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Everything posted by toofarnorth

  1. I found that a dollop of Wasabi in that yellow American mustard works quite well. Make it as hot as you like.
  2. Sorry Steve , I don't think I can get to your place in time for a beer and pepperoni pizza n but a nice thought ...enjoy.
  3. What was he drinking for 13 days.
  4. These topics often end with He had mental issues . Could well apply here.
  5. I worked with a beautiful Finnish girl in 1970 .............Kaksi aluta olka liva No idea what it means but cheers . Oh she wore pink and white undercrackers , I remember those too.
  6. The 3 wise men were magicians sent by Herod to kill Jesus . Who likely was born in October.
  7. ................police are investigating further to determine the exact cause. Not much to see here I would think.
  8. Nitaya said it could be a bigger plobrem for ladies in the area . Must be those ladies with big undercrackers.. Anyway I think this item is pants.
  9. What is the value of the vehicle it will get attatched to , isn't this where plates are supposed to be ?
  10. Perhaps you were speaking in the infundibular tense when you should have been using the third person corpuscular imprecation.
  11. Yep , I was gonna say that innit.
  12. No acronyms .On my headstone . ' I told you I was feeling poorly '.
  13. I think Thai drivers are aware of vey little. Nice folk 'til they get behind the wheel .
  14. Maybe to stop underage drinkers getting it from stores , and too young to pop into a pub.
  15. I thought that , big <deleted> isn.t he .
  16. PPT asked are ..........................do strange things happen just at the right time. I think if we want something we have to go and look for it. If we need something the world provides. Many years ago , about 1963 as I was going to English classes at a nearby Tech. college then , one Sat. morning as in those days A sat. morning at work was par for the course , I ran for the train and saw I had minutes to spare by the station clock. I thought I must get a watch ( last one was broken ). I could have sat in any compartment being a quiet Sat. I got on the train and a watch was sitting on the arm rest , I nearly put my elbow on it. Another time same year and going to the station on leaving the college at about 7pm it had been snowing . I had a couple of cigarettes and a couple of matches , they were damp and wouldn't light. The train before had gone and light snow covered the platform , Walking along virgin snow I saw a black patch on the platform , I looked down and it was a Ronson lighter , not only that but it worked. Coincidences but perfect timming.
  17. If that is the sea in the pic. I think I will not bother with the beach.
  18. Yes I was getting my Forza taxed and tested last week and a chap brought in a Honda Wave and he was getting black paint put on his numbers. I hope he got a bill for this.
  19. Nice to see the guy in the blue in the second pic holding his hand.
  20. What I was thinking , Pattaya car on the beach washed away. Silly place to leave it.
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