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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Yep they kicked him out then they would not relinquish power. The constitution was changed and 250 military lackeys made sure the last election did not reflect the will of the people. One tycoon out one general in. Now tables have turned. Tycoon Thaksin will return and the bent General will run away. Or will he? I have always said in Thailand the military is always waiting in the wings. If they make a move this country will explode.
  2. And you think Prayut and his family hasn't. It's interesting you want to see more of the military rule. Military rule has been overwhelmingly regected by the people as has Prayut. Will the military go against the will of the people. MFP and PT are clear winners when it comes to the popular vote.
  3. Rubbish. Better they get covid. Natural imminunity. What about masking? Nothing mentioned. Notice at last nights election coverage pretty well everyone was not wearing a mask.
  4. Certify is the key. Chosing the PM will take a lot longer as this can only happen after the seats have been ceritified. Nevertheless it is clear that the counrty has voted out Prayut and voted him out desicively. Coalition 'horse trading' has aready begun.
  5. Probably know today. Not sure what you're talking about. Possibly a Pita, Thaksin and Anutin coalition. Not sure if MFP and PT will have enough seats. One thing is for sure and as I have been saying for weeks the people have voted en masse against Prayut. Will he go quietly? How will the 250 military lackeys affect things?
  6. Prayut is history. He either leaves peacefully or the people will get rid of him.
  7. May form a minority govt with the 250 senate lackeys and some minor parties but get put down by a vote of no confidence in the House. . Then it will be back to the polls.
  8. It was the army dropping ping pong balls around BKK. The army stirred up problems. Who were the black shirts? Prayut did not get the popular vote. He got more seats because of his 250 appointed army mates in the senate and coalition with minor parties.
  9. Phue Thai and Prawit coalition? Well I guess stranger things have happened. Can't see it happening though. What a way to get the youth offside with PT. If it happens the nxt election will be a landslide for MVP or whatever they're know by then because they have once again be dissolved.
  10. Me. HaHaHaHa. Don't think I will go to the police though.
  11. So a person who commits murder but gets away it is not a criminal simply because they were not caught or convicted? Someone who commits burglary but is not caught is not a criminal? You're logic seems a bit flawed. Here's a bit of a different interpretation. https://www.oxfordlearnersdictionaries.com/definition/english/criminal_1#:~:text=criminal-,noun,person who commits a crime criminal noun a person who commits a crime
  12. Thailand is changing. These elections will show this one way or the other. The people have had enough. It's time for Thailand to grow up. This is a force that will not be stopped.
  13. No it's not. It's for 24 hrs. 6 pm today (Sat) - 6 pm tomorrow (Sun). As for weed it will always be around it will just be an offence. The BIB must be very happy about this as they can start clawing back lost revenue.
  14. 20 odd years ago you could get dope at the local chinese medicine shops.
  15. Agree about assets. Probably being move offshore right now.
  16. It would seem once again we are reading a computer generated article. They really should disclose this. "He did not say it out loud, but Prawase certainly does not want to see elections so ferocious where each does nothing but demonising the other. This kind of political atmosphere misconstrues constructive advices from the other side; discourages capable human resources from helping if the perceived enemies are in power; and promotes turning a blind eye when someone on the same side does something wrong, hence making real justice impossible and anti-graft fight a losing battle."
  17. They wouldn't be the only airline with an earnings surge. Airfares are extortionate across the board. Clawing back lost income through the pandemic.
  18. Prayut will be toppled might take a while might happen rapidly and then he'll be arrested and escape Thailand via a military helicopter. This is my prediction.
  19. It seems you miss the jist of my post apart from that how much do 10's of millions, billions even, of fried rice with chicken cost? Maybe the brain cells that need engaging are not mine.
  20. A very silly comment indeed.
  21. Until you are ordered to shoot the opposition when they take to the streets.
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