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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Correct. When I watch news from Oz, the US and the UK there are always grammatical errors. I was never actually taught grammar at school. Sometimes I'll ask Thai teachers if I'm not sure about a grammar point. Education systems in the west stopped teaching the 3 R's in the 70's I think. The results are obvious. There is a big push for "back to basics" education. Not everything learnt needs to be focused on experiential learning and creativity.
  2. Pitiful. 23 yrs teaching experience. Guess I can't be all bad. As for being full of anger you misunderstand. I simply respond to idiotic, nasty and puerile posts such as yours with rational, balanced and thoughtful responses. As for "half truths and plain lies" you obviously cannot support this personal attack. If you think you can go right ahead. This is what student's at my school think of me. There were lots more of these Valentine's stickers by the end of the day.
  3. Quite obviously you have no idea about teaching English as a 2nd or other language so don't pretend you do. Indeed I think it would be fair to say you have no idea about teaching full stop. I am a qualified teacher are you?
  4. Nope. In demand because schools don't pay them as much. Simple.
  5. Complete and absolute rubbish based on your incapacity for an intelligent thought. What about native speakers with an education degree? How about those with an ordinary degree and a CELTA (my guess is you don't know what a CELTA is)? What about an ordinary degree, a diploma of teaching in a 2nd or other language and a CELTA? An education degree and a diploma in teaching in a 2nd or other language? Masters in linguistics on top of an education degree? A teacher that teaches a 2nd or other language in no way needs to know another language. They need to know about language acquisition and how to teach it. You really just keep showing your complete lack of understanding. Of course there are some who can be well qualified and be bad teachers just as there can be some who have little or no education in the profession but can still be good teachers. Sure Thailand's full of useless farang teachers with dodgy degrees but to say "Most native speakers are terrible English teachers" is simply your opinion with no actual basis.
  6. Chinese (Mandarin) is taught in schools but it's not the international language. English is. Let's hope it stays that way.
  7. I agree. Most Thai English language teachers have poor English speaking skills. Grammar is probably better than 90% on here. Doesn't make them bad teachers though. If your pool of English teachers is coming from a population of poor English speakers you can't expect much more. Even if fluent in English, admittedly I've never met one, will be pushing the proverbial uphill teaching multiple classes of 40+ with no tech in the classroom. This of course is referencing the government school system.
  8. It should be renamed. No doubt about it. I think They/Them DIY.
  9. Nonsense but there is more money to be made the greater the number of students.
  10. This is true but it doesn't account for the fact that the education system here (govt.) is broken.
  11. No student fails. There's an incentive to do nothing right there. Some students will not attend school other than final exams and they are passed.
  12. Same old chestnut that comes around once or twice a year and get the same old teacher bashing nonsense from some posters. Very little is ever raised about endemic corruption in the system, crowded classrooms, classrooms with little to no technology in them and let's not forget school activities. Really the list of failings is long and teacher quality is certainly part of it but it's just that. Part of the problem and of course generalising about teacher quality is an obvious nonsense. There are very good teachers and there are not so good teachers.
  13. Is this an opinion or are you basing this on fact.
  14. What "strict" liquor laws are you talking about?
  15. Sad comment. The people wanted a reversal of the Biden/Harris open border policy. This is what this is. You can just keep on ignoring reality and crying into your beer but Trump is doing what he said he'd do i.e. shut down the border which was a very big part of his victory last November. 3 months ago and you still can't let go. There's probably a psychiatric condition that would describe this. There's certainly a meme that perfectly describes it.
  16. I'm shocked. You agree with Trump. Are you feeling ok?
  17. Yep. One of the standard arguments from the sufferers.
  18. Nope. Not a matter of want it's a matter of can't. Can't live illegally in the US and sponge of the tax payer anymore. This is just one of the things Trump ran on and the people voted for. Is stopping illegal immigration in your opinion a bad thing?
  19. You accuse me of libellous (LOL) contents then post the full quotes. Back up what you say. The context of my posts must be taken into account. I have previously explained this to you. It seems you do not have the capacity to understand that you butted in on my response to another poster. This I have pointed out to you many times. Sadly you seem to lack the intellectual ability to understand simple arguments and the use of examples to support said arguments. If you cherry pick you will may well be misrepresenting what I have posted which I guess would be your intention. Somehow I doubt you have the intellectual capability to support I have posted libellous (LOL) contents. It will just be more deflection. You're not a flat earther are you? It wouldn't surprise me.
  20. And exactly how will this be done? Given any thought to this particular comment? How long did it take for Germany to send one Leopard tank? By the way tanks aren't exactly what Ukraine needs neither are F16's both supplied in very small numbers.
  21. It could have not started. How about that? Holding on? Losing is the current situation. By holding on what do you mean? Why is Russia in a time of weakness? They are winning the war as it is i.e. capturing more ground than the enemy. Which will fail first. Russian economy or Ukrainian boots on ground? How can Ukraine stop the ongoing Russian advance? I've underlined five questions. Myself, and I'm thinking others on here, would be interested in your answers. Obviously by answers I don't mean Kamala answers, I mean real, actual answers that address the questions. Any chance of this happening or just deflective drivel? My bet's on the latter.
  22. You're grasp on what I'm saying is somewhat tenuous. Go back and have a look. I'm not accusing you of being an alcoholic or changing anyone's posts. Why would I? I'm using this an an example of why no one on here should. A poster @KireB accused me of being an alcoholic and quoted me of posting something I didn't. Your response to my response against the post calling me a village alcoholic and knowing more about Thai culture than Thais was to call me a snowflake. Why would you do that and now respond in a similar way that I did? This is what you posted in response to me not being happy about being called a village alcoholic and being deliberately misquoted. "Who is an upset little snowflake? It's a public forum so I suggest you just ignore it and get on with your life! If you can!" If you can't see what I'm trying to point out you never will. 'nough said. p.s. it might be that @KireB who said I was a village alcoholic and lied about what I posted in way of a quote may be in the naughty boy's corner. This would be a good thing. You can PM me to discuss this if you want to.
  23. Excellent retort. Sadly you didn't address any of my points. Kamala would be proud of you.
  24. No. Again you are not keeping up. Go back and look at the posts. I was deliberately misquoted. My guess that you would deflect from my above post would seem to be accurate. Here it is again.
  25. Exactly. I was accused of this but you called me a snowflake for saying I had to respond. You have responded to my example NOT accusation. Your reading comprehension skills need some polishing.
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