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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. It's going to be intertesting but as I have said before 250 lackeys in the senate and always sitting in the wings the military. I can't shake the feeling that troubled times lie ahead.
  2. Interesting. If this happens then the likelihood of changing the rules governing the appointment of 250 senators is unlikely to change. Guess we'll have to wait and see what daddy says.
  3. Fair enough but surely the parties policies are among the reasons he's looking like the people's favourite for PM.
  4. Pita tops this poll because the party is seen as progressive. People want change especially the youth. Their platform is publically available and openly discussed. What changes they want is why Pita is topping the poll for PM in Thailand. Change is wanted especially by the youth but will it be stopped by those who want the status quo? Only the future will tell.
  5. Prayut would have absolutely everyone working on how to get rid of him without actually taking him out.
  6. Indeed. The article states "looks like..." There's a big difference between is and looks like. Just amatuers posing as journos. Bit like this headline from Monday. Paetongtarn Shinawatra gives birth to her first child It's her second child. How, just how, can you get this wrong.
  7. I like your intent but honest and competent in Thailand?
  8. Was the potassium cyanide found in tea bags as the headline states? This is a Yes/No question. You're answer then is either yes or no. I will restate the question. Was the potassium cyanide found in tea bags? Potassium Cyanide In 3 Tea Bags Found In Suspect’s Car
  9. Headline Potassium Cyanide In 3 Tea Bags Found In Suspect’s Car: Academic Reality "three sachets that look like tea bags"
  10. The only possible majority govt. will be Phue Thai. No one else can get 50%+1 with a majority of seats. This of course does not mean this bloke will not retain power by any means possible. Interesting times lay ahead.
  11. I know someone who delivers ice and his boss told him restaurants can serve alcohol. Bit like the rediculous 'alcohol ban' situation during Covid. I'm not 100% sure but this is what I've been told. You also have the times and dates wrong. It's 6 pm to 6 pm unless something has changed and May 6-7 and May 13-14.
  12. So we're looking at around 70 per day inpatients. Now I'm not sure if hospitals still screen inpatients for covid but if they do then a % of these I believe would be incidental. Gone to hospital for reasons other than Covid (lung infections from pm2.5?) but have been found positive in the screening process. 288 related fatalities. What exactly is a related fatality. We say road fatality not road related fatality so Covid related fatality for my mind says Covid was present but not the direct cause of death. They died with not from. I wonder how many people die with the common cold and not from the common cold each day especially when the common is circulating. p.s. the pic ammuses me as fever is one of the less common Omicron symtoms.
  13. I keep forgetting this guy's nickname. Fortunately I am reminded EVERY TIME there is an article mentioning him.
  14. So how much of this is Malaysians hopping the border doing shopping? I'm actually wondering how many others can come out with stats. We've had TAT, Banking now Sports and Tourism so who's next?
  15. Yes Thailand has a lot of people with a lot of medical problems. Diabetes is definitely on the rise (and has been for a long time) as is obesity. Thing I don't get is why this isn't reflected in hospitalisations and deaths from or with Omicron. Numbers are very low in comparison to Delta. This is undeniable so why? With so many people with comorbidities why are the numbers so low? To me there seems only one logical conclusion and this conclusion is supported by science. Omicron is not a severe viral infection. Countries are winding back or have wound back their vaccination programmes. Why? IMO they should have wound it back a long time ago. It wasn't long after Omicron took over from Delta that the writing was on the wall. We were moving towards endemicity. We are now pretty much there or in fact there already. What is the point of these daily articles?
  16. I would say a minority. Maybe not in the US. Lots of obesity and comorbidities there. Anyhow globaly numbers are very low in comparision to when that nasty Delta was around and our friend Omicron came in and booted it off the face of the planet. Bit of evolutionary luck there.
  17. What you seem unable to accept is Omicron is a non-severe viral infection, however, certain people are at risk. I would suggest a morbidly obese person with hypertension and diabetes would be at risk. I would also suggest that a healthy person in their 20's for example is not.
  18. Interesting. Can you show me anywhere it states that Omicron is the direct cause of this or is something else going on? Also I wonder on average how many people per week are admitted to hospital with pnuemonia that don't test positive to Omicron?
  19. What this fails to tell is if Omicron caused the pnuemonia. Maybe he already had pnuemonia and that killed him. Omicron being an upper respiratory tract infection I would think pnuemonia would be not be a common complication of the virus.
  20. As I say a 500% increase of 1 is 5. It may be the new sub-variant XBB.1.16 circulating and if it is it's normal to see an increase. It's said to be more immune escape because of two new spike protiens. It will settle down until the next sub-variant comes along to knock this one off it's perch and take over. All up the numbers are low and it's not considered a variant of concern.
  21. I guess these "ample opportunities" is dependant on "locals and residents alike" having ample money to spend. Apart from that the 17th is a Wednesday the week govt schools go back and this weekend there's a booze ban. I have been told though that 'restaurants' can serve alcohol. Not sure if this is the case or not. Boost to domestic tourism?
  22. Countries are winding back vaccination programmes. Switzerland has stopped it altogether for now. If you have severe comorbidities you go to your doctor and seek advice. Same for the UK which is now for over 75 and Australia which is over 65. Don't know about the US as that's a state by state thing. I would like to see a break down by age and comorbidities of those hospitalised here and those who have died here. Is it with or is it from?
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