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Everything posted by StevieAus

  1. And the bonus is from articles I have read is that once you have had Covid you get better immunity that having the fourth booster
  2. Unfortunately it’s not only Immigration, I live in Chiang Mai Province where the DLT Head Office in Chiang Mai accept the pink ID when renewing the driving licences, yet the local office require the certificate from Immigration. However they issue the licences for. Six years. Amazing Thailand.
  3. Many years ago in Australia knew a young guy who salvaged a siren from an old police car. He fitted it to his car then would drive up behind someone switch it on and drive off. Didn't do any harm but if you live in a Nanny State harmless fun isn’t allowed anymore.
  4. Add Jimmy Seville and Rolf Harris to your list. You are correct it is not limited to this country and I would suggest maybe less as a lot of kids who are dumped seem to end up being looked after by Grandma etc They had a Royal Commission in Australia into children being abused in Institutions and some of the evidence that came out was appalling. The worst offenders were those in religious run organizations with the Catholics topping the list and surprising to me even the Salvation Army. In the State of Victoria there was evidence of the police being complicit in covering up the crimes when it involved Catholic Priests. We live in a very sick world and as the father of a six year old daughter It sickens me.
  5. My understanding is that with Government hospitals they are not admitting people with Covid unless you have serious complications. That is certainly the case where I live in Northern Chiang Mai Province. If you test positive they are giving Tamil Flu etc and being told to isolate at home.
  6. Yes and at two levels both Federal and State. Dan in Victoria leading the pack closely followed by WA and Queensland. At one stage I think there were about 40,000 Australians stranded overseas.
  7. You are spot on about kids our daughter is close to 6 yrs the last year due to Covid she has had little formal schooling but no illnesses. Prior to that as soon as she went to school she picked something up.
  8. The same happened in Australia at one stage only citizens and those with permanent residency were allowed entry with some exemptions for sports people etc and those with connections !!
  9. Thanks for your reply I understand that with B&O they don’t have a separate amp and it is built into the speakers ?? I admit I don’t understand the technology I have used those people you mentioned they advised the parts not available
  10. I have a Bang and Olufsen stand alone Music system that needs repair of the playing system but unfortunately parts are no longer available. It contains five speakers which provide excellent sound and for which reason I do not want to send to the dump I have been told that it would not be too difficult to modify to using an external player as there is already a plug in point. I am trying to find someone preferably in Chiang Mai who could carry out the work.
  11. Not sure which planes you have been flying on but they are being worn here in Thailand
  12. I am curious as to what the “ export value of incoming tourists” means if anything surely “ import value”
  13. Although it’s contained in the linked article it’s not in the first part. I would have thought fairly important as I know of a couple of older people with health issues who had problems obtaining insurance. Good that your on the case !!!!
  14. I wouldn’t worry too much, I was taught at an early age that if you don’t know, ask, has always kept me in good stead over the years. Unfortunately on this site there are some people who always seem to be negative on any topic and of course if you dare to say anything positive about Thailand you are a Thai apologist. I often wonder why they live here.
  15. Great link thanks have be trying to solve the problem as I have a couple of hours flying next week and like to read.
  16. I haven’t found it any harder to obtain my retirement extension than I did when I started about twelve years ago, in fact it is easier, using the income method I only require a letter from the bank rather than a document from the Consulate which often tied up two days an overnight stay and six hours driving, The ninety day reporting now takes about four minutes as only the passport is required. I have visited Vietnam many times but would not want to live there, just as wouldn’t want to live in Laos, Cambodia, Malaysia or Myanamar. I am happy to live in Thailand with all the perceived faults.
  17. I often wonder what is wrong with these people who enforce such unreasonable requirements, they must live very sad lives, or perhaps envious that your wife has snared a farang. Fortunately I have never had any issues with my retirement extension. I have visited the Thai passport office on a couple of occasions for my wife and daughter and you couldn’t find a more helpful and friendly department, it’s like a breath of fresh air.
  18. If you think that the UK treats its citizens appallingly look at Australia where the aged pension is means tested. I paid personal and company tax during my working life and get zero. Many of my friends are in the same position. If you are living overseas you have to return to Australia to apply and have to remain for two years or the pension is cancelled.
  19. Yes I agree but this person did other foolish things which means now he only owns a motorbike in his name !!
  20. An excellent response which I believe sums up the situation perfectly. I fall in the category of your second paragraph and couldn’t be happier. I would imagine that if could be an unhappy marriage if one party wanted children and the other didn’t.
  21. Try sending your child to a good non government school in Australia or the UK then your eyes would water.
  22. An Australian friend registered his Thai marriage in Australia resulting in his government pension being reduced to receiving half the married rate which is less than the single rate.’
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