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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. And a lot more see it as a day off (if not the weekend) to relax with family and friends whist sharing food and drinking alcohol. Doesn't mean they don't do the merit thing but obviously both things can be done in a day. Indeed go to temple, stop at a shop on the way back to buy beer or whatever and then sit around and eat and drink. This is what happens all over Thailand. If you think this isn't the reality then you either don't live here, haven't lived here long, never experienced real Thailand outside of the tourist traps or live some sort of extremely sheltered and boring life.
  2. I see but it's ok for Thais to drink on these days. I'd love to see you tell a Thai they are an alcoholic and being disrespectful. Strict alcohol rules. LOL. So on one of these days if a Thai offers me a glass of beer I must say no then? "Sorry I am a guest (>20yrs with family) and it would be disrespectful." What particular version of reality are you living in.
  3. I guarantee this is a very popular move. Odd how this is the only thing you could respond to from my post. Nothing to say about men out of woman's sports, only two genders, DOGE finding billions of misspent/wasted taxpayer's money , illegals being deported and substantial tightening of the borders then.
  4. And I guess idiots will continue to call them idiot policies even when they work. No men in women's sports. Is this an idiot policy? Two genders not two thousand. Idiot policy? Billions of dollars being found that are either fraudulent, wasteful or both. Idiot policy? Substantial tightening of the borders. Idiot policy? Criminal illegal immigrants now being deported. Idiot policy? And now for the big one. No more paper straws. Only an idiot would call this an idiot policy surely.
  5. Interesting. You talk about poorly educated and clutching at straws in an article that uses data. This is NOT an example of clutching at straws. Possibly it's your education levels on show here. https://nypost.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/2/2025/02/59-joe-biden-lowest-39-98340966.jpg?w=1021
  6. Although the article is in the present yet talks about the past the message holds. Sleepy Joe just isn't popular. Now I'd like to see a comparison between Trump and Harris preferably not written by a computer program.
  7. Relax man. Jeez. As for roasting being incorrect there is such a thing as a roasting chicken as opposed to a broiling chicken. Roast chicken/roasted chicken/roasting chicken. Broil chicken/broiled chicken/broiling chicken or a broiler. So the question you asked is "what's the best kind of chicken?" a roasting chicken in this sense is not grammatically incorrect.
  8. I know what roosting is. You include roost but not roast. One vowel makes all the difference,
  9. Well these idiots haven't played by rules. Obviously haven't payed off the BIB or refused to pay the new demand.
  10. I'm confused. Wasn't there an article not too long ago saying Baht strengthening because of tariffs?
  11. Should have a byline attached stating: Opinion Piece From Rabid MAGA Hater.
  12. Free range and roasted. Trick to roasting a chook is to pre-heat your oven for a fair while at it's max temp. and cook at same max temp. Stick some butter in a few places under the skin and do not open the oven. A good size chook will cook in around 1/2 an hour in a good hot oven. Makes for a very juicy chook as the very high temp very quickly sears the skin keeping in a lot of the juices. p.s. Roosting???????
  13. Extremely effective pack animals. I guess if Russia was losing the war then it could be seen as a desperate measure but the fact is they aren't. I must say though a Ukrainian drone chasing down a Russian donkey would make very interesting footage. Trucks IMO make far easier targets for drone attacks.
  14. Meanwhile in the Blue states sales of paper shredders have soared, and strange sights are being seen in dumpsters as all traces of corruption are being destroyed at breakneck speed. 7LT9MsHjmjEF-DnT26UE8EsHMttsbFV8gi3kQd6tmh4.mp4
  15. Go to an actual brand phone shop. More expensive but better quality.
  16. You assume there was no to little thought into the moves Trump is making. These are not thought bubble policies. They have been thought through and stated during the campaign. Apart from this moving fast on things can deny the criminals that have been 'misusing' tax payer money time to cover their tracks.
  17. It's not the point though is it. The point is this is an antiquated law forced upon people and denies businesses income from alcohol sales. For what? To appease the Buddhist lobby. Again I will point out millions of alcoholic drinks were consumed today. As for you telling people what they should do or they have a problem this is quite simply none of your business.
  18. And here lies in the absolute ridiculousness of it. What's the point? Not only can you stock up but you can still buy it especially out in the villages of which there must be 100s of thousands (?) in Thailand.
  19. So everyone who's having a drink today, today being a holiday for those that work, are all alcoholics. Absolute drivel.
  20. Locals will be and are drinking today.
  21. You're obviously entitled to your stance of not drinking alcohol but please don't project your choices on others. Thank you. It's an idiotic law. There will be millions of people drinking alcohol today.
  22. LOL. Thais drink alcohol on these days and plenty of it. As for only having one M&P shop in the village it must be a very small village. 8 where my house is, all within a minutes ride and all selling alcohol today and the village is not a big one. Average size I'd say.
  23. LOL. As I type this locals will be heavily engaged in drinking not merit making.
  24. Interesting analysis. Now tell me. How many states changed from blue to red and who won the election?
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