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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. The majority of tourists who visit Thailand do not need a visa and I haven’t met too many who come for six months. Very easy to live in Thailand indefinitely if you follow the rules.
  2. As well as lacking in knowledge of geography obviously has never heard of radar and controlled airspace.
  3. I have just returned from visiting the UK for three weeks flying Qatar and transiting in Doha. I rang them in Doha before leaving and was advised that the only requirements were those of the government from where you depart or arrive. The only documentation they to see was the Thailand Pass when I departed the UK.
  4. Hi I am looking for a van/ mini bus transport for 9 people from Don Muang Airport to Pattaya , return around the middle of July. Can anyone recommend a reliable individual/ company who don’t employ Kamikazi drivers. Thanks
  5. Unfortunately I was in a similar situation as you over twelve months ago. I use the income method for a retirement extension with the transfers being made towards the end of each month. Unfortunately due to a banking problem one payment was delayed by a day or two into the next month. Although the annual amount far exceeded what is needed I couldn’t show twelve monthly payments ( that is one each month) which Chiang Mai Immigration showing me the regulations insisted was needed. There was no flexibility but was easily fixed by the methods suggested by others in this thread. I have now changed the monthly payment date to the middle of each month.
  6. As I always do I am following the advice or instruction of our almighty rulers even though like you I didn’t vote for them.
  7. I don’t know which medical facilities you use but in the 12 years I have lived here I have received medical and hospital treatment of equal standard to anything in Australia or the UK. The difference for me has been that the “service standard” is superior. I have just returned from the UK and it took four days to see a GP after being refused at one practice. Returning to Chiang Mai I saw a chest specialist within one hour received an X Ray and the correct illness was diagnosed and treated. For me the medical facilities are one notch above!
  8. I wasn’t suggesting the British were wrong stating the facts. I have observed Chinese wearing masks long before Covid and people here working alone in fields wearing masks. Suspect it’s an Asian thing dropped mine as soon as I arrived in the UK and not wearing one here either
  9. I was in the UK last week and think you will be in the minority the only people I saw wearing masks were Asian students
  10. Particularly lettuces which I read recently are selling for $12 due to shortages.
  11. I arrived in Bangkok last Wednesday returning from an overseas trip and was required to complete an arrival card distributed by the airline. I questioned the requirement for it to be completed and was advised by the airline employee and the Immigration officer that the suspension only applies to Thai citizens.
  12. Hi Joe I live in Chiang Mai Province and returned from overseas yesterday. My wife and I called in at our local Immigration Office this morning and they advised that the notification is still required. I suspect they are just following orders as they printed out the form and stapled it in my passport. Interestingly my normal 90 day reporting would be due next week so they issued the form for that as well giving a new date in late September. Even although neither was required it only took a couple of minutes and we drive passed the office daily.
  13. Unfortunately if you expect them to follow the rules you are going to be disappointed and not only limited to Immigration. DLT Head Office in Chiang Mai accept Pink ID card for licence renewal local office doesn’t Same with other local government departments, try applying for pink ID card that can be fun depending on where you live.
  14. Over the years I have visited the A/ E of a couple of Thai Government hospitals and the question of payment never raised before being treated.
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