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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 9/2/2021 at 2:08 PM, crazykopite said:

    Would be interested to know if the chief has ever jumped out of an aircraft as he has para wings embroidered  above the DSI badge on his uniform it’s like every Monday government workers dressed in uniform full of medal ribbons and gold braiding it creases me up 

    If you go into any government department on a Monday you will see everyone wearing a uniform usually a light brown beige color with gold insignia.

    Obviously something they do here.

  2. 19 hours ago, tracker1 said:

     Thanyaburi district court was preparing documents that would see Raviprakash deported from Thailand. What serving no time for murder ? Looking after quality tourists apparently

    My reading of this was that deportation documents were being prepared by the court

    ( perhaps arising out of the tip off) then when he found out he murdered the guy who tipped off the police.

    Otherwise what was the point in charging him with premeditated murder.

    • Like 1
  3. 22 hours ago, skatewash said:

    If you weren't caught out, you weren't caught out. ????

    The proper way would have been 
    leave Thailand on Australian passport

    enter UK on UK passport -> leave UK on UK passport

    enter Thailand on Australian passport


    It's never a good idea to leave a country with a passport you didn't use to enter the country.

    Have you been back to the UK since?

    In the UK you don’t pass through Immigration when leaving the country.

    • Like 1
  4. 30 minutes ago, Speedhump said:

    And if you loved fish instead of rice would you then write them a love letter? Fishing is more than RELATIVELY dangerous. And fisherman are paid a PITTANCE. Where are your priorities? ????????????????

    The original post was about who makes money out of farmers, I continued the theme.

    Nothing to do with fish, rice or any other specific product.

  5. 1 hour ago, AgMech Cowboy said:

    Don't confuse Thailand with other country's farmers. It's the co-ops and levels above the Thai farmer who make most of the money off of farming in Thailand.

    I think farmers get ripped off in most countries I have friends in the UK who farm beef cattle.

    They told me how much they get for one cow then look at the price of steak on sale.

    They reckon supermarkets are the worse culprits and farmers are trying to avoid dealing with them.

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  6. 2 hours ago, vandeventer said:

    Where I live 150km north of Chiang Mai City the public hospital are only giving AZ And Sinovac. Now when or if the western vaccines come in I still have to travel 3 hours on the bus to Chiang Mai and 3 hours back home. On the bus there may be a good chance of getting covid so what's the point. If the government order the vaccines it should be available at public hospitals.

    AZ is a western vaccine it’s developed in the UK, I suspect I am in the same town as you have had first shot of AZ and second next couple of weeks.

    That will protect you.

    Instead of the bus use the van less people

  7. 32 minutes ago, jacko45k said:

    Pattaya area has been pretty low rain....I gauge it by how often I need to pump out the pool or top it up with a hose......which I did have to do today (the former).

    Probably more reliable that the Met Department, they are not much better in Australia despite all their technology and computers.

    After the massive bush fires about a year ago they said there would be no rain for months

    As if on queue the Eastern States had torrential rain and  flooding resolving a long drought.

  8. 1 hour ago, bannork said:

    Back in May the department predicted this year would be wetter than usual . So far it's been the driest rainy season in my 33 years here. May it pour over the next few weeks.

    Maybe where you live not where I am in the North I gauge it by the level of water in the brother in-laws lake, close to overflowing last year empty.

    • Like 1
  9. 1 hour ago, Liverpool Lou said:

    Yes, it has.

    Same way as in other countries,  the UK, for example, for those convicted of driving offences while unlicenced.

    Are you sure it’s been introduced ?
    The last I read was the police were still arguing with the DLT.

    I thought it had gone the same way as the digital licences which the police wouldn’t agree with.

    When I recently renewed the car tax my wife asked the question and all we got were blank stares.

    • Thanks 1
  10. On 8/23/2021 at 12:05 PM, grain said:

    Get a visa agent to do it. Mine also expires in 2022, I already spoke with Darren at Key Visa, and for a reasonable charge he'll take care of everything, and give me a brand new UK PP with all the Thai imm/visa transfer taken care of, so I don't have to stuff around doing anything. Of course I could save a few thousand baht and do it all myself, and have a bunch of headaches. Up to you. Personally I prefer to pay a bit extra and have a professional, who knows the entire process inside out, take care of it.

    If you live outside Bangkok or Chiang Mai definitely recommended particularly as you have to lodge and collect in person.

  11. 8 hours ago, VocalNeal said:

    This works for most things, in any foreign countries. 


    How would you react if in , say, Vancouver BC standing right on the kerb on a normal street and a car stopped because they thought you wanted to cross?

    I had that happen when visiting the UK some years ago when waiting to cross the road with our young daughter in the push chair.

    Couldn't believe what was happening.

    The difference is as in Australia people are taught to drive properly, learn the road rules which are enforced with big penalties for breaches, unlike here unfortunately.

  12. I have used the income method for the retirement extension for a number of years with the annual amount far exceeding the requirement.

    A couple of years ago a monthly payment came through late and as it is at the end of the month the statement showed no payment for that month but two for the following month.

    The Immigration Dept

    ( Chiang Mai) we’re adamant that a payment had to be made each month.

    It was resolved the way most issues are resolved in Thailand

  13. 1 hour ago, Thaifly88 said:

    That’s a very funny post - do expats have such a reduced life expectancy here ? 10% of all expats, really - so of the expats we all know , 1 in 10 should have died in the last 2 years 

    I thought the same, just wondering if because I retired at 60 I get an extension beyond 85.

    Perhaps Mr Coleman can help?

  14. 19 hours ago, sherwood said:

    We looked into it but decided just easier to keep her name as it is, same for the daughter. We have a new bub on the way so will maybe look into it again.

    An update would be handy if you follow through, Cheers.

    Not related to the question but as you mention children, when our daughter was born here in Thailand I wanted her to have her mother’s family name so that she wouldn’t have a mix of Thai and Anglo names.

    We were advised that because we were legally married ( in Australia) she had to take my surname.

    So we had her mother’s family name as her middle name.

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  15. On 8/12/2021 at 7:10 AM, Tarteso said:

    The only scam there is in this country,  regarding the Rent of a House or whatever you want to rent, is that you have very little chance or nothing of recovering the Deposit.  It seems that Thais takes for granted that the deposit is a GIFT… Believe me.

    I don’t believe you because its not true.

     My wife has a block of apartments she has been renting out for years.

    The next Thai who doesn’t put their hand out for the deposit will be the first.

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