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Everything posted by toofarnorth

  1. '.....................drinking carried risks and people were better off not to'. Talk about stating the bleedin obvious. Well done Kitti.
  2. Yes , must keep abreast of this situation.
  3. The tyres on my Forza are scooter smart . Wish they had a better name , Forza Grips would work. I have had Enfields , Nortons and Ariels in the past but the Forza is the best of all .
  4. i am curious to know what 7/11s take dollars if that is a dollar sign. All the ones I use take only Baht.
  5. 'till I read this I thought an influencer was someone with the flu virus that passed it on .
  6. Mine neither. In my book a stew is what my mum made 60 years ago , my grandad would say ' Very nice , very tasty , very 'holesome '. I don't think my mum had any idea how to make curry , foreign food to her. Saturday lunch was a stew for gosh sakes not curry. Ah but The Golden Egg 200yds from the Market pub , chicken Madras , pillaw rice , mushroom bhaji and a pair of popadums........Them were the days around 1970 .
  7. Yes if one is careful .
  8. Agree, one has to be careful putting probe and sex next to each other.
  9. I thought they were binoculars. As for the lads behind , puffed up with pride , its a result. one two , one two mind yer fingers CLANG !
  10. What is going on in that first picture ?
  11. I liked the last line of the OP. ..............................and do something about the two timing B.
  12. Red light ,green light driving through the pouring rain I gotta see Jane . Comes to mind.
  13. I must be missing something here. Not been to B K for years but if you stand on the edge of a platform and faint would you not fall on the rails ? What and where would a glass barrier go ?
  14. Golden Tree snakes get a pass at my house too. A few months ago a Red Necked Keel Back appeared out the back of the house where rice fields start . One of my cats took a look at it but got no nearer but if a non venomous snake drops by it is welcomed. But it will get put over the wall just as long as the cat doesn't see other wise it will go in hot pursuit. Oh , Golden Tree snakes are NOT venomous , my book Snakes and other reptiles of THAILAND and south-East Asia says so.
  15. What about the Olympic games when very large women weight lifters go for a record snatch ?
  16. I think the darker of the 2 Swedes has been in the ground too long , turnips and swedes need the light to go a shade lighter.
  17. Reminded me of Tommy Cooper ' My teeth are ok but my gums have to come out '.
  18. We liked our girls dirty . Ex 59 club Paddington.
  19. The toilet was re sealed as now on the turd day.
  20. In 1964 at a crossroads I ran into a doctor , he was heavily fined and I was compensated enough ( although being only 17 yo the money was put in a fund ) to be able to buy a Morgan in '68. I went over the top of the doctor and still bear the scars, and I remember him saying 'Give me some room , I am a doctor'. He was a fair fair fair kin idiot.
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