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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. 2 hours ago, scubascuba3 said:

    If that were true why would they give a 3rd booster? thai logic?

    Well the first response is how would you expose people to Covid?

    Its got nothing to do with Thailand or their logic it’s from the UK it’s research into antibodies and the effects of being exposed to Covid after being vaccinated twice there is no suggestion that you shouldn’t receive a booster and I didn’t state that.

    Its presented by Dr John Campbell on YouTube and it’s still there.

    As a non medical layperson I found it quite informative but then I am always ready to listen and learn.


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  2. 4 hours ago, Andrew Dwyer said:

    That may be but latest from the U.K. :


    Covid booster vaccine rollout to begin across UK next week https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-58550833

    I wasn’t suggesting that it had been adopted as a policy and in any event I don’t know how you could put it into effect.

    It was really about antibodies and the effect of being exposed to Covid after being vaccinated.

    Its still on YouTube and presented by Dr John Campbell

    For me as a lay person I found it easy to understand and very enlightening.


  3. 19 hours ago, edwinchester said:

    I asked a couple of wifeys police friends why the law wasn't enforced......'not easy, too difficult' was the reply. Before anything actually changes the Royal Thai Police Force needs to be staffed by officers who actually care about the job they're supposed to be doing.

    Some time ago I asked a local senior police officer who spoke pretty good English, why after issuing a fine for not having a licence, no insurance, not wearing a hemet etc etc. they allow the offender to drive off and continue committing the same offense or why as in many countries the vehicle isn’t seized.

    His explanation was that they can only book the offender once in each twenty four hour period for the same offense.

    He couldn’t seem to get his head around the difference between fining and preventing an ongoing offense.

    I gave up in the end.

  4. 13 hours ago, GroveHillWanderer said:

    Well, not that this has been definitively proven yet but the argument that has been put forward for it, is that while the mRNA vaccines are good at eliciting an antibody response, they are not as good at inducing a T cell response as viral vector vaccines.


    Since there are no firmly-established correlates of protection for antibodies yet and T cells are known to be an important part of the immune system (especially for longer-term immunity) some virologists feel that a combination of mRNA and viral vector vaccines might give you a better all-round level of protection.


    See info from the Nature Magazine article below:


    Mix-and-match COVID vaccines

    I recently saw a report from the UK that suggests that once you have had the two shots of vaccine,  if you receive exposure to Covid and would likely receive mild or no symptoms, you receive better protection than a third shots do also to the variants.

    The report is presented by a doctor and is on utube it goes for about 20 minutes and to a non medical person makes sense.

    Cannot remember the presenters name but easy to find.


  5. 23 hours ago, david555 said:

    Does that mean  a British national can be refused access to his country ....., just like the Australians do ?????

    Since when have Australians been refused access to the country?

    Flights are hard to obtain and the government has recently reduced the flights by fifty percent, plus there is two weeks quarantine but there is no bar on citizens entering the country that I am aware of.

  6. 12 hours ago, GarryP said:

    I'm only 58 going on 59 and it has already started. Eat well and exercise, but there are some things I just cannot avoid.  

    Totally agree one to be aware of is climbing ladders

    One year ago almost to the day I fell off a ladder onto concrete spent a month in hospital had five operations to fix the fractures in the leg and since had the torn tendons in the shoulder repaired.

    Has made me realize that I am 71 not 41, agree with the above.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Stocky said:

    I've used Agoda for many years, and may well go back to using them post Covid, but under current circumstances you've a chance of a better rate by cutting out the middleman.


    Re prices inclusive/exclusive, you can toggle Agoda to show the total price per night, it's not a drama. As for refunds, it's up to you to make sure the booking is cancellable and that you make a note of the final date cancellation is possible. Agoda isn't a charity, and given the squeeze Covid is having on them, you can hardly expect them to be charitable.

    I don’t expect them to be but when the hotel is ok and Agoda are impossible to contact well says it all to me

    Doesn’t matter they are the losers and caused me to look for better deals and service which I know obtain.

  8. 2 hours ago, brianthainess said:

    Possibly the only country in the World that has discriminated on giving Covid vaccinations to foreigners (not Chinese <deleted>)  Oh and another thing   You are not an ex-pat unless you are already living abroad from your home country! click bait headline.

    Myself and several other expat, non Thais, visitors or whatever you want to call us received our AZ vaccine  before many other Thais we know.

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  9. 4 hours ago, AlQaholic said:

    As I understand, there is a general allowance for driver licenses to expire until the Covid is over or at least eased.

    Are the Insurance Companies in agreement with this ?

    Doesn't affect me but both of our car policies state that the driver must hold a current and valid licence.

  10. 24 minutes ago, vinci said:

    exactly, it is the side effects that we should think about and not what a vaccine can do, all vaccine work as intended, it work more or less it will prevent you from serious condition

    If you care to read the leaflet that comes with the vaccines and most medications listing all the potential side effects you might feel deterred from taking anything.

    If you are so concerned you option is simple abstain.

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  11. 3 hours ago, Trujillo said:

    I know a man who has had 4 shots of variously available vaccines here in Chiang Mai. I'm not sure if this is sound reasoning but then, perhaps he's taken the "common sense" message about adding masks for added protection. More is better. 

    Is this a common practice in other countries (Western countries)? I have no idea. 

    I'm not at all sure about mixing medicines/doses. I'm trying to think of other situations and medicines that we do this with. Do we do this with seasonal influenza? I don't know; I've never had a flu shot (and incidentally, have not had the flu for at least two decades). 

    This is just my opinion and I have no links to offer pro or con. 

    By the way, I'm not sure this fellow I mention is finished loading up on vaccine injections. Now with this buzz about boosters, I will have to ask him and report back. 

    Each year the experts decide which four strains are to be included in the flu vaccine.

    Doctors often mix drugs such as antibiotics nothing new there.

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  12. 8 minutes ago, Havenstreet1940 said:

    Not if you have pans to travel to the UK in future

    It probably doesn’t matter what mix you have at the moment as it seems the vaccination certificate doesn’t meet their requirements.

    Australia is having similar problems I believe.

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