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Everything posted by NorthernRyland

  1. that's not as bad as I thought but it's probably more like 300. The sugar levels are off the charts.
  2. This seems to go ignored often. They think because the wedding is in Thailand the man must conform 100% to Thai-everyting, never mind a marriage is 50/50 by law and they very well may be living aboard at some point. It's not their fault but most Thai's are very narrow minded and haven't lived in Western countries so they don't understand these finer details.
  3. this is such a retarded comment. Many middle class normal families don't do sin sot and many of us can attest to this fact. Seems mainly the rural poor and wealthy big city families are most interested in the tradition, but at the very least greedy wealth seeking types.
  4. Why would anyone pay for an "educated women" as if her knowledge from some Thai university is ever going to be useful to you. Only exception is if her eduction got her a good job and she's going to be give YOU money as a result.
  5. women don't want men with massive age gaps so she wants to be compensated. Seems fair to me.
  6. If these parents are putting a price tag on their daughter he better do a full audit. How are the teeth? Does the family have a history of disease? Is the mom fat and ugly at 50? Can the girl cook? etc... The price better add up or he should consider purchasing from another dealer.
  7. If they invested it maybe it would be smart but we all know what they're going to do with the money (depreciating consumer goods, booze, parties etc..). Being the poorest region of Thailand serves them right.
  8. more greedy money grubbers trying to take advantage of some a foreigner. How much would a local man pay to marry this girl I wonder. Love of money is root of all evil.
  9. This is the orange iced tea fountain drink you mix with ice which is sold at most 7-11's. The stuff is like syrup. I wonder how many calories and sugar it has per large cup, does anyone know?
  10. calm down bro boys will be boys.
  11. I bet they don't curse on Danish TV but they're promoting divorcing your wife and being gay with people half your age in Thailand. Oh how the mighty have fallen.
  12. Jerusalem Post: "Indeed, I wonder if there has ever been a more Jewish US administration" https://www.jpost.com/opinion/joe-bidens-a-team-of-jewish-advisers-cabinet-members-and-staff-658350
  13. just did a little research and found this pretty quickly. Replace the word "Thai-Chinese" and "CCP" with "Jewish" and "Israel" and you get the claim that questioning Jew's loyalty is anti-semitic.
  14. I think the lesson to be learned from WWII and the dozens of expulsions over the centuries is that if you're a minority ethnic group and you wield disproportionate power over the majority, you may find you earn their ire. If you're on the forum enough in fact you will hear people mention Thai-Chinese elites in Thailand and often it's about how they're not fair to the Thai's. If society started to fall apart in Thailand I wonder if there would be any mass movements against their own ethnic minority elites....
  15. I never said anything of the sort. try to have more nuance when discussing complex issues.
  16. The Biden cabinet in America is 50% Jewish which is a good example. It would be like if the government in Thailand was 50% Chinese yet Chinese only comprising 2% of the population. These kinds of disparities drive conflict and I bet that's what happens to the Jews.
  17. talking with you guys on this topic in painful. Jews can do no wrong. Never did anything wrong or could do anything wrong. Asking question is anti-semitic. You never bother to even explain the other side to any of these conflicts so there's no point of saying anything more.
  18. well I think we're all getting sick of this tired game of calling everything anti-semitic. All people should be held accountable without needing to call anyone anti-this or anti-that.
  19. If I had to guess based on current events I would say there were Jewish elites subverting the majority ethnic group and that led their expulsions. With the holocaust I think it was in the middle of a total war situation and Hitler lost his mind and decided to implement the "final solution". Add the Jews to the list of millions of innocent people that were killed.
  20. That sounds plausible to me. Anytime religions are in close proximity there is a possibility of conflict. But even so Hitler killed Jews and he didn't state that as the reason so why is everyone losing their minds when it's merely stated the reasons he gave himself? Furthermore is anyone aware right now Elon Musk is going to sue the ADL and there is a #BanTheADL hashtag trending on Twitter now? ADL is an explicitly Jewish organization and they've been causing so much trouble for Elon (and other right wing media) he's going to sue them. Question I would have then is, were they doing this in the past and this maybe led to their expulsions?
  21. If Nigerians in Thailand were behaving so badly that the government decided to ban all Nigerian tourists, would it be anti-Nigerian to claim it was due to their own bad behavior or must the only acceptable answer be that Thai's are racist against Nigerians. Not saying that gives Thailand the right to murder Nigerian tourists that wouldn't leave but there's always context to these conflicts and I don't see why Jews get a pass in this regard.
  22. But were they the victims? Oh sorry you can't answer that because the question itself is anti-semitic.
  23. Why do the Jews always end up being persecuted and expelled. Just look at this list. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expulsions_and_exoduses_of_Jews What is their role in these conflicts? Apparently merely suggesting there may be some reasons besides blind racial hatred is considered offensive (and even illegal in some countries?). For me personally I would like some more nuance in the discussion before I take any side.
  24. Didn't he specifically write this in Mein Kampf? I believe he also stated Jewish communists killed millions of Christian Russians and they would do the same in Germany eventually.
  25. There's enough broken Chinese junk in the world to fill the grand canyon.
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