PPT asked are ..........................do strange things happen just at the right time.
I think if we want something we have to go and look for it. If we need something the world provides.
Many years ago , about 1963 as I was going to English classes at a nearby Tech. college then , one Sat. morning as in those days A sat. morning at work was par for the course , I ran for the train and saw I had minutes to spare by the station clock. I thought I must get a watch ( last one was broken ).
I could have sat in any compartment being a quiet Sat. I got on the train and a watch was sitting on the arm rest , I nearly put my elbow on it.
Another time same year and going to the station on leaving the college at about 7pm it had been snowing . I had a couple of cigarettes and a couple of matches , they were damp and wouldn't light.
The train before had gone and light snow covered the platform , Walking along virgin snow I saw a black patch on the platform , I looked down and it was a Ronson lighter , not only that but it worked.
Coincidences but perfect timming.