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Everything posted by dinsdale

  1. For very action there is an equal or opposite reaction. The swamp is being drained.
  2. No nukes would have been used. It's you who seem to lack rational thought. As I said Russian troops could have been pushed back into Russia. No mention of an all out invasion of Russia. Maybe you should read this article.
  3. Russia was on the back foot and could've been pushed out of Ukraine early on in the war. Drip feeding of weapons systems has prolonged the war (by design?) by years and has resulted 100's of thousands of extra lives lost.
  4. Vape shops where I am have closed for now. Interesting how this is a 'public safety concern" yet cigarettes are legal and available everywhere. I'm not saying cigs should be illegal I'm saying vapes should be legal. I'm certain that there are some BIB not happy with this crackdown as it stops part of their extra income stream. I wonder how long this is going to last. Not too long hopefully.
  5. Durian? I guess if durian could be grown in all rice growing regions it would be. It isn't. Why is this do you think?
  6. You are wrong to say "that Thailand will be the only country that produces only one crop a year rather than 2 crops a year inspite [in spite] of good rainfall." There are regions that are not irrigated via khlongs (canals) that have one harvest per year and then there are the irrigated regions that have two. This is "factual". "Additionally, a proposal to support rice prices by offering farmers an extra 1,000 baht per tonne for off-season rice awaits Cabinet approval." Hmmmm? Seasonal and off season rice. What could this possibly mean? Two crops perhaps?
  7. Less money for the millers/middle man (Chinese/Thai Chinese) and more for the farmer. That should sort things out.
  8. Interesting. Strange though how this war has been left to plod on with all the weapons available to Biden and the EU early on. The excuse in Europe was we have to keep all these weapons to protect ourselves (from what?) and in the US it was always held up in Congress. Obviously Trump's fault because ........???????
  9. Alas your syndrome continues to grow. This is a good thing and is indicative of the woke left Democratic Party. As long as this mentality continues to pervade the chances of the now red states turning blue are zero. Reality has left the building for those displaying such puerile and petulant opinions such as yourself.
  10. Trump has no problems with people coming in to work in the US as long as they're documented. Reasonable idea adopted by many countries. Open borders seems to be not such a great idea. As for "According to some reports ...." this is the type of thing you need to source so please do. I would love to see where you've garnered this opinion from.
  11. You don't get out much do you?
  12. No doubt about it. The woke mind virus in the UK is in full swing.
  13. Sabre rattling nonsense from a dictator. Xi always acts like a petulant little child.
  14. I agree with the OP. Far too much waste of the tax payers dollars has been uncovered. Time to stop this lunacy and let the waste and corruption continue. Go back to your office a TESLA Elon.
  15. Ridiculous comment. It's a law that serves no purpose. As for past midnight 10.30 in the morning falls into this period yet buying some beer or a bottle of wine or a bottle of vodka etc. is not possible at the supermarkets at this time and apart from the beer not available in the small shops.
  16. Yes and no. It would be great when going shopping at Big C for example at 9 o'clock on a hot summer's morning to be able to buy alcohol. Remember mom and pop shops don't have the selection available at the supermarkets.
  17. I think this is a great comment. You even used the word intellectual. Well done but a wee bit ironic..
  18. Agree to an extent. Russia and China/Putin and Xi are absolute cnts. The fact now, however, is this war needs to be brought to an end. If you're a betting man would you bet on Harris, if she was now president, or Trump ending it? Interesting you mention proxy wars because this war is certainly that and Trump wants to stop it. As for your Netflix reference I guess you're critical thinking skills might not be that sharp. Have a look at the BBC documentary about Gaza. The sheeple would have believed this and not seen it was pure Hamas propaganda. Paid for by the British taxpayer.
  19. Why is it that every article (bar none?) only ever mentions the 2-5 pm prohibition and never the midnight to 11 am hours. Fact is there are 14 hours of sales prohibition not 3.
  20. Allowing the war to continue and risk Putin moving closer to Xi doesn't have "far-reaching consequences for global stability and security" then. Reality is when it comes to bargaining and negotiations Zelenskky's position in this is not one of strength.
  21. Seems you didn't read the article but simply spew out your anti-Trump hate rhetoric. Even the headline tells you what you've posted is complete nonsense. Trump is now in the business of forcing Zelenkyy's hand toward bringing an end to the war.
  22. In part this is correct so why is it that some continue to say Putin won't stop with Ukraine. An expansionist threat yet weaponry and manpower being depleted. How many on here have said Putin won't stop with just Ukraine. The reality is Putin doesn't want all of Ukraine and cannot take on the might of NATO.
  23. Could you add a link about Trump removing tariffs on Russian imports please and can you explain how Trump is "100% backing Putin".
  24. Keeping the war going is correct but dwindling down the Russian military and it's economy was, and in the EU's case still is, definitely part of the agenda.
  25. It's not a stalemate. Russian forces continue to move east and the Kursk salient (a strategic error IMO) is seeing ground taken back by Russian forces and may indeed be heading towards becoming encircled. Kursk is most definitely not a trump card (no pun intended) when it comes down to negations. Russia has captured well over 100,000 km2 and the area currently held by Ukrainian forces in Kursk is now under 400 km2. To call what's happening in this protracted war of attrition a stalemate is simply incorrect. As for the rest of the article it's refreshing to see some actual worthwhile analysis rather than the usual anti-Trump rubbish.
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