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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. Nice example of the UK as it currently is. Well played sir. Not sure about the praying bit though. Praying doesn't work as there is no God but any brainwashed, indoctrinated from birth or reborn mentally unstable idiot who thinks there is a god and praying works should be allowed to do so.
  2. The deal will be done. Watch this space. As for "shrimp dick Trump" I suggest you don't post examples of your level of education and your grasp on complex issues on topics you are clearly out of your depth in with pitiful derangement comments.
  3. Rubbish. The USA had naval assets in the Atlantic before Pearl Harbour. You obviously have no idea. I suggest the very best documentary on WWII for you to watch. The World at War. Seems you need some education.
  4. Interesting you bring up WWII. Without the USA and the USSR how do you think things would have turned out?
  5. No. Just a realist. Ukraine cannot win this war without the US even with European help. Zelenskyy has few cards to play with.
  6. Yep. Zelenskyy will pay back some of the money. The EU loaned him money. Biden gave him money. Trump wants some of it back.
  7. He pays back the US taxpayer whose money Biden GAVE to him by agreeing to the natural resources deal Trump's put on the table which will involve US military security along with the EU into the future and will lead to a ceasefire and peace deal. This will happen.
  8. The point is to force Zelenskyy to negotiate a deal for rare minerals and move to ceasefire negotiations. This will come with security guarantees from the US. Reality is Ukraine cannot win this war of attrition and continues to lose ground. The territory held by Ukraine in the Kursk Oblast is now a lot less than it was a month ago. As for Putin wanting a total defeat of Ukraine this is simply not the case.
  9. The only surprise about this is it's taken so long to become public. The big surprise would be anyone being held accountable. A corrupt system protects the corrupt.
  10. A Thai driver not looking/paying attention happens every second of everyday in Thailand. Not exactly news IMHO.
  11. Casinos have always been a mix of the average punter, the wealthy and mafia/criminal types. Thai casinos will be only the last two. The super corrupt Thais, CCP officials and the Russian mafia will be the main players.
  12. Boring Bob's posts. Can't wait for the next installment. Here's one you could use. Crossing pedestrian/zebra crossing when motorcycle zooms through then add emotional diatribe about inconsiderate Thais.
  13. Agree. I've made a mistake in my post. Replace should with would. "Maybe but a properly trained security person should would know how to defuse the situation, not take off his uniform and knock out a 62 year old, more than likely intoxicated, bloke."
  14. Maybe but a properly trained security person should know how to defuse the situation, not take off his uniform and knock out a 62 year old, more than likely intoxicated, bloke.
  15. In other words they'll be sent to a "re-education" camp where the rest of their families are and never to be seen again.
  16. As previously stated on this topic IMO the most likely cause was poor distillation processes in which the methanol was not effectively removed.
  17. No. It will just cost more to continue to have USA military support.
  18. Agree in a way. Putin has more than enough cannon fodder. It's the economic hip pocket that Trump will go for. I also think it's reasonable to say Zelenskyy loses more. As it is and as I continue to post more and more Ukrainian land is being captured everyday. The eastern front continues it's westward push and the area of the captured Kursk Oblast is shrinking daily.
  19. Answer is obvious. Those with the derangement will say yes. Everyone one else with the tiniest semblance of rational thought will say no. @Jingthing will of course say fascist dictator.
  20. My apologies. By the way Thais call this bank Thai Panit.
  21. No money coming out of this. It's a passbook update machine. It updates your passbook.
  22. If sitting in a bank for a couple of hours is enjoying every second of life then fair enough. Not my idea of enjoying life that's for sure. Pretty much the other end of the scale.
  23. Never seen one. Passbook update machines update passbooks. They're not ATM's or deposit machines. Doesn't dispense or accept deposits. Some ATM's dispense and some dispense and accept deposits. Passbook update machines do neither.
  24. You go into the bank they will want ID. Same for Thais. ATM obviously no ID required. Just your number. You go into the bank good for you. Possibly a couple of minutes at the ATM and a lot longer inside. BTW why do you need to update your passbook? Do you not have the bank app on your phone? Deposit ATM's are not difficult. Put in your card and number. Hit deposit. It opens and you put your money in. It counts it. You hit ok. Admittedly sometimes the ATM will reject some notes. Peace of mind for me is not sitting in a bank for a couple of hours waiting to deposit some money. Technology.
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