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Posts posted by StevieAus

  1. On 9/29/2020 at 5:29 PM, Monkeyrobot said:

    I use mine for Lamb shanks and Beef Stroganoff, slow cookers are good for cheaper cuts of meat.

    I don’t know if lamb shanks are still considered a cheap cut of meat years ago I used to buy them in Australia for my dogs then they became trendy and the price increased dramatically.

    You can get some decent size ones from Makro my wife slow cooks with a Thai red curry sauce, delicious.

  2. 19 hours ago, Sametboy2019 said:

    Who would of thought a Thai business would of been lax to procedures? Reporting elsewhere she caught it 17 days ago before arriving. Didnt know you could pinpoint a day of infection!

    If you think that’s a lax procedure google what’s been happening recently in Melbourne Australia.


  3. 38 minutes ago, zappalot said:

    So let's assume there is a fire. You run to the fire cabinet knowing that you have not more than 1 or if lucky 2 minutes to extinguish the fire before you better run away rescuing your loved ones and yourself. Fire cabinet is locked. How do you break the glass now? Do you run back into your apartment searching for something suitable? The Clock is ticking , time is running out and you waste your time searching something to destroy the glass instead of having the equipment ready to fight the fire?


    Remember that you are also in panic.


    My understanding and recollection from a large building we occupied in Sydney was that the glass in the cabinet that houses the key can easily be broken by using your elbow.

    It is there to deter vandalism obviously if you had to find a hammer or something I agree it would defeat the object.

    • Like 2
  4. On 10/27/2020 at 3:51 AM, thaibeachlovers said:

    Not advisable to not notify home pension people as they will find out anyway.

    Not that it affects me, as I don’t receive a government pension and while I believe in the institution of marriage, if one is concerned about a reduced pension probably better to have a “Thai marriage”

    You can still protect your “wife’s“ interests by way of civil agreements, will etc.

    • Like 1
  5. On 10/26/2020 at 9:45 PM, AlfHuy said:

    Or Peterhead in Scotland.

    I lived not far away and even after 10 years, I couldn't understand a word ????

    My Thai wife and I visited the UK a few years ago and the Edinburgh Tattoo.

    We visited Glasgow and found a Thai restaurant in the city.

    A couple of the Thai staff were Speaking English with a Glaswegian accent.

    I found it quite entertaining.

    • Haha 2
  6. 22 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Using violence against children because they won't conform. Classy. 


    I think someone is starting a kind of Gofundme page so the girl can sue the Thai Karen. 


    I'd quite happily donate to it. Let's see how proud people are when it hits them in the wallet. 

    Good luck with that one, suing a Thai Karen food vendor. 
    I cannot imagine she would would have too many assets or money in the bank to pay the damages awarded.

    21 hours ago, KannikaP said:

    It sounds like the same song in the cinema as they play at 8am & 6pm on the telly.


  7. On 10/28/2020 at 8:53 AM, RotBenz8888 said:

    Begin with an IQ test, that would filter out quite a few. 

    One could be forgiven for suggesting that anyone who rides a motorbike by choice in Thailand should undergo an IQ test.

    I rode a motorbike in Australia for years but not here, it’s hard enough on four wheels but wouldn’t risk it on two.

    A couple of years ago my Thai wife and I visited her uncle who was in a Government hospital in Chiang Mai after having a motor bike accident.

    Every patient in the ward and there were plenty, were motorbike  accidents.

  8. 7 hours ago, worgeordie said:

    Health care must be bad in Laos, if you have to come

    to Cambodia for treatment, but it's good that Cambodia

    are treating the patients .

    regards Worgeordie

    I was reading an article about health care in Cambodia recently, it stated that government officials and anyone with money comes toThailand for treatment.

    • Like 1
  9. 4 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    This is effectively a cry from the Thais to the Chinese who are laundering their money outside of China. As the Chinese economy continues to suffer, we will see thousands, maybe tens of thousands of Chinese buying garbage Thai property. 

    I thought the Chinese government had clamped down on the ability to take money out of the country.

    I recall reading about it creating problems in Australia particularly Sydney where potential Chinese buyers were unable to complete the purchase of apartments for the above reason.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Actually it avoids a lot of costs when the marriage goes plunk. No legal costs if walking away.

    If one is getting a pension from home, it will probably be reduced when married. If one does not tell pension people you have a long term relationship will get single ( higher ) rate pension.


    The only cost to my knowledge is gifts for the monks and the feast for the villagers.

    Interesting point about the pension, a couple of Australian friends advised the Australian Government they were married and their retirement pensions promptly reduced.

    • Like 1
  11. 21 hours ago, johng said:

    If you call 27 C  cool then  yes its "been cool"    however I'd say the  three Thai seasons  are

    Hot and dry,Hot and Wet and Bloody Hot !!   ????

    If you read the article you will find  that it is about the North of Thailand.

    Go up into the hills and you can get 0C overnight.

    Couple of years ago we had 13oC for about a week that is cool

  12. 17 hours ago, In the jungle said:

    She lives in Barnsley.


    If you lived in Barnsley death would be an option worth considering.

    That’s not a nice thing to say about Barnsley, I remember visiting there in the early 70s when working in the UK.

    Not sure why now, but the people seemed friendly and recall that they had warm beer and coal mines if you like that sort of thing.

    • Haha 1
  13. I really believe that it varies from individual to individual and the older you are the harder it is.

    In support of that look how easily kids pick up languages.

    My problem is that I don’t seem to retain what I learn although my French is not  too bad and that was fifty odd years ago.

    However hard Thai may be I am glad that English is my first language too many words meaning the same thing and conceptual issues as well.

    I agree with Crossy having the long haired dictionary is a great advantage and the translation facility on the phone helps.

  14. 37 minutes ago, KC 71 said:

    the problem will probably be the servers at their end.It tends to happen quite frequently with these kind of providers unfortunately.

    Thanks for your response makes sense as a couple of times has been slow to connect

  15. I have been using the above provider to access UK TV programs for about two years and generally found it a pretty good service.

    Recently though a problem seems to have occurred with
    “freezing“ on a number of the stations which is getting worse.

    We have 3BB as our internet provider with fiber optic and pay for the top service.

    We have checked the internet Signal “ strength” which seems ok and have no no problems downloading movies etc from other sources.

    Just interested if anyone else using Tea Time TV has been experiencing the same problems?

  16. 21 hours ago, kingofthemountain said:

    Excuse me?

    What is that?


    What do you mean exactly by ''not formally registered'' sir ?


    The road exists, the railway too,  it's used and it's a public place since years, this location is 

    supposed to be under the responsability of someone in the area or in the matter, paid for doing the job, why the job isn't done?

    Already in 2016 


    and now the same thing happens again





    You can not just try to escape the problem like this

    please at least show some more respect to the families victims 

    they deserve better than this shameless lie

    The issue according to an article I read some time ago Is that locals often construct their own railway crossings, therefore they are not official and are un registered.

    The bigger issue as mentioned by an earlier poster is how anyone could cross a railway line, unregistered or not without looking to see if it is safe to proceed.

    However I see on a daily basis people on motorbikes and bicycles entering a major road from a minor road without looking, so I suppose why should we be surprised.

  17. On 10/9/2020 at 9:13 AM, Solinvictus said:

    I too have studied dogs. Sometimes they put their tail down. He works here too though. Damn, they are all about 'making a wrong a right.' Petty, in my view.


    But IMO, it is still a big inconvenience to not be able to bring in me own drink.

    Of all the restaurants I have visited in Thailand I have never yet had one refuse to let me bring my own wine to drink with a meal.

    Some charge a corkage most do not.

    We always make a point of asking beforehand as after all it is their restaurant.

    I have found them more flexible here than in my own country Australia.

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