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Tod Daniels

Thai Visas Forum Expert
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Posts posted by Tod Daniels

  1. Anyone other than me notice just how much the poster known as "Tokay" came out of the proverbial woodwork to give us his all knowing thai legal knowledge? <- :D

    A quick remedial course in thai law might serve you better than your mindless defense of a whack-job. :D

    Then again, reading your previous posts, maybe not. :D

    Here's the link to the post and response I made under the thread about arson and looting in Bangkok;


    Let's FIND HIM. If in fact he isn't already the poster known as Tokay. :)

  2. My response to a mindless post. BTW; my answers are in BOLD and in (parentheses) :D

    I have been observing the posts here and there is a disturbing trend.

    First, there is disproportion of yellow and red supporters. Is that truly representative or are the red supporters getting banned from the forum? (No, on the contrary, there are more than enough newbie members/posters who have a mindless foreign sock-puppet red-apologist viewpoint, but thanx for askin' :) )

    Second, the reds are generally stating their position with limited emotion in their posts. (limited emotions, does that equate to limited facts used in their posting penchants as well?) The yellows are quite vicious and emotionally calling for a massacre. (I have yet to read anyone calling for a massacre, a crack down on the illegal protestors who are trying their best to now burn the city to the ground YES, but an all out massacre, I think you've mispoke) The yellows are saying that the reds are killing and are being destructive. Destructive yes, but killing? (Oh that's right I forgot the mindless red-rabble are the peaceful ones. Of course we won't mention ALL the M79 grenade attacks, the fire bombs, and bomb making stuff found after they were evicted from their bamboo/rubber tire tree fort at Rachaprasong) One solider killed and if I have my facts correct it was by friendly fire.(Killed by a bullet, it is just as possible he was killed by a red shooter)

    Third, I can see why the thais are off the scale emotional about their posts but what excuse do you have as a farang? (This is an engrish language forum ABOUT the glorious "Land 'O Thais", where else should foreigners talk about things which impact their daily lives in thailand, the frickin' Brazil forum? The thai government doesn't care about you. (Nor you either my posting pal) If you leave, they could care less. (do let us know when you go) Another farang will replace you. (wife left you for someone else did she?) The thai people may want you here but only until your money is gone. (yours gone already, huh?) You may say "I made this my home so I care about thailand". That doesn't change the fact that they don't care about you.(No one is making the claim the thais care one bit about foreigners here)

    There is a tremendous amount of unreasonable behavior here (of course you are obviously a pillar of society and your behavior is not being questioned as it is beyond reproach) and I beginning to think that the farangs displaying unreasonable behavior had to come to thailand because they couldn't control themselves in their own country.(By all means, feel free to leave, and please for the sake of energy conservation, turn out the light when you leave)

  3. He is cretin as well.

    Only army is save his bacon and keep in in power same they put him in power. big loss of face again for Army who is hated. Put in man Abhisit and lose again to poor farmers.

    Time not bother to look outside center bangkok, same as many falangs.

    Full Curfew in 23 province extend till after weekend. no way is that control, even PAD propagandist not saying that on ASTV, so you and your comic well wide of the mark.... as ever

    Stick with those ESL classes my boy!!

    From your semi-coherent engrish posts, I can see they're definitely starting to pay off.

    Maybe someday you could work on including something called FACTS in your pedantic postings.

    One baby step at a time, so we'll save the 'big words' for another day.

    Keep at it, you'll get there.

  4. Evidently from this TAN News tidbit; the 'peaceful protestors' in front of the red-rabble stage at Rachaprasong were a little heavy handed after Central World started burning, and filled their pockets before they reported for the government's free bus ride back to Nakhon Nowhere.

    TAN: Luxury items found on some red shirt protesters returning home on buses. Some valued over 10,000 THB

    Oh, before the ever present foreign sock-puppet red apologists weigh in with their 2 satang's worth; here's a correction. They're probably 'fake reds' :D , or yellows dressed as reds :) , or ninja warriors dressed as reds :D, or maybe monks dressed as reds :D (Red apologists pick one), what is apparent that they are NOT is the 'dark blue shirt evil doers' as alleged by one of the red leaders when asked if reds were looting. Why would 'dark-blue-shirt-evil-doers' take the free bus home to Nakhon Nowhere?

    Just maybe they're nothing more than plain rank-n-file sheep-like red protestors who didn't get their last pay check before their 'party was crashed' and decided to 'settle up' how ever they could.. :D

  5. Is anyone else still having problems with AIS, 1-2-Call service?

    I can dial a number but after two rings it drops the call. Same when receiving calls after two rings it drops, although SMS's come in just fine. I switched phones to check but still the same problem.

    Does anyone know of an AIS, 1-2-Call service center near Asok/Sukhumvit where I can get them to make me a new SIM card if the problem is my card and not their sporadic service?


  6. Help track this &lt;deleted&gt;-wit foreigner down NOW!! This video made me want to vomit.

    That’s about the last thing we need right about now (anti-foreign sentiments) with feelings about what’s happened running so high.

    With all the members on this board someone, somewhere should know him, or be able to tell the authorities where to track his sorry ass down. (Notice the many tatts on his left forearm.)

  7. In other news; Last nite at about 10:30-10:45PM, I went out on my soi after curfew to scope out Sukhumvit. Now my soi is a dead end, with no thru access at the other end, so unless you need to be on it, rarely if ever does it get any errant traffic.

    I was standing in the shadows just inside the mouth of the soi smoking a cigarette, when a group of 4 or 5 moto-cy taxi guys pulled into the soi with their headlights off.

    Three of the motos had a person riding pillion, all were wearing those colored moto-taxi vests (these were orange and navy blue), and strangely enough ALL were wearing full face helmets. When they turned around and came past me I caught the strong smell of petrol. Then they proceeded to park just inside the mouth of the soi almost directly across from where I was standing. I also noticed some of the pillion riders holding plastic bags with what looked like several M-150 bottles inside. They were obviously amped up, chatting amongst themselves but they hadn’t seen me.

    My mobile doesn't have a flash, so you have to turn on the light, which I did, and then pointing it at them; I tried to take a pic or two. OMMFG! I have rarely see punk/thugs come unglued faster! They were yelling, motioning, gesturing, etc, but I just stood there with the mobile light on them. All they did was finally gun their moto's and fled back out onto the Sukhumvit into the nite. (Too bad they were too far away and the camera wasn’t on nite-mode, as the pix didn’t come out at all.)

    In hindsight; it could have been, and probably was quite a touchy situation. I was foolish to try to take a pic of what was obviously miscreants trying to stir up trouble or muck rake, as I could have wound up hurt or worse.

    Now I wish, when the rolls of razor wire were stacked by my soi, I'd nicked a few rolls to block off the street. While I stood there before going home I did see several police moto's go by, so it looked like they were making their presence known too.

    I think those guys were just trouble makers moving soi by soi to avoid checkpoints or detection, but who knows really.

    Maybe tonite I'll stay in. ..

    To answer some other posters queries about why some of the instigators of violence allegedly spoke Khmer.

    MANY people from Issan can and do speak Khmer, Thai, Thai-Lao, and Lao. it is not uncommon when people from those places want to exclude bangkokian thais from their conversations that they would switch to a dialect or language less widely understood. I know several people from both Buriram, Mukdahan, and Surin who can speak Khmer quite proficiently. I doubt seriously that there were paid foreign combatants in this debacle. It's just too cheap to hire 'local' (read; native) help.

  8. Does the curfew mean that all travel is suspended?

    unfortunately YES.curfew means no one can get out on the streets during curfew hours.so can anyone drive a bus without getting on street??? sorry we need to adjust living like this. PEACE.

    Actually the poster known as 'dundee007' is more than a little OFF base in their response.

    People who have travel already scheduled can travel during the curfew hours (as outlined by the CRES statement which imposed the curfew in the first place).

    BUT they must have their thai i/d (if a foreigner your passport) their tickets, their itinerary, and any other documentation to prove they need to be out and about. There are going to be checkpoints (hopefully quite a few) which everyone must pass thru to prove you've got a reason to be out. I'd call the northern bus terminal and see if they're running, I would imagine as they are not close to any active protest sites they probably are still operating.

    My advice; If you don't have a reason, DON'T GO OUT. If you do have valid travel already scheduled, take all the documentation you can when you sojourn out and about.

    And No 'dundee' we don't "need to adjust" we (meaning you) just needs to understand the terms of the curfew as it was spelled out by the CRES.

  9. There are quite a few miscreant red protestors running amok around my soi and near Sukhumvit/Asok too. :D

    They hide their faces, motion angrily at anyone tryin' to take their pic, and are nothing but punk kids tryin to stir up trouble and burn the city down.

    I think it's good to have a curfew tonight so the government can try to get these radical thugz under control. :)

    Did anyone other than myself wonder at the great age disparity between the "peaceful protestors" at Rachaprasong the last 7+weeks and the young turks who are all over the news running amok now? I just watched a group whizz by on their moto's and there couldn't have been a single guy over 20 y/s.

    I vote for a "shoot on sight" curfew!! :D (Or a one warning shot then shoot on sight) :D

    There's no business for anyone (foreign or thai) to be out tonite rubber-necking at what's going on.

  10. Actually given the government 'crack-down' has gone on for nearly 3 days; there're remarkably VERY few deaths and casualties overall.

    I'm NOT marginalizing them by any stretch of the imagination (and a sensible person might have wishfully hoped this situation could have been resolved without loss of life).

    I'm only pointing out, up until this point the military has exhibited remarkable restraint in dealing with the armed, violent protestors hel_l bent on goading the military thru the use of M79 grenades, rolling burning tires, throwing M150 bottles of petrol, and firing off home made rockets, into an all out fire fight. Given the possibility of a curfew in select areas, it’s starting to look more like a 'gloves off, end game' for the red-rabble.

    Abhisit's government hasta be given credit for this restraint. Reading some of the foreign news takes on this situation; shows the red protestors have lost ANY shred of credibility they once might have had in the eyes of the international community for NOT calling this 'peaceful protest' off WEEKS ago when they got what they initially demanded a Lower House dissolution, new elections, possible amnesty for banned politicians, and constitutional amendments.

    Instead it would seem they prefer to sacrifice their 'sheep-like' followers to further their sadly misplaced ideology about what constitutes a 'democracy'.

    It's truly sad for the rank-n-file protestors, as I'm sure NONE of the core red-rabble-leaders will be harmed.


    FWIW; I live just a few kilometers from several red bamboo/rubber tire tree forts, and walk thru or past them every frickin' day here . I also feel I have “first hand knowledge” of what’s actually going on here at ground zero, as opposed to being spoon fed my info in pidgin thai-engrish.

    I still say foreigner have abso-tively, posi-lutely NO business in this b/s. :) As I said before most foreigners I’ve met (even some 20+ year long-stayers) can’t string three frickin’ words together in coherent thai. :D They would have very little chance in understanding the last several years political wrangling which has caused this ‘peaceful protest’ to come about.

    It’s one thing to offer up opinions and observations on an engrish language forum, but for a foreigner to actually take the stage at Rachaprasong is totally whacked.. :D

    FWIW: I PURPOSELY misspell the word 'English' on this forum as 'engrish'. .. deal with it :D)

  12. killing - blah, blah, blah <SNIPPED OUT MINDLESS RHETORIC>

    Another brand spanking newbie member with 8 frickin' posts has morphed into a thai political pundit.

    A little Googling recent thai political history (even post coup) BEFORE you post would go a long way to your credibility, (then again; so would actually learning how to format a coherent post in the engrish language :):D )

    Actually the foreign press has been almost totally PRO-government in their spin of what’s going on. Few if any first world countries news reports show the slightest sympathy to the red-rabble side in this matter.

    ALL of them acknowledge that several weeks ago after Abhisit acquiesced to their 'demands' the reds could have called a win and dispersed. This is on the red leaders, no one else. :D

    FWIW; the government in POWER is the one to petition the UN for intervention, and NOT an armed mob of miscreants running amuck in the streets trying their best to burn the city down and who also have no political representation in the current government.

    Even the PTP party (read; the opposition party in the Lower House) which shares the red-rabble ideology has distanced itself from what's going on. Go figure that one out. :D

    Again, keep up on those ESL classes (they'll pay off eventually), Google more, post less (we'll all be happier). :D


    I say arrest ANY foreigner who takes the stage at Rachaprasong. I've yet to meet even a single pro-red sheep like sock puppet foreigner who can speak more than 'horse-peak' or '2-word-tourist thai'. :D I doubt they ever know how this present situation came about, and even if they do, it is NOT our business, its for thais to sort out.

  13. Just after the 'dog-n-pony show' televised 'negotiations' between the red-rabble leaders and the Demz, the redz could have played it up for a win and went home, but they were too worried about what would happen to them instead of worrying about the rank-n-file-protestors who are and still WILL be the real casualties in this mess.

    Even AFTER the negotiations Abhisit came out with a firm a date of between the 15th-30th of September for a Lower House dissolution (which by constitutional law mandates 60 days to new elections), but that wasn't good enough either, and the red rabble leaders balked at ending this.

    Then the redz demanded Suthep turn himself in, which he did THE VERY NEXT DAY! According to the reds it wasn't to the correct office (just a ploy to guarantee that if Suthep turned himself in and got bail, there'd be a precedent so the red leaders could do the same) and still again the red leaders balked at ending this.

    The blame of this entire debacle must be piled at the feet of the red-rabble leaders (Natthawut, Suporn, Arisman, Kwanchai, and whack-job-Weng) :D . More moderate leaders in the red camp knew their objectives were achieved, but they were marginalized and sidelined from speaking on stage. (Anyone seen Veera Musikapong lately, despite Whack-job Weng's assertions he's still there? :D ) Seh Daeng was a very dangerous, and all too full of himself, total nut-case; thankfully for everyone, he’s out of the picture. :)

    I don't see a way the Abhisit government could back down from this now. That would be condoning violent mob mentality as a valid way to force change. Sadly for the thais who are still to die, it's gotta run it's course.

    While I am saddened by the loss of life on both sides of the dispute, the blame is still on the red leaders for not calling a win, playing up their great victory and sending the red-rabble protestors back to Nakhon Nowhere. They had WEEKS of warnings from the government that this would happen, and ignored EACH and EVERY one. Bad luck for them now...

    If you believe the crap the red rabble leadership preaches to the foreign press they are 'peaceful protestors', trying to effect a change thru a 'peaceful gathering'. Sadly the hatefilled violence inciting rhetoric they preach to the red-rabble protestors doesn't mirror this p/r spin. I guess shooting M-79 grenades, hurling M-150 bottles filled with petrol, and rolling flaming tires are all peaceful methods of protest in the the "Protest 101"; red-rabble-rule-book. :D

    FWIW: I concur with other posters, anyone caught looting should be shot on sight.

  14. Am I the only one who thinks that NOTHING at all from the red-rabble leaders; (Jatuporn, Suporn, Arisman, Whacky-Weng, Kwanchai) who are usually on stage at Rachaprasong tooting their own horns, doesn't bode well for the likelihood of the rank-n-file protestors getting out of this mess unscathed?

    Usually the red-rabble leaders have a press conference at about 3PM, or at least the come out of their air-con container long enough to mug for the cameras :D before announcing the press conference is postponed.

    So far nothing, not a frickin' peep. :D

    As an aside; Usually I can get really good reception of Red-Rachaprasong-Radio (106.7-106.9), but today it has the strongest blocking signal I've ever heard drowning it out. So I've no idea what's up, but it wouldn't surprise me if some of the red leaders who have less conviction about this debacle they orchestrated have taken off for safer haunts. :)

  15. BREAKING NEWS (for me anyway)! !!<SNIP>

    Amazing. Truly amazing. I would never have had for forethought to carry a micrometer around with me.

    Your facetious condescending reply :) at least deserves a correction on my part. ..

    You are right, I had no micrometer :D and I got the caliber wrong).

    I guessed it as a .223 caliber round as I'm familiar with it (which is 5.56mm, but which I erroneously reported as a 5.62mm).

    In all likelihood it was a 5.56X45mm fired by those TAR-21's or the M-16's the soldiers have, and not as I erroneously reported a 5.62mm.

    I stand humbly erected, and will get my calibers straight BEFORE posting. :D:D

    STILL FWIW, an interesting close call with the protests.

  16. BREAKING NEWS (for me anyway)! !!

    I was standing near the somtam & fruit vendors in front of my apartment gate on Soi 12 about 50 meters down from Sukhumvit Road. I was just bullshitting with the thais about what's going on, watching the helicopters fly over, and what not.

    All of a sudden there was a sound like you slapped the palm of your hand onto one of those plastic tables they use. A guy sitting about 3 feet away from where I was standing jerked a little, put his hand to his side and when he pulled it away a 5.62mm FMJ round fell to the ground!! It made a small red welt on his torso just above his waist and didn't do anything but leave a small dent in the plastic table top.

    Given the steep angle of the trajectory as it literally fell out of the sky, and the way it ricocheted when it hit the table is likely the round came from the soldiers shooting into the air near SalaDaeng/Lumpini. It's not that far (as the crow, errr make that as the bullet flies) from there to my soi.

    Here's the pix of the bullet in his hand and then him with it.

    I told him to keep it and make a lucky necklace out of it.

    Crazy really, and he’s certainly one lucky thai. .. :)



  17. I say CUT EVERYTHING (people getting in/out, power, food, water, mobile, internet): AND send in the soldiers to push out the red-rabble NOW, TODAY!! This has gone on long enough. ...

    Having just come from Rachaprasong; there aren't more than (at a high estimate) MAYBE 5000 people there, IF that. Mostly they are old women and bangkokians who want free food and to party.

    As an aside; also having just come from the Lumpini/Rama VI tree fort, there are far FEWER protestors (maybe not more than 1000) there, except for whack-job Seh Daeng, known to ALL thais as เศษ แดง (ask your thai significant other if what I wrote is correct, as opposed to เสธ. the abbreviation for "aide-de-campe"). He is a loose cannon, (I can't believe someone hasn't taken him out already).

    Again, I say; kick 'em out; and send 'em packing back to Nakhon Nowhere where they come from.

    Just maybe in the NEXT election they'll think twice about selling their vote, or voting like the Puu-Yai-Baan in their pissant village tells them to..

    A good adage is starting to sound like: "Kill 'em all, let God sort 'em out." (after all, that's His job, right?)

    You don't believe what I'm saying is true, LISTEN to Red-Rachaprasong-Radio (between 106.7-106.90 on your FM dial depending on the strength of the government blocking signal).

    For those foreigners who can't/won't learn thai have your (in)significant other translate it for you. The redz are preaching some really FUC*ED UP &lt;deleted&gt;.

    They got everything they asked for, but won't leave and now blame Abhisit for backing out of the deal for elections in November (red apologists: how fuc*ed up is that??) . .. Because the leaders don't have automatic bail, when/if they ever show up for their arrest warrants. ..

    The only losers in this entire debacle are the rank-n-file thai protestors, NOT the leaders. .. :)

  18. FWIW: all the soldiers who are normally stationed in my neighborhood (Sukhumvit/Asok) on the crossover, the sky bridge between Robinsons & Times Square, at my 7/11 and at the BTS/MRT stations have been no where to be seen since Monday.

    Even though they are still billeted in the Times Square parking garage, they get up every morning and tromp down to where the red-rabble-tree fort begins which is about Sukhumvit/Wireless Road.

    A person could only hope this last ultimatum by the government is truly the beginning of the end game.

    Even taking into account the April 10 fiasco (where I doubt the truth of who fired first will ever come out) P/M Abhisit has exhibited remarkable restraint in countering the red 'demands', and pre-conditions to them even coming to the negotiating table. Funny how each time the reds raise the bar, demanding this/that and everything else under the sun to stall an ending of this mess.

    It is true; some people say Abhisit has played this with such soft kid gloves that he comes across as a weak leader. (However; ANYONE who tries thru any means to avoid casualties cannot be perceived as weak, only as trying EVERY other option before resorting to violence which should indeed be the very last card you play). While I am sympathetic to the thais that are impacted by the two red-rabble tree forts, I don't give two shites about the foreign tourists who can't shop; a person hasta realize in the grand scheme of thailand, these are VERY small very isolated although very vocal protests which seem to now be ever more contained by the soldiers.

    I think the government telegraphed to the reds that they have until midnite to get out, so the people who've sat there in the scorching sun day in - day out, can take time to do a reality check and see if their value systems are in line with the red leaders who want violence even though ALL their initial demands have been met by the current government.

    Give every protestor time to really think about their actions and let them get out before you storm the compound. For every protestor which leaves it’s one LESS possible casualty in the ensuing mayhem which is sure to erupt in trying to pry the protestors from their stronghold(s).

  19. It has been very discouraging to see Veera Musikapong side-lined as a speaker on the red stage the longer the protest has dragged on. Obviously with him being one of the more moderate leaders, he’s been axed as prime speaker, as the red leaderhip seems to favor more a fire-brand violence inciting line of b/s political rhetoric than a more middle of the road approach when preaching to the red mob.

    Veera's far and away the smartest 'statesman' in the stable of red-core-leaders, and is an old player on the thai political scene. He FAR outshines whack-job-Weng :D in political savvy as well as behind the scenes negotiations (which will be the key to unlocking this whole mess). The news that he will surrender to the CSD at 2PM doesn't bode well for the cohesiveness of the remaining red leadership, although they just came out and said the two leaders Veera Musikapong and Korkaew Pikulthong will NOT surrender at 2, so who do you believe?

    With that being said; the proposed power, water, phone line cut, as well as a bus, train & boat lock down doesn't bode well for the run-of-the-mill protestors either. :D Mark my words it’s the rank-n-file protestors and the soldiers given the unenviable job of rousting them who will be the ONLY casualties; if/when the red-rabble-mob is evicted from their two bamboo/rubber tire 'tree-forts' at Rachaprasong and Lumpini/Rama VI monument.

    I wager not a single red-leader will be harmed, (although a person could hope that red-wing-nut; Khattiya Sawasdipol aka; Seh Daeng is struck by an errant round :) ).

    Most of the leadership will have taken off for parts unknown long before any violence starts.

  20. To the poster known as "earthpig":

    Don't let anything like FACTS get in the way of your posting penchants. That would negate ALL your red-goggle tinted posts. (Which are funny to read in a very sick sort of way. ..)

    Enough said. ..

    EXCEPT; even though I have you on IGNORE, I still see the posts where people quote your pathetic mindless sock-puppet red-rhetoric.

    Sad really :)

    I guess there are TOO many people (read; foreigners) married to 'red thaiz'; who can't understand the thai language enough on their own to formulate a thought, unless it’s spoon-fed to them from their thai (in)significant other. :D:D

    And now back to the PISSING MATCH already in progress. .. ...

  21. Big frickin' surprise; more B/S posturing and rhetoric from the red stage at Rachaprasong. :D

    Playing to the crowd, speaking but saying NOTHING.

    Nattawut must have taken Whacky-Weng's college accredited circuitous speaking class. :D

    For those interested, turn on red radio 'located at 106.8 on your FM dial"; listen for yourself. (if you can't understand thai, have your thai significant other translate the b/s for you)..

    It would be pathetic if it wasn't so serious for the protestors and country as a whole. :D )

    (Sorry for red apologists :) ; nifty red foot clapper IS NOT included!! :D )

  22. hilarious propaganda.

    not the old ladies eating somtam and dancing to issan tunes at ratchaprasong.

    'earthpig', rather than watch the 5 second news footage of the "old ladies dancing to thai music thru a crap sound system and eating somtam" as you so eloquently put it.

    Might I suggest (if you understand thai; which I suspect given your take on all things thai, you don't) go ahead and tune into Red-Rachaprasong-Radio. That's located at 106.8 on your FM dial.

    NEWS FLASH: It ain't frickin' ‘easy listening’ nor does it appear to preach the way to peace is thru love, free sex and flower power.

    In fact it's some of the most coarsely spoken, demeaning, hate filled, violence inciting rhetoric you'd ever care to listen to.

    Well that's when the red leaders actually come out of their air con trailer to speak to the red-rabble sweltering on the pavement under the marginal shade cloth, instead of the b/s music they play; which sounds remarkably like a person slowly strangling a cat with a shoe lace.

    I totally concur with jdinasia, the longer the radical wing-nut Maj-Gen Khattiya Sawasdipol better known as; Seh Daeng is allowed to roam the Rama 6 red-rabble tree fort with impunity, the closer this entire things comes to a violent confrontation. :) And that is sad for NOT the red leaders but the rank and file protestors who will be caught in the middle.

  23. I see the poster known as 'earthpig' is still exhibiting his lack of understanding in the current thai political situation and still throwing around his ‘blanket amnesty’ term.

    Abhisit already told the rank and file, run of the mill protestors, go home BEFORE a crack down and nothing will happen to you. In fact the government offered to PAY for them to take a bus back to Nakhon Nowhere and give them a paper allowing them to get another thai I/D card if theirs was still held hostage by the red-rabble in lieu of their wages for protesting. Can’t really find fault in that anyway you spin it. Although the UDD leaders immediately said the government was 'buying off' the protestors, as opposed to them 'paying them to protest', a true pot/kettle situation if there was one. Abhisit also said for those protestors who’ve got arrest warrants out against them, fight your battle in court, DON’T look to the government to give you a free pass. :)

    Unless I am greatly mistaken; currently the UDD holds ZERO seats in the Lower House; those M/P’s which share the UDD ideology are Puea Thai Party members, and to concur with another protestor for the most part those M/P's have been really luke warm in their vocal support of the protests.

    It’s nothing more than more stall tactics by the red-rabble leaders. I guess the old adage of too many cooks in the kitchen, with too many different recipes on the way forward is true.

    Is Thaksin's mobile phone on "call back service" or do the red leaders have no money left on their mobiles for an overseas call?

    Let's see if I got the time line correct. ..

    Press conference scheduled LAST NITE @ 6:00PM; CANCELED

    New one tentatively scheduled later in the night; CANCELED

    Red Shirts Might Announce Decision on Peace Plan this Morning; CANCELED

    UDD asks for time to form its reconciliation directions

    And now the latest breaking not-news;

    Red leaders to resume road map talks at 3 pm

    Abhisit has made it abundantly clear there is no room for a 20 page point by counterpoint rebuttal to his 'road map'. The redz either buy into it or they don't. Buy into it, Lower House dissolution and elections go ahead as he's outlined; don't buy into it, and the redz can sit there at Rachaprasong until the end of 2011 when the Demz REAL term is up, or until the soldiers are actually called upon to rout 'em out.

    The red leadership will face the consequences of their actions (or in this case their inability to take action) in regards to loss of life and casualties if/when that situation comes about.

    Last thing I heard on red-radio is now the reds want to make their own 'road map' to counter Abhisit’s. If whack-job Weng has anything to say in it we're gonna need a skilled cartographer to even translate it. Perhaps a nice PowerPoint presentation would work.

    Remember, even choosing NOT to choose is a choice.

    This just goes to show how disparate the red ideology is and how fragmented the red leaderships is. No one is the 'clear leader', and it would appear there are more 'core leaders' than ‘sheep-like’ followers. Everyone wants a say in the way forward, as it probably would look good on a CV to say you were ‘instrumental’ in brokering the peace.

    Sadly no one has a definite plan just how to take that first step forward, so they are adopting a tried and true thai tradition of sitting on their hands doing nothing but offering lip service and stalling for time. Great move…

    The latest quote by Seh Daeng shows how much he wants to push this to a violent confrontation (notice how he said this AFTER he alluded to speaking to his 'boss'; Thaksin). Now there will be '2nd generation red rabble leaders', &lt;deleted&gt; is that? That guy is a whack job :D who needs to be apprehended as soon as possible.

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