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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Agree and have definitely got worse post Nov 2024. It can't be healthy.
  2. People need look at the bigger picture. China is in that picture. Trump doesn't want Putin getting to cozy with Xi. There's a geopolitical game happening here in the background you can bet your bottom dollar on it.
  3. I agree. What AI spits out is heavily dependent on the prompts.
  4. It's just all flowery rubbish that reads like a two bit novel. Sadly this is now the reality (oh the irony) that we have to put up with.
  5. Nothing mysterious or enigmatic about it. Seems AI got a bit carried away with this one. "Initially diagnosed with pneumonia, his condition was later revised to acute respiratory distress syndrome. However, conflicting information from the British Embassy suggested potential kidney issues..." Not pneumonia so either as the docs have diagnosed ARDS or for some reason as the British Embassy is saying kidneys neither of which can be categorized as either mysterious or enigmatic. Enigmatic in this context would be difficult to diagnose or pin down if you will.
  6. Same could be said as to why the little nutter Thunberg spoke to the UN?
  7. Maybe the food he was "foraging" for was the food (moo baa/pig crazy) that got him. Although illegal to poach wild boar it happens. I've actually eaten this in the past and it's delicious.
  8. Interesting comment in light of those who rolled out for Harris and those who continue to throw baby tantrums and shed Tik Tok tears over Trump's victory.
  9. Is he wrong? Now it will be stopped and it's Trump that will stop it. It's happening as we speak. Ukraine will lose a lot more land because of Biden's incompetency.
  10. Are you ok? Maybe a nice hot glass of milk and a good sleep will help.
  11. I'll tell you who's not the leader of the free world and you can thank your lucky stars for that....
  12. Yes and no. Thais have always ripped off tourists but there are some real dropkick tourists which seems to be increasing. I guess there are simply more idiots these days and more of these idiots travel. As for social harmony a few buses of Chinese tourists will see this disrupted wherever they pull up.
  13. Bit late out of the blocks on this one. I certainly wasn't alone on this forum saying this is exactly what would happen in the farce of a pseudo democratic election.
  14. Who would have believed it from a national broadcaster funded by taxpayer's money yet is basically just another mouthpiece for the woke leftist ideology. ABC in Australia is exactly the same.
  15. I believe they will be heading for the Pentagon and why wouldn't they. There seems to have been some problems of balancing the budget there.
  16. Interesting comment as it seems DOGE is heading for Fort Knox. Hasn't been audited since the late 70's. Also I can't wait to see what will be uncovered in the Dept. of Defense.
  17. It would appear you don't know what Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is. It's also quite obvious you have never smoked dope.
  18. More brilliance from the empty heads. Sorry but if you're not rich you cannot enter. The whole point about casinos is people wanting to gamble their money away in the hope of becoming rich or simply for entertainment. I'm not sure but if this happens it would be the only casino(s) in the world to have this stipulation for entry.
  19. Thai is a very difficult language to learn. Thai is tonal whereas English isn't. It's more about exposure to English. Very little of that here. One of the reasons the girls, boys and kathoeys in the tourist traps have better English.
  20. Thailand wasn't colonized because the English and the French wanted a buffer zone between them and didn't want to go to war against each other in this region. Either of them could have easily conquered Siam.
  21. My school pulls all M3 and P6 out of all classes to train for O-net exams for the entirety of January. This is for one reason and one reason only. Advertising how good the school is. Look at our O-net results. Absolutely nothing to do with education. It's IMHO criminal.
  22. I have never been anti vax. Just anti mRNA. As for modern day vaccines exactly what do you mean by this? When do you think the measles, chicken pox, diphtheria, German measles etc. vaccines were developed? They are not "cutting edge technology" are they. Do they work? Should they be replaced with mRNA vaccines just to increase profits for big pharma. Have you thought through what you posted?
  23. Keep your windows shut. As for about to hit hasn't it already?
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