Have a tube right next to me here but they did come from Lotus yesterday.
7/11 the otherside of AH2 and I get their BUCHER charcoal grilled sausages from there , so much better then those horrid pink things. Oh and I often get their big oatmeal cookies from there.
We stood quite still 'till we see their faces well then we opened up our muskets and we really gave them hell. A song from when I was about 13. Lonnie Donegan.
and the bickering continues , I left off this topic about this time yesterday , was it about Boxer dogs or a boy in boxers ? Oh I have 2 cats , they only chase each other.
I get it. My lawn looks good after a mow , it even gets striped/stripes. Rain at night sun during the day and it needs cutting about every 6 days. I don't think my wife cares one way or t'other , she would rather it was a veg. patch.