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Everything posted by DrPhibes

  1. Yes, depending on each countries tax treaty, some items of income are excluded from declaring (such as US Social Security), some types of income are taxable to the country you where you reside with a tax credit to the country where the income comes from if taxed there, and some are taxed only in the country you reside in. Each countries tax treaty is different on the aforementioned treatment. You really think the TRD is going to be versed on each countries tax treaty? They can't ignore them, these are actual treaties between countries that are higher than any authority the TRD has. Do taxes in the US for a living with about 50 guys living overseas. Not sweating this until there is more clarification out of the Thai gov.
  2. Depends. As I have aged with a miracle 6yr old, the rat race to succeed in order to just own a house, the rise in crime (especially school shootings), the absolute crazy government, inflation gouging, etc... have decided to stay in CM but keeping a house in Fort Collins CO in case things go nipples up here, selling the rest this summer before the election, save my little tax business which, I alone will travel to each year and get the heck out after the season is over. if things in the future become more rational, well...
  3. These DTA's are generally treaties between countries. Can't see the revenue dept. trumping international treaties.
  4. He may not be familiar with foreign tax credit on the US return.
  5. They are the Spirit Airlines of Asia.
  6. It's the amount I receive from SS each month direct deposited to my Bangkok bank account.
  7. Sorry but jumping in a bit late on this topic. So, if I gift my non-working thai wife 3,000,000 baht of US work earnings to her separate US bank account yearly in the United States, create a doc that specifies that it is a gift, then wire that money from that separate account to my wife's separate Thai bank account, then she moves a bit of that money into my separate Thai bank account to add to my US Social Security (non-taxable to Thailand by virtue of tax treaty) coming to my separate account, we have no tax obligation to Thailand. Sound about right? Hope all well with everyone.
  8. Perfect, Thank you very much for taking the time on this!
  9. Thank you very much for the referral!
  10. Thanks, but we are buying the house we have been renting for the last 7 years. Good luck!
  11. Any referrals would be appreciated. Thanks!
  12. Wife is looking to buy a house in CM and we were wondering if there is such a thing as home inspection services in CM to look for problems with the house prior to purchase. Thanks in advance!
  13. When I was in high school in the middle of the San Joaquin Valley in the latter part of the 70's, half the vehicles in the parking lot were pickup trucks and about 1/2 of them had gun racks inside the truck with guns in them so that immediately after school you could go hunting. Nobody thought about shooting up the school no matter how much "bullying" you got. At 17, I had a Remington 7mm magnum rifle, Mossburg pump 12 gauge, a Remington 1100 semiautomatic 12 gauge shotgun, a heavier than normal accurate as hell Mossburg 22 target rifle with big game scope on it, and a Ruger Mark I 22 long rifle target barrel pistol. My friends and I were into reloading our 12 gauge shells. All paid for working jobs while in school. My hunting friends and I were in the top 20 kids heading off to college. Kids these days....
  14. Battery tech is on a meteoric pace with a lot of proprietary tech behind the scenes. It's like the early tech days of computers. Very exciting!
  15. Sorry, did not mean for my reply to sound challenging. Just given the current political tension between the US and PRC, I would find it a bit risky. Would not like to have them pull me over in the layover and be held for some cockamamie reason just because they needed a political prisoner. Went through the PRC about 7 years ago and because the back of my passport had the tiniest dog eared lamination separation, was taken aside from my family, grilled, and almost missed missed the flight. Never fly through there again after that. I just looked up Xiamen for the flight back for this tax season and find they are not offering the CNX to LAX at this time. Thanks for your input. Have a GREAT New Year!
  16. I assume you mean use of Medicare since you are in close proximity to the United States. There are 3 instances when Medicare will possibly cover you outside of the United States. I have attached a .pdf from Medicare that describes these situations and what is covered. Something I did not know until a couple of years ago (from a guy in a bar who I thought was full of it) was this thing about dependents for Social Security. Like another gentleman on this forum, I am going to reap the extra benefits of my wife and 6yr old child (both US citizens) come October this year (when my full SS benefits begin) when all 3 of us will start receiving SS up to the family max so about an extra $2,721/mo (after this last COLA) divided equally between my wife and child until the child turns 16 when the wife's part stops, then the child gets another couple of years of a boost up to $2,721/mo for his part (all of his is college money savings). I figure about 8 years of this extra boost added to my SS and I will have recouped what I have paid in all my life taking into account the tax hit on my wife's and mine and the fact that I will still be self-employed until I hit 70 at least so still paying in as part of Self-Employment taxes but not accounting for inflation or earnings I could have made on the money. Could not take it early as SS would have pulled back all they sent me due to working until I hit full SS age anyway. The self-employment is part year client based so I can reduce the size of the clientele as my energy wanes with age (it also keeps my mind very active). Hope this helps. 11037-medicare-coverage-outside-united-states.pdf
  17. I've been flying each year for the last 8 years CNX to LAX mid-Jan returning end of April/begin May and have never seen economy under $1,000 USD. Sure your not thinking of BKK to LAX?
  18. Not to mention that for some reason the Thai Baht strengthens about this time of year also ;-)
  19. I booked round trip from CNX to LAX on EVA, 1 stop in Taipei a week ago, leaving Jan 22, return April 28th for $1,200 USD. Normally a $1,500+ fare in years past not even counting for inflation. How cheap do you want pay to fly to the other side of the planet?
  20. Yup, Enrolled Agent with the IRS but heading back to the US for a couple of years this summer while the smoke clears on several fronts here in Thailand.
  21. But then they revamped the law to make people who got visas based on wealth and buying property have to be worth like 2x what they had to have for the original Visa for their renewal, crushing many who had bought houses and such but could not make the new requirements. This kind of thing is always the fear of those overseas.
  22. You need to read and understand the treaty. Some things are taxed at the US side, some types of income are taxed at the Thai side. The question is the things taxed on the Thai side, will they allow a credit for what you paid in the US.
  23. Underage is dependent on law and culture. In my day, it was normal for teenagers to head to make out point despite being underage. Parents knew, their only concern was not to get pregnant or a rape occur. BTW, did you know that in 1850's age of consent in most US states was 10, besides Delaware where it was 7. That was what was normal then and there.
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