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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. it's a housing project? I see so many of these low quality housing projects popping up around Chiang Mai. Usually in the 1.5-3 million baht range. Most of them are not crap and the developers have driven up land prices to an absurd level. I would leave CM tomorrow if not for my wife. That being said they do appear to be selling, but I could be wrong about that and we're just in a debt fueled construction bubble.
  2. In all seriousness this is true. Some large percent of Thai population has increased their food costs by 30% (+ inflation!) and shifted the money to a few large companies. Maybe it's worth it for them but this is a prime example of how the rich get richer and poor get poorer.
  3. Losers! Fatty morons! Vile peasants!
  4. Can you sell? building is still appealing here if you want to live rural where there are no houses or just don't want to live in a cramped little housing project but obviously lots of risks and prerequisites.
  5. America? I think we're more burdened than the average Thai in many important ways. It's hard for me to know but that's how it appears to me at least.
  6. On paper we have free speech but you will absolutely face backlash and lose your job, friends etc.. if you make racist or any other illiberal comments. Case in point I'm in the US now and I was language policed by some family for using the r-word (retard) and the phrase "these people". If I did this enough and at a job I'm 100% certain I would get fired eventually. Yeah it's bleak right now in the "home of free". Much more freedom to be found in Thailand.
  7. It's funny because we call it a "prejudice" while in reality the people who are the most racist are the people who interact with other races most. It should be called a "postjudice" if we were being honest. For example the only Thai people who I met who have been hostile towards have been the Thai's the interact with farangs on a daily basis and no I don't blame them at all.
  8. That's their charm in my opinion. Simple people with a local worldview are very refreshing compared to where I come.
  9. I think the Thai's are actually the norm in the world and it's Europeans/whites who have in the recent decades been brainwashed out of believing ethnicity is real and matters. Living in Thailand taught me it not only is real but it's extremely important to your identity.
  10. They were probably sexually harassing him. Sorry to hear he got his ass beat.
  11. Be careful this statement will be deemed hate speech within 10 years.
  12. This is my entire point. Only if you enjoy it because you can learn math much easier as an adult when you have an actual need for it. Very few kids will enjoy math though so they should be excused. Personally I would have thrived if they let me explore my passions, or even getting work ethic when I was 15 would have been much more valuable to me than learning math I forgot anyways.
  13. I'm not saying math is not desirable to learn, just saying that not everyone should be learning advanced math and especially not at a young age before you have an actual need for it. If you get this wrong you're wasting your kids youth, your money and making them miserable, all for literally nothing.
  14. I knew a Thai man who slept in his mothers bed even in his 20's. Does anyone know how common this is? In general they seem to be very attached their mothers, which I personally find a little disturbing to be honest. I wonder what that does to the male ego....
  15. My ex-girlfriend had a scar on her lip from a motorbike accident when she was a teenager. After the accident she went to the hospital and the doctor scolded her for driving recklessly, apparently he was sick and tired of patching of stupid kids driving like maniacs. GF attributes the scar to the doctor trying to teach her a lesson... Not saying that's what happened here but I wonder if the doctors in these mega tourists destinations like Koh Samui are fed up seeing farangs all smashed up from drunk driving and doing other reckless things.
  16. the fact a bunch of nobodies on the internet know more about proper construction than Thai builders speaks for itself.
  17. Spicy food and sweaty balls. What's not to love?
  18. Probably a poor foundation, could be a nightmare to repair. Poor guy.
  19. and that's why Western countries have problems with ethnic unrest and violence. The white man may still learn one day.
  20. Please tell us more about the specific mutilated body parts and their exact GPS location. Thank you.
  21. Unless you enjoy it, learning math as a kid is retarded. I wasted days in math classes in high school and forgot everything in the following weeks. About as useful as licking the pavement. For example some years ago I actually needed to use trigonometry for my work and I was able to learn what I needed in an hour by reading this web page meant for kids. https://www.mathsisfun.com/algebra/trigonometry.html
  22. Probably the car was going at an unsafe speed given the residential nature of the road and the kids had bad judgment and rushed across the road instead of stopping to observe how fast the car was actually going. Typical behavior you see every day. Nothing will be learned and it will be forgotten by tomorrow. Next story.
  23. Obviously there would be more gruesome dismemberments. They need to increase the amount tourists show in the bank to 800,000 baht. Good guys in, bad guys out.
  24. I used to smile at Thai's often but I stopped after I realized it makes many of them uncomfortable. Once I started to pay more attention I realized Thai's simply don't greet and interact with each other much in public (my experience in CM/north only) and so it feels kine of invasive. One exception is with cycling where I always acknowledge other cyclists as a matter of habit and very rarely will a Thai not return a smile or a wave. In fact I feel like the rare non-Thai cyclist ignores me most of the time, so there's that. Compare that to Colorado where people make conversation with staff and cashiers all the time. In Thailand very rarely do I see other Thai's making small talk with anyone in public unless they're trying to sell you something.
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