Brake fail , wet road and now snake had it in for me. Maybe it was a wet road and she couldn't see through the wind screen due to bad vipers. Well it made me larf !
Your last sentence T. The other day I watched Whistle down the wind , a young Hayley Mills , about 1961 . Quality was good and altogether an excellent film , if it was in colour , or even worse re-made it would in my opinion not worth watching.
Reminded me , remember ' I mean like , we could stay home like , or like go out like .' Did this come from the '80s ? Oh and I am 75 years young , AGHH !
Why not say ' I porked the wife last night so she could be up the duff and she could be slightly pregnant '. Mixed metaphors. ' Woke up , got out of bed ...............' Beatles .
I agree with your Agreed. If a chap seaid to me We are pregnant I would have to reply " Can I be there when you give birth ". " Oh and congrats. on your being pregnant same time as the wife ".
I mean really !
Yes , I have a hand pump at home Tyres on the Forza checked once a week ,if the bike is at GWH for a service I tell them to leave the tyres alone. They tend to add air whether needed or not.