'm signed up for 500Mbits up and down at home and can't get anymore than 18Mbits down and 11 Mbits up on fiber. Paying for 1Gbits down and 500Mbits up for my college kids in BKK and they can't get even 1/2 of what is advertised. Calls just have you do the same rebooting of equipment with no change in speed. This would be a law suit in the US.
  5. Why did he not just do this, I think 1/2 the car is still his: https://finance.yahoo.com/news/s/german-man-takes-revenge-ex-wife-sawing-everything-114557059.html
  6. Hmm... racist. Reminds me of a movie I once watched: "The Sheriff is a nig(church bell rings)... ...no gald darn it, the Sheriff is a nig(church bell rings). I think he is just making a German Spectacle of himself.
  7. Anybody been there for Non-O based on marriage extension recently? Are the required docs posted there? Thanks in advance!
  8. The trick is knowing when to get out. If you get in early and get out early, you "make" money. Kinda like crypto...
  9. These guys were getting in a good read before the rest of the pack showed up so they could begin their right proper pub crawl. Going to be a hell of a night! I now have a sudden urge to buy a top hat.
  10. Potato crickets also know as Jerusalem Crickets?
  11. I think you mean someone, not something, they're people, not Fembots ????
  12. Agree, perfect plane for them. Ex-aerospace Engr.
  13. Sorry, didn't you move to Thailand to relax from western work dominated culture?
  14. No, that was obvious. But it did get me ruminating about how things have come together to make us, us and the statistical improbabilities or where ideas flourish from that shape human history. Did you ever watch The Ascent of Man or Connections or original Cosmos series? You might wanna.
  15. Ya, like they are the only form of air pollution. I went running in Shanghai in Jan of 1987 (working an aerospace project with Douglas Aircraft and the Chinese Gov.) and damn near blew my lungs out from the sulfur dioxide in the air from coal burning. I could taste the sulfuric acid in my mouth. BTW: Particles less than 10 micrometers in diameter can get deep into your lungs and some may even get into your bloodstream. Of these, particles less than 2.5 micrometers in diameter, also known as fine particles or PM2.5, pose the greatest risk to health. These masks are rated on 2.5 minimum diameter.
  16. Hello, Polluting molecules, not particulates. BTW, when is the last time you someone riding a bike with a N95 mask on?
  17. Sorry but the pollution molecules that count are orders of magnitude smaller than the weave of the mask. BS-Chemistry, Medical Technology, and Chemical Engineering. It just took them a couple of decades to realize it works to keep the bugs out of your teeth.
  18. Now now, don't discount the influence of superstition and it's evolved institution of religion when it comes to the development of human society. Before there was Love and Logic, these institutions invoked one of the strongest reasons to behave and organize society, penalty in the "afterlife" for your behavior while alive. Basically a form of fear you could not verify. Given that, for most developed societies today, there is no longer a reason for the parochial institutional control of faith [save to get off easy for bad/selfish behavior by a enunciating number of hail Mary's (or it's equivalent depending on religion) and a bit extra in the passed plate], you can't deny the affect in the early days that eventually drove us to here, the most dominant species on the planet (about 3x too dominate in numbers BTW, nature will correct that). For less developed societies, the cultural hangover persists.
  19. Report back as promised. System burp is my best guess. Walked up to the 90 reporting window with the form filled out, all was in the immigration computer, done in 4 min.
  20. Douglas, Hughes, Northrop, Raytheon (the most waste fraud and abuse, by far), then back to Northrop to finish up before leaving to be self-employed.
  21. Ziona Chana to the husband "Hold my condom" literally!
  22. Correct Joe, was doing ahead of time as I'm going to get pretty busy over the next 2 weeks. Will post what I find out.
  23. Don't forget the blimp! As an ex-aerospace defense engineer, it will be like everything else, they won't spend the money to maintain them. Went diving in Dec last year and ran across a young Thai lass who was quite interesting. One of her gigs was to do non-destructive testing of various parts of Thai military aircraft such as engine fan blades and such. She had quite the stories to tell and concurs that not enough maintenance leads to not enough aircraft available which leads to not enough air time for training which leads to... Gripen crash.
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