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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Probably connected. Bit of a payoff and that will be that.
  2. Foreign national? My money's on a Chinese foreign national.
  3. Well let's see if it's like for like if so US tariffs on cars produced in Thailand will be 300%.
  4. You're the opposition but I'm going to tell you what to do. The sheer arrogance of it is amazing being that they're the true opposition which is what the voting public of Thailand voted for. The democratically elected government is in opposition because of corruption and will most definitely not drop Thaksin's name. Well I hope not.
  5. Interesting post I must say being TIT. Exactly what type of bar are we talking about here?
  6. They are around all year and they're not tiny. Indeed the second largest gecko species. Sorry to put a dampener on your cringey prose.
  7. Quite frankly it looked like it wanted to kill me. It was huge. I've seen all sizes in my time here but I remember this one and it was well on the big side. Did the hissing thing at me. Bit like the missus every now and again. The one in the YT thumbnail is small. A youngster.
  8. They <deleted> poo everywhere (interesting I can post with a 3 yr old's language but not commonly accepted adult language), they're loud but they are glorious albeit a bit scary looking. A huge gecko. My 1st encounter it's fair to say I was more than a little surprised.
  9. Cheers. I linked and had a look. IMHO religion is the greatest crime against humanity and for me it isn't all the social control and killing it's the brainwashing of children from birth to believe in something that doesn't exist to perpetuate the myth generationally that's the greatest crime.
  10. Ah! The voice of experience. I'm starting to think SPS might at play here. For those that might not know what SPS is think small and syndrome. I reckon you'll work out what P stands for.
  11. Nah mate! We don't need to brag or make things up.
  12. Good for you Bob. We all believe you. You are the man. Keep the posts coming. As an Aussie though we absolutely hate people that lie and even worse than that is someone that brags. That's pretty low. Nevertheless you just keep your self indulgent nonsense coming. It's always entertaining albeit very, very pitiful. For someone with a wife, girlfriends all over SEA, able to take a picture inside a taxi when you didn't have your phone, get charged for 4 bottles when you only had three (where was your wife or one of your numerous girlfriends to sort this out?), you sure seem to want attention.
  13. None of your business or anyone else's for that matter. As for "Thai woman" I call my "Thai woman" my wife. When are you going to stop these BS posts? As an expat I hope you're ok (mentally) but I have my doubts. As a poster on here PLEASE STOP! It's pitiful.
  14. $36,220,000,000,000 of debt, more than $1000 dollars of debt for every man, woman and child in the country and let's not forget inflation and the cost of living. p.s. Your numbers you have don't come from MSNBC or Politico I hope.
  15. Was due. Trump is trying to reverse the Biden damage. Let's see how he goes. This is a fair comment and only the idiots with the disorder will disagree because this comment will trigger them. Sad! Grow up! See what happens! Can't change it by whinging and moaning on here. The election has happened and the voting population of the USA voted Trump in. This is reality.
  16. Power banks aren't banned. Using them is. Fair enough too.
  17. For very action there is an equal or opposite reaction. The swamp is being drained.
  18. No nukes would have been used. It's you who seem to lack rational thought. As I said Russian troops could have been pushed back into Russia. No mention of an all out invasion of Russia. Maybe you should read this article.
  19. Russia was on the back foot and could've been pushed out of Ukraine early on in the war. Drip feeding of weapons systems has prolonged the war (by design?) by years and has resulted 100's of thousands of extra lives lost.
  20. Vape shops where I am have closed for now. Interesting how this is a 'public safety concern" yet cigarettes are legal and available everywhere. I'm not saying cigs should be illegal I'm saying vapes should be legal. I'm certain that there are some BIB not happy with this crackdown as it stops part of their extra income stream. I wonder how long this is going to last. Not too long hopefully.
  21. Durian? I guess if durian could be grown in all rice growing regions it would be. It isn't. Why is this do you think?
  22. You are wrong to say "that Thailand will be the only country that produces only one crop a year rather than 2 crops a year inspite [in spite] of good rainfall." There are regions that are not irrigated via khlongs (canals) that have one harvest per year and then there are the irrigated regions that have two. This is "factual". "Additionally, a proposal to support rice prices by offering farmers an extra 1,000 baht per tonne for off-season rice awaits Cabinet approval." Hmmmm? Seasonal and off season rice. What could this possibly mean? Two crops perhaps?
  23. Less money for the millers/middle man (Chinese/Thai Chinese) and more for the farmer. That should sort things out.
  24. Interesting. Strange though how this war has been left to plod on with all the weapons available to Biden and the EU early on. The excuse in Europe was we have to keep all these weapons to protect ourselves (from what?) and in the US it was always held up in Congress. Obviously Trump's fault because ........???????
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