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Tod Daniels

Thai Visas Forum Expert
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Posts posted by Tod Daniels

  1. Your report is interesting except for the fact that there is NO such thing as a 90 day "Tourist Visa" :( .

    Either you got a Single Entry Non-Immigrant Type-ED visa (good for 90 days) or you got a Tourist Visa (good for 60 days). It is one or the other.

    Actually, if you got the paperwork from the Walen School of Thai in Pattaya, and went to Penang; you would have gotten a 90 day Single Entry Non-Immigrant Type-ED visa. :)

    If you check your visa stamp, I'm pretty sure it'll say Non-Imm. Type-ED. ;)

    Other than that your report was good, thanx for the info. .. :D

    FWIW: there are more than a few ‘visa run’ companies which operate outta Pattaya and run you to Vientiane and back with everything included (travel, visa to Lao, accommodations, food, etc). These companies can do this trip FAR cheaper than the one you took.

    But what ever floats your boat. You got your ED visa and are in for 90 days at least!! B)

  2. ยอมแพ้ is perhaps best translated as "to surrender."

    The song title could be rendered as: "Don't surrender without a fight." (Don't give up without trying)

    It's a pretty common term. Ex: you're having a discussion/debate with someone who keeps besting you with his/her rhetoric - or is merely obstinate - and finally you want to say "oh, I give up..." ยอมแพ้แล้ว

    Thanx :) ,

    I always took it to mean lose, instead of surrender, although in looking it up; you’re correct ยอมแพ้ does carry the meaning; (to) surrender.

    I’ve heard the derogatory term ไอ้ขี้แพ้; usually just before a situation goes explosive <_< !! I’ve also heard แพ้แล้ว called out to whoever loses a round when the thais play those gambling games like 'hi-low' or 'gourd-crab-fish" .

    I’ve never heard ยอมแพ้แล้ว, but can see it will come in handy.

    Thanx again.

    Obviously my tenuous grasp of thai is a ‘work in progress’, but every little bit helps :P !!

  3. Currently there are several private thai language schools which are coincidentally ALSO Thai Visa Sponsors who advertise 'on-line' thai language classes. Look on the main T/V page or the thai language sub-forum for them. :)

    I'm sure it'd take at least an initial visit to pay your yearly tuition (although they might take a bank transfer), and most likely then a follow up visit to secure your paperwork (which they receive from the Ministry of Education) so you could get a Single Entry Non-Immigrant Type-ED visa in a neighboring S/E Asian country and get the ball rolling as far as online study. Possibly, after that, the school could mail you the paperwork they provide every 90 days to continue your extension(s) of stay.

    Not being contentious but; I beg to differ with the poster known as 'ignis".

    At just about any other thai consulate or embassy anywhere else in the world except in S/E Asia; garnering a year long, multi-entry, Non-Immigrant Type-ED visa is fairly straight forward and quite easy to do. However, the thai embassies and consulates scattered around S/E Asia are another kettle of fish altogether :o . Unless you're enrolled in a 'real university' (not a private thai language school) and are undertaking higher education for a 'real subject' (not the minimum 4 hours a week you do when studying thai) you're unlikely to get more than a single-entry Non-Immigrant Type-ED visa from any of them :ermm: .

    FWIW: an 'acquaintance' of mine recently asked for and received a year long Multi Entry Non-Immigrant Type-ED Visa from an Honorary Thai Consulate in the United States. He ONLY provided them with a letter (he wrote himself) expressing his intent to study thai at a specific private thai language school here in Bangkok.

    This would lead me to believe the proverbial 'bar' is higher or lower based solely on the requirements of that particular thai embassy/consulate and the officers who work there. It would seem they have greater discretion in the issuing of visas versus the officers who staff the S/E Asian consulates/embassies. :)

    Click on some of the Forum Sponsor Ads, and see which one of them offer online studies. ..

  4. While I could be delusional :whistling: , I'd like to think I can hold my own reading most things thai, especially things I have an interest in. Overall I’ve found the most of the popular thai newspapers a tough slog to read with any comprehension :( .

    The print media has the proclivity for using TONZ of abbreviations; some so obscure, even thais who read the paper don’t have a clue to the meaning either ;) .

    The government is stuffed to overflowing with the Ministry of this, Ministry of that, and the Ministry of the other. Nearly everyone in any official capacity or in a government department has a mile-long thai name to boot!! It can be a tough row to hoe to discern what is actually going on :o .

    About the only person who’s routinely referred to as a single easily understood, (yet in my opinion a mocking derisive name) is the current Prime Minister; อภิสิทธิ์ เวชชาชีวะ. He’s almost always referred to as มาร์ค (Mark) in the thai papers.

    Conversely; I’ve found that ANY thai ‘scandal sheet’ which talks about the thai superstars; ดารา are quite easy to read. They’re often insightful in their use of idiomatic expressions when touching on subjects usually not talked about openly in the news. Plus, at least to me; they seem to be ‘written down’ or at least written in a more understandable version of thai like; ภาษาพูด or ภาษาพื้นๆ.

    I’ve also found thai magazines quite enjoyable to read as well, even english magazines which have a thai language edition.

    While I do routinely buy both the ไทยรัฐ (Thai Rath) and the เดลินิวส์ (Daily News),(mostly because they’re sold everywhere and are cheap as chips to buy :P ); alas my comprehension of them is woefully inadequate :blink: .

    Good Luck.

  5. I can only think you mean Suan Lum Night Bazaar, the one across the road from Lumpini Park :) .

    This topic is on both the general forum and the Bangkok one. I suggest using the search function in the top right with the term "Suan Lum Night Bazaar".

    It's been rumored to be moving for the last several years now, but is still open every nite. The property owner (which will remain un-named <_< ) wants to build another convention center, shopping mall, hotel complex on the existing site. Evidently they believe there's a shortage of those here in Bangkok :o . .

    FWIW: Suan Lum Night Bazaar is one of the best 'g-rated' attractions to go with friends, or take tourists to see at nite. They have a diverse product blend, great food court, covered seating for inclement weather, nice stage and often really good bands. :D

    I'll be sad to see it go, if and when it does. :(

    Here's a scan of a flyer which outlines where the 'new improved' Suan Lum will be;

    post-26360-040097500 1280287837_thumb.jp

  6. This has been beaten to death :blink: , and should, in all likelihood be closed :o . BUT seeing as I am most definitely NOT a MOD, whatever ;) ..

    However, with that being said; there are a hellova lot more of THEM than US here in the glorious “Land ‘O Thais” :D .

    It is what it is, suck it up, accept it, and deal with it as being a FACT ‘o life B) .

    I ALWAYS refer to thai people as THEM, YOU PEOPLE, or THEY :P , and nary a thai has batted an eye about it, ever :) !!

  7. Actually, the books (yes, real books, that you hafta READ, word by word, page by page :o ) aren’t too bad to plow thru. ;)

    FWIW: they’re not the movie, (although you can see the script they ripped from the bookz :( ).

    The movies are something totally different and in reality, are just b/s movies designed to capitalize on the Vampire genre which is sweeping any country NOT in S/E Asia (as in america, uk, or name your country) .

    Sorry :( , just Googled “Twilight the Series” and saw it’s rabid here in S/E Asia too :huh: .

    Sad for Asians, and everyone else too. .. …

  8. Believe me; no one hasta worry; especially given my posting history. :o

    I have few, if ANY friends ;) . Be it; thumbs up/down, or boxing gloves, or whatever.

    Although FWIW: Sometimes I do post useful information for people (albeit rarely) B) ..

    Mostly I just read without logging in (as I get too much FLAME mail, lol :P ).

    Then again, my posting penchants are all too well known here on T/V :D .

  9. Heya Tod, dont be shy, say hello first! I dont mind when a guy says hello to me, regardless of nationality or age..(so long as he seems respectful and not too much of a weirdo lol). SNIP!!

    Ugh, you may have caught me on that last part :lol:

    As has been pointed out by another poster;

    Sometimes when foreign women go on holiday here; they 'let their hair down' and have been known to do things they'd never think of doing in their home country :o .

    Then again, perhaps it's not solving world hunger or world peace that I'm interested in conversating <sic> with them about ;) .

    I do however draw the line at AGE; I have abso-tively posi-lutely NOTHING in common with a 20 something y/o female of ANY nationality!

    I run under the premise that NO one is admitted under 33, and being 51 even then sometimes it's quite the stretch of the imagination to communicate on that level; given it's an 18 YEAR difference :( !!

    The old amusement parks in america used to have signs which said "You must be this tall... to ride this ride!!" While I don't discriminate on height, I do on age. .. For me it's more like; "You must be this OLD, to ride this ride. .."

    Thanx though, for what I think, :( was encouragement for me to speak out to foreign women. I'll give it a try and letcha know how it worx out :D ..

    If the truth were to be told :P I'm really looking for friends, or people who live here more than a errr, what's the term in today's lingo 'a casual hook-up'??? :huh:

  10. While this may be a littl more than slightly off topic (it’s never stopped me from posting before ;) ). ...

    เสก โลโซ (Sek Loso) had a song on his previous album (which is NOT to be confused with his 'new' album entitled; Sek Plus; as opposed to what it should really be titled: Sek frickin' MINUS, and which has 4 new songs and the re-release of songs which are on album after album for the last 10 years!!!) :bah: .

    Be that as it may :lol: . ..

    This song is called อย่ายอมแพ้ โดยที่ยังไม่ต่อสู้. I always took the first words to mean; "Don't allow (youself) to lose". Then again, given my less than stellar understanding of this language :( , I could be way off base with the meaning..

    FWIW: the song has a very good bass line, some harmonic guitar, and fairly meaningful lyrics, although it’s repetitively tedious in its chorus <_< .

    That's probably why I like Sek so much. His songs remind me of my favorite band of all time; (no surprise here)the american rock band KISS :whistling:!!!

    Both share endless repetition of their chorus(es) and infantile (yet easily understood :) ) lyrics.

    Here's the song;


    To "mikenyork": I can't understand BE for shit either and Scotch engrish :o is even harder!!

  11. While my border-line thai-bashing posting penchants are all to well known, as is my other penchant for bloviation; I thought I'd jump in here to this sub-forum about this oh-so interesting a topic. :whistling:

    I live on a small soi which has a very well known yet totally crap thai restaurant further down the soi :bah: . Even more sad for me is the fact it's featured in both the Rough Guide and Lonely Planet as a 'must eat at establishment' :( . This makes it a veritable mecca for the tourist crowd.

    I usually sit outside my apartment with some middle aged thai guys (35-45 y/o), and I'm no spring chicken either (51). However never ever has a foreign woman who’s walked by shown the slightest indication of interest or the inclination to chat. There were many a time I was smitten by their fair skin and foreign appearances as they walked by. Were I not so shy :ermm: , I'd have at least spoken to them in passing.

    Having no real 'taste' for females of the 'asian persuasion', and living here by choice not blind chance, I have found overall; foreign women are far harder to talk to than the native variety. :o

    Perhaps I should venture out to an area where foreign women congregate thick as ticks on a dog's back and see if my luck doesn't improve.

    Then again, a quick check in the mirror reveals the sad truth of the matter. :D

    Oh & sbk aka "Mistress Whiplash": I always thought with your icon, that you'd use the lash a little more than "sparingly".

    Although FWIW, it does appear to be of good quality. ...

  12. I believe the O/P is making reference concerning foreign nationals who are married to people from the UK, and the new rule which I believe comes into effect later this year regarding their moving to the UK;

    Here's a 'shameless rip' (NOT from the paper which cannot be named!! ;) ) of an article about it;

    "Thousands of foreigners who want to marry a British person will have to pass an English test before being allowed to enter the country.

    The new rule will come into force in the autumn and will mean that non-EU migrants seeking a visa to marry will need to be able to understand English at the level of a child of 5 or 6."

    I think the O/P is talking about this and wanting to capitalize on teaching basic engrish to thais to pass this upcoming requirement.

    Then again I could be WAY off base, but if I had ta bet, my money is on this. :D

  13. Having been here over 5 years, I stopped visiting or partaking in any of the go-go, beer bars, or other P4P areas several years ago :bah: ; I've found my expenditures for spirits now are quite on the manageable side :) .

    Sitting outside my apartment at the food/beer/lao-khao shop for an evening with my thai friends watching tourists as they parade past costs;

    A small bottle (or sometimes two) of SangSom (thai rum) 115 baht,

    A 10 baht bucket of ice

    Another 10 baht bottle of water for chasers, (as I drink straight shots :blink: ).

    That works out to less than 3000baht a month. Plus I only drink every other day. ..

    To me, it's a totally crazy waste of money just to numb/dumb the brain cells; but it makes thailand that much more interesting. ;)

    Oh, I'm sorry, in re-reading some of the posts; I didn't know it had turned into a my cock is bigger than yours pissing match on who could spend the most. :ermm:

    And now; back to the pissing match already in progress. :P

  14. When did you hear about this new type of Visa (Non Immigrant O for the purpose of buying a car).

    I believe the O/P was simply inquiring about the possibility of securing another Multi-Entry Non-Immigrant Type-O visa at a thai embassy located in a nearby S/E Asian country using 'buying a car in thailand" as the reason for said visa.

    In re-reading his post I didn't see where he said he'd ever heard of this before. This would lead me (at least) to believe it was more a seeking information type of post rather than one which unintentionally muddies the waters for other readers of the T/V Forum concerning visas to thailand.

    O visas are for those married to Thai nationals, or have Thai Children, etc.

    Sorry to burst your bubble there “beano2274” :o , but the very definition of an "O" visa means the category is classified, aptly enough, as "OTHER" :ermm: ; where people don't fall into any of the other predefined categories of visas offered for thailand. Don’t confuse a yearly extension of stay based on marriage, retirement, having a thai dependant as an O visa. Those are extensions of stay secured inside the country AFTER you possess at least a Single Entry Non-O, or convert what ever visa you had into it.

    As previous posters have pointed out to the O/P; currently Perth and Hull are almost sure shots at securing another year long Multi-Entry Non-Immigrant Type-O visa.

    FWIW, Hull recently started requesting a document which wants to know who you're actually visiting here in thailand. Earlier they were much more lenient in their accepting; 'visiting friends' in the reason box with no supporting documentation.

    And to answer the O/P’s other question; The various and sundry thai embassies and consulates scattered around the globe DO NOT operate by anything but a very broad loosely interpreted set of guidelines or standards regarding the issuance of visas. They have great latitude in deciding what documents they feel you need to get the visa you want. Do not look for logic where there is none! :bah:

  15. While totally off the topic of this thread :whistling: ;

    This post reminds me of a form which made the rounds on my soi during the beginnings of the Red Shirt protests.

    Obviously it was circulated by those pesky ‘other color shirts’ :o, and the red shirts didn't really see the humor in it :annoyed: .

    Still as thai forms go, it’s quite funny :P .

    Here’s a Jpeg of it;

    post-26360-063443200 1280119089_thumb.jp

  16. Purely out of interest, is Walen now offering Callan-style English lessons to Thais (or planning to?). I thought it was just a Thai language school, in which case, I don't see where the 'upselling' is supposed to be (then again, maybe that's why I'm not in business...:unsure: )

    FWIW: Mac Walen had the Callan Method English Language division for his school open MANY YEARS before he decided to branch out into the ultra-lucrative “teach thai to foreigners” arena :D .

    Unless my memory fails me (which it does from time to time :( ), the thai language section of the school “the Walen Method of Thai” has been in existence just over 3 years now.

    Several years ago; I remember walking past the main office in Times Square and watching Mac and his thai staff slaving over the ordeal of translating the Callan Method of english books into something understandable in thai :ermm: .

    As a purely observational aside (with no relevance on topic :whistling: ); Even using rough estimates; with two branches in Bangkok, one in Pattaya, one in Chiang Mai, and now Phuket he's gotta have close to 3000 foreign thai language students, all who've paid 25K Baht a year to learn thai. That equals about 75 MILLION Baht; and is certainly not 'chump change' by any stretch of the imagination.

    I believe we’ve gotta hand it to Mac as he does keep coming up with ideas :) . Whether they bear fruit initially or not, at least he’s not too afraid to try that he doesn’t even attempt it :P .

    I’ll hafta have a look at the website. Although FWIW; I too wonder just what this hasta do with foreigners learning thai or this particular forum. .. . :blink:

  17. I thought maybe I should have put it in as a JPG. What is it? Why would they want it for a retirement visa extension?

    I think this is what the immigration at Mataput (Rayong) wanted.

    This statement is one of what I refer to as the 'three secret documents' which Immigrations at Changwattana has you fill out AFTER you process your yearly extension of stay based on retirement :) .

    It's NOT a verification of address, and as you don’t get to keep a copy, (instead it’s put into your file); it’s valueless as providing any one else proof that you live here :ermm: .

    It seems that it's more a guarantor letter saying you're who you say you are, you live where you say, and you acknowledge you have the financial means to stay in thailand. Even so, it's quite ambiguous in its real meaning :whistling: .

    In reality it’s just another piece of nearly meaningless paperwork for the file Immigrations keeps on you :o ; but we all know how much thai government officials love paperwork and documentation ;) .

  18. If he means as a friend or a pal, then he should say as a friend or a pal ... so someone does not infer otherwise.

    My suggestion WADR to aka Gene Simmons: Ditch the 'C-----' word

    Thanx, for the well meant, I think :blink: warning. .. I will henceforth refer to them as 'acquaintances'. Of course, if that is acceptable to the illustrious posers <sic> :o errr posters on the T/V Forum .

    The only reason I started using the 'C' word (client) is: some of these people are most definitely NOT my friends, by any wild stretch of my imagination.

    For whatever reason they're just skeptical of the outcome if they deal with the thai bureaucracy out at Immigrations on their own. I accompany them to facilitate their needs (totally within the letter of thai law, at least in regard to their requirements for what ever it is they're wanting out there).

    Now whether I'm actually allowed to do this; I dunno, (and in reality I dont care B) ). Its almost turned into a long running joke which started at Suan Plu and now has migrated out to Changwattana when they see me. Ohhh, Mr. Tod, you come again with a new friend? You have many friends, na?

    All seriousness aside ;) : Point well taken & thanx, I'll heed your sage advice. ...

  19. Thanx again. .

    Sorry about the re-post :( .

    While I can understand the written thai, my comprehension on the spoken voice over is abysmal.

    Even following along with the ‘script’; that’s some fast cadenced thai for my ears to try to keep up with. Then again, I could just be cursed with extremely 'slow' ears. .. :whistling:

    ฟังไม่ทัน ไม่รู้เรื่องเลย :o

  20. Where did you get them to fill them out in advance? Did you ask for and receive extra copies of them on an earlier visit to Chaeng Watthana Immigration office? Would a filled-out printout of your scans be acceptable to the immigration officers?


    I routinely print out the scans I provided here on A4 sized paper and fill them out before I accompany people to Changwattana for them to secure their yearly extension of stay based on retirement. I got them early last year when they started having people fill them out at Suan Plu, as I realized having them filled out before-hand sped up the process. ..

    I also totally agree; offering up supporting paperwork or documents that aren't asked for can at times be hit or miss.

    In fact, I do 'hold back' these last three documents from the packet of stuff I initially hand them; until I see the Immigrations Officer reaching for those form on their desks. Then I hand them the pre-filled out ones and take their blank copies, telling the officer; "They're for next year." I mostly do that to make sure they haven’t changed the forms. ..

  21. FWIW: It is my experience that other countries embassies here in Thailand have much more stringent requirements to secure the verification of funds letter. Certainly they are much more document dependant than the 'scouts honor' bull-shit the US Embassy makes an american do :o .

    I know a client who used the UK Embassy here to get the verification letter. He said he had to supply them with pension statements, bank statements, tax documents etc. I don't know personally as I didn't go with him there. In my opinion the letter had virtually the same information as the one the US Embassy gives out; his just had the UK logo. I also don't know about the cost.

    A quick call to the Canadian Embassy here in Bangkok at the number below should clear up your questions. (I'm reasonably sure canucks can speak something close to american engrish!! :whistling: )

    Canadian Embassy Bangkok

    15th Floor, Abdulrahim Place

    990 Rama IV Road

    Bangrak, Bangkok 10500


    Telephone: +66 (02)-636-0540

    Fax: +66 (02)-636-0566

    Email: [email protected]

    Oh, if you do find out, post your findings so we all know.

    Remember knowledge is power, albeit just a teensy weensy bit. ;) ..

  22. A little more info is required to give you a correct answer;

    Most if not ALL the 'student' visas I've seen (and I've seen several hundred of them) have been Non-Immigrant Type-ED (education) visas, and not Non-Immigrant Type-B (business) visas.

    Last time I checked (which I do often) there is no Non-Immigrant Type-B ‘student visa’ :ermm: . That's not the same as saying a person holding a Non-Immigrant Type B visa couldn't be a student, only that it is NOT usually the case ;) .

    Most students, especially ones at private schools get a Single Entry 90 day Non-Immigrant Type-ED visa (outside the country at a thai embassy or consulate). They then apply for a '90 day extension of stay' inside the country at Thai Immigrations with supporting documents showing continuing study. Now the subject of study can be what ever you're learning; thai, engrish, scuba diving, muay-thai, buddhism, (possibly even under water basket weaving :blink: ) or any of the other endeavors they offer Type ED visas for here and are verifiable companies registered with the Ministry of Education.

    Perhaps checking your passport to see what the exact type of visa you have is in order first. Then tell us when you last entered the country, if you currently reside here under an 'extension of stay' from inside the country, or if you secured this visa in your home country (which would most likely be a Multi-Entry Non-Immigrant Type-ED Visa) and if you're doing visa runs every 90 days.

    And don't forget to say whether you are studying at a private thai school or a 'real' university. I do know of some people who study real things at a 'real university' here in thailand (and I'm NOT saying studying the thai language, engrish, scuba diving buddhism or muay thai aren't real things :o ). The people pursuing higher education have work permits while also holding a Non-Imm-ED visa but it is for 'internship' kind of work related to their primary field of study.

    One last thing, a work permit is totally different from what ever visa you’re currently residing here on, and issued from a completely different government office than either visas or visa extensions of stay.

  23. This topic has come up so many times on T/V it should probably be a frickin' "pinned topic" :o . It's right up there with the other illustrious, yet seemingly clueless, posters who ask questions like;

    "How much salary should I pay my thai gurlfriend?"

    "How much sin-sod should I pay for a previously married thai gurl with three children by three different thai guys?"

    "How much salary should I pay my gurlfriend's mother?"

    Given that there is very little standardization of spelling thai words with roman script, you can spell it however you happen to hear it or how ever you want to. Actually to even ask how to spell any thai word using roman script is just fraught with peril :ermm: , and will likely lead to 5 foreigners pronouncing the word 5 different ways once you factor in what ever engrish accent is used when speaking.

    As has been pointed out by much more learned posters than myself; the thai script bears out that when it's spelled in thai, it IS indeed the thai character for an 'R', () as opposed to the one for an 'L' (): ฝรั่ง.

    Someone pointed out on a post in the thai language section, that the use of phonemic transcription (for the thick, that's the representation of thai words/sounds in the Latin or Roman alphabet) was originally designed so THAIS could pronounce thai words written in engrish and NOT so foreigners could. That is why words like the new airport's name; สุวรรณภูมิ is spelled like this in engrish; Suvarnabhumi. It has all the thai syllables/characters represented in the english spelling even though some of them are silent, making for a word that is spelled differently in engrish compared to how it's really pronounced in thai.

    It is my experience, that it’s NOT the use of the word ฝรั่ง but the context in which it is used, that denotes whether it is meant only as a casual observational phrase when encountering a foreigner (especially in areas where foreigners are 'thin on the ground'), as opposed to a term meant to denigrate or put a foreigner down. It seems in places where foreigners tend to congregate the term carries much more of the second meaning than the first one :bah: .

    Ask a thai and they will freely admit the thai language has more than enough words to denote a 'foreigner' without the need to resort to the use of what I call "the thai 'F' word". :lol:

    Some of the more neutral ones are;

    คนต่างชาติ (khohnM dtaangL chaatF)

    คนต่างด้าว (khohnM dtaangL daaoF)

    ชาวต่างชาติ (chaaoM dtaangL chaatF)

    ชาวต่างประเทศ (chaaoM dtaangL bpraL thaehtF)

    (Guide to pronunciation provided by thai-language dot com)

    FWIW: ALL of the above words are completely understood by every thai in this country (even uneducated ones who live in one buffalo villages in Nakhon Nowhere ;) ) as terms which mean; "person from another country".

    Now; without further ado, back to the pissing match, already in progress. ... :whistling:

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