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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. The Thai people simply lack the discipline required to maintain strict traffic laws. From the Thai perspective it's preferable to accept some traffic deaths because the alternative would be too difficult to comply with as enough of the population lacks the discipline. Even if you could import a foreign police force which did their jobs the general population would revolt against them and make the effort ungovernable. Actually staffing dedicated police from the Thai population would be impossible at this time also.
  2. I'm seeing trashy old houses for 1.5 million baht in Chiang Mai. Just opened up Facebook and saw this near the top. 1.67 million. That's a good deal?
  3. Thai's tend to be magical thinkers and as such don't really understand that prices need to reflect reality. They will absolutely sit on a property until they die if it means just the possibility they may get the price they have conjured up in their minds.
  4. Good point, thanks. I'll contact my bank and ask them about that. If they won't transfer 12k in one month then I'll have to leave the country since this is the last COVID extension available (so they say). That would be a disaster for sure.
  5. yes I just went and talked to them again and they said I need the money in the bank *for any duration* before I can apply and they will write me a waiver to open the back account but it takes about 1 month to do so. Once that's complete I can change the non-o but I need to get another COVID extension again. As you said I should have done this months ago but I didn't get the correct information the first time at immigration.
  6. I didn't think I needed it, mainly because immigration in Chiang Mai said I didn't need it initially. Btw this document Joe posted https://www.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/6.FOR-PROVIDING-SUPPORT-TO-OR-BEING-A-DEPENDANT-OF-A-THAI-CITIZEN-SPOUSE-VISA-NON-O.pdf seems to be for the 12 month extension also . ALL of that is required just to get the non-o? Those are the same requirements for the 12 month extension it looks like, including "Approximately 6 photographs of family pictures and house residents pictures (including House No. and inside a house)". It seems all the requirements are mixed together and appear to be the same thing but that's not the case. Anyways, I'm leaving soon to just ask questions and I'll report back.
  7. This is what the lady at Chiang mai immigration said. Get the non-o THEN get the bank account but others here dispute that (including the actual law Joe posted). Go figure, TIT. Bank said I can get a letter of permission from immigration but lets see if they comply. Hiring a lawyer to open a bank account is retarded to the extreme so I hope it doesn't come to that. We already had a big rant on that last month though and I talked with the bank personally.
  8. I already talked to the bank and immigration and they can issue a letter for me they said. I'll see today when I go to immigration. My problem is I thought i had to get the non-o first and then open the bank account etc.... The requirements just for that non-o for 3 months is going to be a huge stack of paper. It never ends with these people....
  9. What is this "DOCUMENTS TO BE SUBMITTED MORE THAN 15 DAYS BEFORE VISA EXPIRATION". Does this apply to COVID extensions also? I'm gonna go in today and see if they can give me this permission to open a bank account but if they need 15 days before expiration to apply then I have no chance of doing this in time.'
  10. Ok then I made the mistake of not opening the bank account first! I need to request special permission to just do this. I can't believe I didn't get that information correct! Thanks guys. Problem then is that my 60 day extension won't be enough time to season the money for 2 months so I'll need to get an other extension some how, even if it is just for a couple days. Doh!
  11. This maybe made sense when Phuket was assumed to be COVID free but now that it's known to be infected the multiple tests are extremely risky. Any tourists that come to Phuket now better stay in their room until day 5 if they want to avoid the disaster scenario of forced quarantine.
  12. I don't think that's how this works but lets wait for Joe to reply. I know even consulates can issue the non-o based on limited documents but they aren't able to extend them outside of the country, only Thai immigration can do that. The idea seems to be they give you 3 months to arrange the next step in country where the actual requirements can be verified by Thai immigration in-country.
  13. In that case my whole plane is screwed but I can still get a COVID extension I presume though. I didn't any 60 day visitation visa either. To be clear I don't have a bank account because the bank itself would not allow it without a letter from immigration. Maybe I need to do that before I get the 90 days even but they explain clearly I use the 90 days to season the 400k in the bank.
  14. 26th is on Sat so I'm going in on the 28th on Monday. That's for the 12 month extension you need the money. Some women there explained this to me and I believe it's correct. Maybe they would have allowed it but from what I understand they want me to have a non-o before even issuing the letter that allows me to open the bank account (bank may want to see the actual visa also but I forgot).
  15. Feb 26th it's expired. I would get another one but they make you do 2 trips together the visa and each time it takes a half day. I think I've had enough. ???? Yeah I need to get the non-o and then a letter before the bank will let me open an account. You guys already helped me with that and I confirmed this with the bank. Not looking forward to that part. ????
  16. great thanks! Is just the marriage certificate enough to obtain the actual 3-month visa?
  17. Tourist visa is expired and had 1 COVID extension so far. Can I convert this to a non-o based on marriage within country (then I would subsequently get a 12 month extension)? Thanks!
  18. off topic but I'm curious: did you resolve that noise problem that was driving you insane?
  19. The COVID impact was already so small you wouldn't know unless the media was constantly alerting you. Don't bother citing big numbers like 800,000 deaths until you put those into the various contexts which are required to understand their actual impact on daily life.
  20. Let me guess, whites are already a tiny minority globally and now you want us to be a minority in our own country by allowing non-white permanent immigration? Has living in Thailand taught you nothing about what it means to be a minority without political power? If white America wasn't so stupid they would have shut this entire thing down already but that hasn't nearly happened despite what you're suggesting.
  21. I was gonna say the same thing. 32,000,000/(12*5) = 533,333 baht or $16,609 USD PER MONTH. And this is just to break even before you can realize any profit on what is presumably the highest paying job in the entire country. This is so retarded on it's face I must assume this is some kind of joke. Never again take anything these idiots say seriously.
  22. When it's a murder or car accident their nationality is always given, often in the headline. Where is this women from exactly?
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