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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. ???????? Putting your passbook into the card slot is sure not to work. Onlookers will be somewhat disturbed at this or rolling on the ground laughing. I'm guessing English isn't your 1st language nevertheless you have a bank account then you have a card. You're either trolling, really, really dumb or on something I want to try..
  2. Why don't you use the machine outside of the bank that says deposit?
  3. Interesting thread. I do believe it was a democratic process that elected Trump. Surely if you are a supporter of the democratic process you should accept the result of what was an overwhelming victory. The voting public of the USA gave Trump the popular vote, the Senate and the House. A clean sweep. Is this not the democratic process. Trump won and won big. It's just pitiful that some on here can't accept this. How old are you? Grow up.
  4. I guess you can back this up with some facts rather than your usual inane comments. BTW saying fascist all the time does two things. Depletes the meaning of fascist and demonstrates you don't know what fascism is. "trans people being viciously scapegoated"
  5. Your disorder is in full swing I see. How do you think Harris would be going with this if she won the election and as we all know she didn't because she's an idiot.? My guess is the war would continue until Ukraine loses or WWIII begins and then we all lose except for the military industrial complex.
  6. No. He wants taxpayers money back and he wants a ceasefire. As for the meeting itself it wasn't a good look for either side.
  7. What comes next is now the question. Zelenskyy took on Trump in the Oval Office and lost. This was the time to bring an end to the war and Zelenskyy should have acted accordingly. All up it became very undignified from both sides.
  8. Interesting topic. Definite example of the mind thought of those cry babies who can't accept what reality is. Trump won. He won because the majority of the US voting public agreed with his policies and not the bumbling idiot Harris who's only policies were more of the same. It's pretty clear cut what the majority of people wanted but you lot with some sort of derangement just refuse to accept it. It is what it is so grow up and see what happens. As it is what's happening is what the majority of voters voted for. If you can't accept this then you have a problem.
  9. He's about to be found guilty of having protected wildlife without a license. How much he has to cough up to the BIB, the lawyers and the judge is another matter. As for the missus drug smuggler you have to be kidding. A quarter of a gram. Big time smuggler for sure. Try to keep some perspective and rational thinking. Something sadly missing with some members on this forum.
  10. An excellent example of how corrupt this country is. I challenge anyone on here to say this is Thai bashing. This is what keeps this country in the realm of Third World. Absolute corruption top to bottom. I welcome any arguments (intellectual) to counter my point.
  11. Bloke should be locked up. This is a lot worse than his wife bringing a few snorts of coke in and she got 15 years.
  12. Yep. 251mg of coke. Absolutely crazy sentence. 15 years and a 1.5 million baht fine.
  13. Received it a couple of hours ago. Passport, work permit and bankbook should do it for me but .....................TIT so we'll see.
  14. Bodies found in different rooms. CO ruled out. Pills found scattered. Seems suicide pact or murder suicide is top of the list.
  15. Doesn't have to be gas. Coal heater (BBQ bricks) being used inside or a blocked chimney can do it.
  16. Interestingly just after the puppet PM went to China. I wonder if it was a payoff or a threat by the CCP.
  17. And the BS just keeps flowing from those with the disorder. I can't wait to see what the I HATE TRUMP brigade have to say when this war is hopefully brought to an end. I'm sure they'll come up with some sort of negative out of a positive. It really is just pitiful. Time to grow up guys.
  18. Communicating in a digital language which has been programmed not "secretly talking their own language". The two AI bots are not having a thoughtful conversation.
  19. I hope in your mind you are not conflating anti-vaxxers with anti-mRNA vaxxers. I have posted many times I'm not an anti-vaxxer but I'm definitely anti-mRNA.
  20. "Child in West Texas is first US measles death in a decade" "This is the first US measles death since 2015, when a woman in Washington state died." https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/26/health/texas-measles-death/index.html There are measles outbreaks every year. In 2024, there were 285 cases of the disease in the U.S. from 16 outbreaks, up from 59 cases from four outbreaks in 2023. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/first-us-measles-death-reported-west-texas-outbreak-affects-more-than-130-people-2025-02-26/#:~:text=In 2024%2C there were 285,from four outbreaks in 2023. Maybe your headline is just a tad over the top.
  21. I use to smoke cigs. Did for decades. Haven't had a cig for 10 months now. Vaping help me kick the tobacco addiction/habit. My lungs feel much better. I wonder how they'd feel without the incredibly high daily pm2.5 levels.
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